This is the story of Ayesha, a young vibrant girl who has strong beliefs, a deep understanding of religion, and respect for a traditional and respectful lifestyle. When Haris, who belongs to a liberal household with a modern outlook, meets Ayesha accidentally because of an incident, the unexpected spark between them leads to them getting married. Haris first does not want to marry her due to her pardah, but when he accidentally sees her face, he falls in love with her. His mother does not want him to marry her but finally agrees when Haris threatens to take his life. When they get married, this does not go down well with Faizan who has known Ayesha growing up, and has been in love with her since he was a teenager. However, for the sake of Aisha he tries to be happy. Aisha's sister-in-law falls in love with Faizan and marries him. Ayla, a class fellow of Haris, is in love with him and tries to take her life when Haris refuses her. Ayla fools Aisha into thinking that Haris is having an affair with her by drugging him and sending him a picture of him sleeping on her couch. This does not go well on Aisha but the couple reconciles. Aisha finds out she is pregnant. She sees Mazhar with another girl in the mall, and Mazhar who was aware of Faizi's feelings towards her, tells on her. Aisha is forced to swear on the Quran that she does not love Faizi, but she does not as this would make her God angry. Haris kicks her out and is heartbroken. Aisha goes to her father's home and is upset. Haris realises the truth when Faizi tells him. Ayla's truth is also brought forward. Haris goes to Aisha so that she forgives him. They have a car accident and Ayesha has a miscarriage and falls into a coma. Haris is shocked to know that he has lost both his unborn child and Ayesha. He goes to a mazaar and prays. Ayesha wakes up and starts crying for loss of her child. When Haris comforts her, they sit side-by-side which indicates a happy ending.
The conflict between Ayesha whose faith is her guiding light, and her in-laws who are far more liberal in their approach, starts as soon as she moves in with them and slowly takes over her whole life.