Abū Saʿīd Sharaf ibn al-Muʾayyad ibn Abī l-Fatḥ al-Baghdādī (1170–1219), best known as Majd al-Din Baghdadi, was an important Sufishaykh ("master") of the Kubrawiya school of Sufism. Baghdadi's students included Najm al-Din Razi (died 1256) and Razi al-Din Ali Lala (died 1244).[1] His most significant work was Tuḥfat al-barara fī l-masāʾil al-ʿashara ("The gift of the pious in ten questions"), written in Arabic. Baghdadi also wrote several Persian works, including Risāla fī l-safar ("Treatise on [spiritual] travel"), as well as poems and letters.[1]