Some of his works with the year of publication include:
Notices to die well. Milan, 1552.
Brief compendium for properly examining conscience in the judgment of sacramental confession. Now again corrected and added. Valence: John May, 1582; other ed. Pamplona, 1612; Valencia: John May, 1567 and Valladolid,
Christian doctrine in the Arabic-Spanish language composed and printed by order of the Most Illustrious and Reverend Mr. D. Martin Perez de Ayala, Archbishop of Valencia, for the instruction of the new converts of the Kingdom. Valence: John May, 1556; published afterwards under the title Catechism for the instruction of newly converted Moors. Valencia: Peter Patrick May,
Compendium declaration of what the knights of the Order of James... Milan, 1552, are obliged to keep.
The Concilium Valentiae Celebratum Anno MDLXV. Valencia: Peter Patrick May,
Of Divine, Apostolic, and Ecclesiasticis traditionibus, which authorizes ac viearum sacrosancta assertions, his book decems. Cologne: Heirs of John Quentel, 1560; other editions: Colonies: Gasparem Genneperum, 1549; Paris: S. Julian, 1562; Valence: Benedict Monfort, 1726; Venice, 1551.
Dilucidarum quaestionum super quinque universalia Porphyrii iuxta three ways in scholarly receptivity with explanatory text. Granada, 1537.
Discourse of the life of the Most Illustrious and Reverend Mr. D. Martin Perez de Ayala... Buenos Aires-Mexico: Espasa-Calpe, 1947; other editions, in: Manuel Serrano y Sanz, Autobiographies and Memoirs of Spaniards of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Madrid: Bailly-Bailiere, 1905, p. 211-2
Christian doctrine for those who understand already something more than what Indians are usually taught by way of dialogue. Milan, 1554.
The instructed Christian catechumen. Milan, 1552.
Life and deeds of Friar Peter Alfonso, knight of James and Prior of Uclés and St. Mark of Leon. Ms.