Ava Zaina and Alexis Valora McClure (born July 12, 2013), known as the McClure twins, are YouTube personalities. The identical twin sisters are best known for their 2016 viral video Twins Realize They Look the Same.[2] In 2017, the McClure Twins were named the youngest members of Forbes' “Top Kid Influencers.” they and one of That Girl Lay Lay's stage dancers, called Zion have made a song called, “We're young with something to say” and performed it in 2024. They have a lot of videos, and over 1 million subscribers on their channel, “The McClure Twins”.[3]
Life and career
Ava and Alexis were born in Paterson, New Jersey to Aminat “Ami” Dunni Ahmed [4] and Jeff Pestka.[5] Ami later divorced Jeff and married Justin McClure in July 2015. McClure adopted the twins shortly thereafter in 2016. In November 2017, the couple had a son, Jersey Tayo McClure.[6] Following the twins' viral YouTube video, Twins Realize They Look the Same, Justin and Ami developed the family's YouTube channel, "The Mighty McClures."[7] The family lives in Atlanta, Georgia.[8]