Cavalry Company of the headquarters of the IX Corps, Verification Committee of Istanbul Central Command 6th Cavalry Division, 14th Cavalry Division, 1st Cavalry Division, member of the Military Court of Cassation
^T.C. Genelkurmay Harp Tarihi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Türk İstiklâl Harbine Katılan Tümen ve Daha Üst Kademelerdeki Komutanların Biyografileri, Genkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1972, p. 138. (in Turkish) (T.Ç. Head of the General Staff Military History Publications, Biographies of Commanders and Higher-Level Commanders Participating in the Turkish Independence War, Genkurmay Head Press, Ankara)