Some time during the 1930s amidst the Second Sino-Japanese War, Chinese secret agent Fok Ming-ming is sent to Kaa Yi near Tibet to investigate the Japanese occupation that has been set up there. Ming-ming meets with Secret Agent 001, another Chinese secret agent who is to be her contact in Kaa Yi. They first run into a conman and then a rebellious princess, Chin-chin, who join them on their adventures.
Ming-ming and her friends discover that the Japanese occupation plans to convert the town into a weapons manufacturing site, but they are captured before they can warn the locals. Before the group are to be executed (along with Youda, Chin-chin's lover and a local aristocrat who stands up to the Japanese despite initially colluding with them), the locals chant for their release and the local Kaa Yi army turns on the Japanese, firing at the Japanese command and freeing Ming-ming and her friends. The once peaceful citizens of Kaa Yi then prepare to defend their town against the Imperial Japanese Army, under the guidance of Ming-ming and her friends.
Louder Than War described the film as having an "Indiana Jones flavour" and praised the film as "rip-roaring stuff."[2]Starburst gave the film three stars and said it featured "some of the finest stunt work of this golden period."[3]
Five years later, The Michelle Yeoh Collection DVD were released on 9 January 2006 at 3 disc set including two films they were: Police Assassins and Wing Chun.[citation needed]
On 20 February 2023, Eureka Video UK released the film on Blu-ray as a limited edition release.[2] Extras included commentary tracks from Asian cinema expert Frank Djeng and action cinema experts Mike Leeder and Arne Venema, vintage interviews with Yeoh, and the original theatrical cut complete with its original end credit ending.[2] This followed the earlier US release on 13 December 2022 by 88 Films with similar extras.[citation needed]