The show follows a similar format to that of the British version. A total of 12 celebrities compete, split into two groups of 6 for the first episodes, with everyone competing at once starting from the fifth episode. The contestants are paired up in one-on-one duels, with the loser of each duel being up for elimination. The least voted contestant is unmasked and eliminated from the competition.
Some episodes include guest masked performers who reveal themselves after their performance.[2]
Panelists and host
Arturo Valls serves as the show's host, and is joined by a permanent panel of 'investigators' composed of actors Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi and comedian José Mota. Some episodes also feature guest panelists. Opera singer Ainhoa Arteta was initially slated to be in the panel, but pulled out due to delays in production caused by the coronavirus pandemic and was replaced by Malú. Also, Vanesa Martín stood in for Malú when she missed a taping due to injury and Eva González appeared as a guest investigator.[3][4][5][6][7]
Season one winner, Paz Vega, replaced singer Malú as investigator in season two, after she opted out in order to coach on La Voz. On 13 January 2022, it was confirmed Ambrossi and Calvo would return for their third series as investigators, joined by Mónica Naranjo and Ana Obregón. In July 2023, it was confirmed that season four would see Ambrossi and Calvo as panelists once again, whereas Naranjo and Obregón would be replaced by season three participants; Alaska and Ana Milán.[8]