She is the daughter of the architects Olga and Boris Magaš,[3][4] and was raised in Rijeka, Croatia, where she was educated at Italian elementary and secondary schools, before graduating in design from the Royal College of Art in London.[4]
From 1995 until the end of 2000 she worked at the Financial Times, as a designer, becoming Art Editor.[5]
In 2016 she was awarded Innovation Luminary for Creative Innovation by the European Commission.[11]
Since about 2015,[4] she has lived in Umeå, Sweden, and works nomadically.[5]
Magas, M., Radziwon, A., Altosaar, A., Wretblad, L., Emanuilov, I., Bertels, N., 2022. White Paper: IP and Industry Agreements towards Industry Commons. Link
Magas, M., 2022 contribution to European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Izsak, K., Terrier, A., Kreutzer, S., et al. Opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence technologies for the cultural and creative sectors. Publications Office of the European Union. Link
Magas, M., Dubber, A. and Marsden, R., 2022. Intellectual Property and the Industry Commons: Unlocking the Renaissance, in European Crew, 2022, The Next Renaissance Culture and Creativity Shaping Europe, Odile Jacob Link
Magas, M. (contributor) in Martin, C. et al, 2022. Backing Visionary Entrepreneurs: Realising the Deep-Tech Entrepreneurial Talent of Europe (Report of the EIC Expert Group on Design of the EIC Marketplace and Tech to Market Activities), European Innovation Council [1]
Michela Magas & Dimitris Kiritsis, 2021. Industry Commons: an ecosystem approach to horizontal enablers for sustainable cross-domain industrial innovation (a positioning paper), International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2021.1989514 Link
Magas, M. et al, 2021. New European Bauhaus: Concept paper by the High-Level Roundtable, European Commission. Link
Magas, M., 2020. Green Paper: CCI Innovation to Lead Beyond the Pandemic, presented at Framing Creative Futures – The 10th European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS 2020). Link
Magas, M, and Dubber, A., 2020. Expanding EOSC: Engagement of the wider public and private sectors in EOSC, Study funded by the European Union’s Horizon Programme call H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-4, Grant Agreement number 831644, 2020. Link
Magas, M. in Taisch, M., Casidsid, M.L., May, G., Morin, T.R., Padelli, V., Pinzone, M., Wuest, T. (eds)., 2020. World Manufacturing Report 2020: Manufacturing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Link
Magas, M., 2018. 7 Ingredients for the Industry Commons. Link
Magas, M. and Koek, A., Lerhman-Madsen, O., Beetz, K., Curley, M., de Waele, W., Herlitschka, S., 2016. CAF Innovation Recommendations, H2020 Work Programme 2018–2020. DG Connect Advisory Forum, European Commission.
Magas, M., Fledderus, E. and Herlitschka, S., et al. 2016. CAF's recommendations for H2020's work program 2018–2020. DG Connect Advisory Forum, European Commission.
Magas, M. and Dubber, A. 2016. Final Public Report. #MusicBricks European Commission H2020 project report.
Magas, M., van der Klauw, K. et al., 2015. Report on Analysis and Recommendations for Innovation Ecosystems: The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI). Published by the European Commission in October 2015.
Magas, M., Lidy, T., and Schindler, A., 2015. MusicBricks: Connecting digital Creators to the Internet of Music Things. ERCIM NEWS, 101, pp.39–40.
Magas, M., Laurier, C., 2014. Audio analysis system and method using audio segment characterisation. UK Intellectual Property Office Patent No. GB2523973B.Link
Magas, M., Dubber, A., Sterne, J., Baym, N., et al., 2014. Manifesto for Music Technologists. Published by Microsoft Research Link
Magas, M., Serra, X., Benetos, E., Chudy, M., Dixon, S., Flexer, A., Paytuvi, O., 2013. Roadmap for music information research. EU FP7.Link
Magas, M. and Proutskova, P., 2013. A location-tracking interface for ethnomusicological collections. Journal of New Music Research, 42(2), pp.151–160.
Magas, M., and Rea, C. 2012. Synaesthesia: Innovative music components for collaborating and creating music with objects in real space. Proceedings of the NEM Summit, Istanbul.
Magas, M. and Proutskova, P., 2009. A location-tracking interface for ethnomusicological collections. In Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces.
Magas, M., Stewart, R. and Fields, B., 2009, August. decibel 151. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Art Gallery (p. 21). ACM.
Magas, M. and Proutskova, P. 2009. Beyond the metadata, new intelligent audio content search for large music collections. Unlocking Audio 2, British Library, London, UK.
Magas, M. and Proutskova, P., 2009. A location-tracking interface for ethnomusicological collections. Proceedings of ECDL. Corfu, Greece.
Magas, M., Casey, M.A. and Rhodes, C., 2008, August. mHashup: fast visual music discovery via locality sensitive hashing. In SIGGRAPH New Tech Demos (p. 26).
Magas, M., Rhodes, C., Casey, M., d’Inverno, M., Knopke, I., and Slaney, M. 2008. Dark Media Navigation With the Audio
Vecernhi list on Živjela sam u Caritasu, jela tost. Slomila sam se kad je tata imao infarkt, no tad su me profesori ‘prošvercali’ pod studenta iz EU [28]
Dnevni avaz on Svjetski inovatori i studenti zajedničkim snagama pokreću inovativnu BiH[29]
Women in Adria Što treba da bi se bilo najinovativnija europska poduzetnica Michela Magaš?[35]
Telegram Media Group: Michela Magaš europska je inovatorica godine, a ovo je njezin prvi životni intervju za naše medije[36]
Novi list Michela Magaš osvojila nagradu EU za inovatoricu godine: Riječanka tražilicom glazbe osvaja Europu[37]
Jutarnji List: Michela magaš, ona je vjerojatno najpoznatija hrvatica za koju niste čuli Svojim je inovacijama nevjerojatno utjecala na vaše živote i učinila ih lagodnijima[38]
Telegram Media Group: Donosimo veliku vijest; Michela Magaš jučer je u Bruxellesu proglašena inovatoricom godine[39]
Jutarnji List: Hrvatica Michela Magaš osvojila je prvu nagradu za EU inovatoricu godine i 100.000 eura, ali njen laboratorij za inovacije u dizajnu je u Britaniji[40]
Poslovni dnevnik: Michela Magaš dobitnica Nagrade Europske unije za inovatorice 2017[41]