Madres. Amor y vida is a Spanish medical drama television series created by Aitor Gabilondo and Joan Barbero. Produced by Mediaset España in collaboration with Alea Media, it premiered in 2020 on Amazon Prime Video.
The series follows a group of women with something in common: their children are hospitalized.[1]
Created by Aitor Gabilondo and Joan Barbero,[10]Madres. Amor y vida is produced by Mediaset España in collaboration with Alea Media.[6] Mediterráneo Mediaset España is the series' distributor.[6] The 26 episodes corresponding to the first and second season were shot in Madrid.[11] Consisting of 13 episodes, the first season premiered on Amazon Prime Video on 8 May 2020.[12][13]
The first season of the series premiered on 9 September 2020 on Telecinco.[14] The second season was released on Amazon Prime Video on 13 November 2020.[6] Despite the bad viewership ratings of the first season's free-to-air broadcasting run on Telecinco (which forced the channel to bring forward the finale in order to make room for new programming leaving 5 unaired episodes), Mediaset España renovated the series for a third season, also ordering the creators to work in a potential fourth season, conceived as a sort of spin-off.[8][15]
Featuring 8 episodes,[16] season 3 premiered on Amazon Prime Video on 23 September 2021.[17]