Jangaiah is an aspiring police constable who lives with his brother, Komaraiah who is an auto driver and his wife, Lachimi. Their neighbours are a drunkard and his wife. They live in a village which has rumours of someone performing dark magic and chethabadi (witchcraft).
The village also has a sarpanch who is ruthless and hated by everyone. The sarpach also troubles the women in the village and also the drunkard’s wife. When a fight happens between sarpanch’s men and drunkard, Komaraiah pleads the sarpanch to release him. After a few days, the sarpanch mysteriously dies in a car crash.
In another instance, one pregnant lady of the village, Kavitha suddenly gets labour pains and dies in the hospital. When the family of the woman visit a village tantrik, he tells them that someone performed black magic on her and that the culprit has to perform the last stage of the process near the dead body and asks the family to keep an eye out for anyone near the dead body.
The family gives money to Malli, a watchman, to immediately inform them if someone comes near the dead body. Komaraiah enters the cemetery at this time for his usual business of going to latrine. By seeing this, the brother of the woman suddenly comes to the scene and kills Komaraiah by burning him alive.
After he dies, Jangaiah tries to investigate into the case and files a case in the court. It becomes a hit media sensation. Just as the case was about to go in his favour, he withdraws his case. When confronted about why he withdrew his case, he reveals to Lachimi and his neighbour that his brother is the one that performed black magic on the girl and also on the sarpanch.
Komaraih during his childhood, grew up with his uncle who taught him black magic. He was in love with the woman when he was in school and one time when she boarded his auto, he couldn’t contain seeing her happy. He decided to perform black magic on her and killed her.
It is later revealed that Komaraiah is still alive and it was Malli who caught fire and died.
A reviewer of 123 Telugu wrote "It doesn’t make for a good viewership for the family audience, owing to the adult content. But if you like realistic drama, you might give it a try".[5] A reviewer of Eenadu wrote "should be put It is a mistake to think that only young people want to watch OTT movie. In today's situation where internet is available at every house, it is a bit embarrassing to watch this movie with the whole family!".[6] Srivathsan Nadadhur from OTT Play wrote "Maa Oori Polimera is another small film to spring a surprise on OTT. Despite having only a handful of familiar faces, the director Anil Vishwanath packs a punch with a taut thriller bolstered by fine performances and a riveting screenplay. Watch out for Satyam Rajesh in what's certain to be one of his finest performances, if not the best. This one is worthy of your time!"[7]