Marianna Ivashina is since 2017 Full Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, where she is head of the antenna systems research group at the Department of Electrical Engineering. Her research interests are electromagnetic design of antennas for future wireless communication and sensor systems, e.g., 5G base-stations, satellites, radars, radio telescopes, automated/cooperative systems. This includes various antenna types and technologies, such as active beamforming array antennas, MIMO antennas, high-gain reflector antennas and focal plane arrays, unconventional array architectures such as irregular, thinned and sparse arrays. An important part of her current research is integration and packaging of antennas with ICs as well as Over-The-Air (OTA) characterization of antenna systems, including system effects of signal processing and propagation.
She is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, and a European School of Antennas Board member
Marianna Ivashina has published about 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles in Chalmers Research database (September 2018).[1]
"Phased Arrays for Radio Astronomy, Remote Sensing, and Satellite Communications”,[2] K. Warnick, R. Maaskant, M. Ivashina, D. Davidson, and B. Jeffs, Cambridge University Press, 2018/7/31. ISBN9781108539258
Awards and prizes
Marianna Ivashina has received several scientific awards, including the URSI Young Scientists Award for GA URSI, Toronto, Canada (1999), APS/IEEE Travel Grant, Davos, Switzerland (2000), the 'Best team contribution' Paper Award at the ESA Antenna Workshop (2008), the International Qualification Fellowship of the European FP7 Marie Curie Actions – Swedish VINMER Program (2009), and numerous research project funding grants from national Swedish funding agencies [e.g. Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems VINNOVA, Swedish Research Council VR, Swedish National Space Board] as well as European Space Agency and European Commission (e.g. Basic Technology and Earth Observations programs, and Horizon2020 MCA program).