Ollie, poised to marry the daughter of a wealthy oil magnate named Peter Cucumber, finds himself embroiled in a series of comedic misadventures alongside his friend, Stan, who serves as the best man. Stan's wedding present, a jigsaw puzzle, inadvertently becomes the focal point of their morning, captivating the attention of various individuals including a taxi driver, Ollie's butler, and a telegram delivery boy. As the completion of the puzzle eludes them, tensions rise, culminating in Cucumber's ire at the delay of his daughter's nuptials.
The scenario unfolds further as a confrontation ensues, leading to a police raid and subsequent arrests, sparing only Stan and Ollie who manage to conceal themselves. Amidst the tumult, the puzzle, symbolic of their predicament, is accidentally destroyed. Ollie's fortunes take a downturn with news of a financial crash affecting his investments in "The Great International Horsecollar Corporation," prompting a heated exchange between the friends.
Despite Stan's hopeful reassurances, Ollie's frustration reaches its zenith, leading to a decisive expulsion of Stan from the premises. Ultimately, amidst the discord and upheaval, Stan unwittingly discovers the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle.