The film begins in a village where Raju is a naughty slacker titled Junglee. After his father's death, he is pestered by a loan shark for his debt. Hence, Raju determines to purchase bullocks for cultivation by procuring the amount. So, he hitches to Bombay by stowing in a truck where he is acquainted with a runaway gypsy, Tarna. During the travel, they crush words to aid each other. Destiny makes them detach and quest. Tarna is aided by film director Ashok, who sculpts her as a top star—a ruffian shelters Raju, Raigiya Dada, and his sister, Kusum, who seeks to pull him. After a while, Raju spots Tarna as Meenakshi when Ashok falsely calls her his wife. Knowing Raju's arrival, Tarna rushes, but Ashok stalls her due to her status quo. Then, forlorn Raju decides to quit when, unfortunately, Raigiya Dada faces an accident and is amputated. So, Raju's words to Kusum are gratitude, but tragically, she is molested by a goon who commits suicide, Chanchal. Whereat, Raju flares, caught by police when Ashok acquits and reveals the actuality. Meanwhile, Tarna renounces her profession, surrenders the wealth to producers, and joins Raju. At last, Ashok comforts them with bullocks. Finally, the movie ends happily, with the two proceeding toward the village.