She obtained her doctorate in law and human rights at the University of Deusto in 2017 with the thesis "The processes of truth, justice and reparation for victims of forced disappearance in the Western Sahara conflict", directed by Carlos Martín Beristain and Felipe Gomez Isa.[8] In 2018 she was awarded the Brunet Prize for the best doctoral thesis on human rights, awarded by the Jaime Brunet Foundation.[1][9][10]
She is currently part of the EU project Gearing Roles (Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to transform Gender ROLES), on the equality of men and women in the university environment, equality plans and the situation of women in teaching and research.[17][18]
Guide for incorporating the gender perspective in teaching and research, 2021.
Truth, justice and reparation processes for victims of forced disappearance in Western Sahara, 2019.[19][20]
Local human development: from theory to practice: the cases of sugar conversion in Holguín (Cuba) and the Sahrawi camps of Tindouf, 2011.[21]
Book chapters
"Equality policies in universities", in Gender and politics: new lines of analysis in the face of the fourth feminist wave, 2022.
"Feminism and decentralized cooperation: the experience of the National Union of Sahrawi Women and the Basque Support Network for the UNMS", in Sahrawi Women: Three Tuizas for the memory of the resistance, 2016.
"Right to active and passive suffrage in elections in the European Parliament", in The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and its reflection in the Spanish legal system, 2014.
"Feminism and decentralized cooperation: experience of the National Union of Sahrawi Women and the Basque Support Network for the UNMS", in Cooperation and local human development: challenges from gender equality and social participation, 2011.
Academic articles
"The contribution of data to feminist transformation of women’s rights to health", Feminismo/s, 2023.
"Navigating the pandemic: Gendered perspectives on vulnerability, resilience and institutional change", Papers: revista de sociología, 2023.
"Identidad, memorias y nuevas tecnologías", Civitas Europa: revista jurídica sobre la evolución de la nación y del estado en Europa, 2022.
"The Western Sahara Conflict: impact on Sahrawi people´s human rights: intended solidarity or breach of international responsibility", Spanish yearbook of international law, 2022.
"New technologies for the promotion and defense of human rights", Revista española de derecho internacional, 2021.
"The role of European institutions in the defense of human rights in the Western Sahara", Estudios de Deusto: revista de Derecho Público, 2016.
"Migration and vulnerability: Challenges, implications and difficulties faced by the sahrawi migrant population", The Age of Human Rights Journal, 2016.
Other articles and opinion
"Vicarious violence: the difficulties of detecting one of the cruelest forms of mistreatment of women", The Conversation, 2023.
"Trabajo social e inteligencia artificial: ¿amenaza u oportunidad?", The Conversation, 2023.
"En el conflicto con España, Argelia tiene el derecho internacional de su parte", Público, 2022.
"Claves para entender la decisión de España sobre el Sáhara: ¿qué y quién está detrás?", Ethics, 2022.