Meri Nimmo (transl. My Nimmo) is a 2018 Indian drama film directed by Rahul Ganore Shanklya and produced by Aanand L. Rai. The film stars Anjali Patil as Nimmo, and Karan Dave as Hemu, an eight-year-old boy who falls in love with a 24-year-old woman.It premiered at the 47th International Film Festival of India and the Mumbai Film Festival in 2017 where it earned critical praise.[1]Meri Nimmo was released online digitally through Eros Now on 27 April 2018.[2]
Udita Jhunjhunwala of Firstpost called the film a "uncomplicated and sweet story" but felt the runtime was stretched.[4] R. J. Alok gave a positive review and called the film "relatable".[5] Nandini Ramnath of Scroll praised the performances of Anjali Patil and Karan Dave and said that, "Despite its narrative holes, the 90-minute film has been directed with confidence and has identifiable characters."[6] Rahul Shanklya of Film Companion gave the film a rating of 3 out of 5 and said that, "It’s sweet, even when it gets repetitive (90 minutes does seem long here), because the makers don’t employ the usual crutches accompanying such themes".[7] Mayank Shekhar of Mid-Day was impressed with the film and said that, "Meri Nimmo, produced by Aanand L Rai, is a rare Hindi film that tells you as much about childhood as life in a village."[8]