The Malawi Prison Band, also known as the Malawi Police Band, is a music group composed of prisoners and officers from the Malawi Prison Service.[1] In 2016 the group was nominated for the Grammy Award.[2][3][4]
Early life
The Malawi Prison Band was formed in 2008 by a group of prisoners at Zomba Central Prison, with the support of prison officers. The band's initial purpose was to provide entertainment for prisoners and staff, but it soon gained popularity and began performing at public events and festivals. The band's project titled I Have No Everything Here, which was recorded in the prison in January was nominated for the Best World Music Album in 2015.[1][5][6]
The band was formed largely to entertain the inmates at the prison, which already at the time had the Malawi Prison Brass Band.[1]
Band members
The band consists of prisoners and officers from various prisons in Malawi. Members include singers, instrumentalists, and dancers. The band's leader is a prison officer who oversees the group's activities and performances.[1]
Achievements (awards)
The Malawi Prison Band has achieved significant success, both locally and internationally. They have released several albums, and their music has been featured on BBC Radio and other international platforms. In 2014, they won the Best Traditional Music Award at the Malawi Music Awards.[1]
Despite their success, the Malawi Prison Band faces several challenges, including limited resources, inadequate equipment, and the stigma associated with being a prison band. Additionally, members often face difficulties in balancing their music careers with their prison sentences and rehabilitation programs.[1]
The Malawi Prison Band's objectives include:
Providing entertainment and rehabilitation for prisoners and staff
Promoting Malawian culture and traditional music
Reducing recidivism through music and arts programs
Building bridges between prisoners and the community
The Malawi Prison Band envisions a future where music and arts programs are an integral part of the rehabilitation process in Malawian prisons, and where their music is recognized and celebrated globally.
Type of music
The band's music style is a fusion of traditional Malawian music and modern genres like pop and rock. They have performed at various festivals, including the Lake of Stars Festival and the Blantyre Arts Festival. The band has collaborated with international artists, including the Scottish band, The Treacherous Orchestra. They have also performed at high-profile events, such as the Malawi Independence Day celebrations.[1]