He studied medicine in Lyon obtaining his doctorate in 1896. In 1898 he earned his agrégation in surgery, later being assigned as a surgeon to Lyon hospitals (1901). In 1914 he became a professor of clinical surgery, and from 1923 to 1940 served as director of the cancer centre in Lyon (later named the "Centre Léon-Bérard" in his honor).[1]
He was a member of the Société de chirurgie de Lyon and of the Société nationale de médecine et des sciences médicales de Lyon. From 1946 to 1956 he was a corresponding member of the Académie des sciences.[1]
Selected works
Contribution à l'anatomie et à la chirurgie du goître : parallèle entre la thyroïdectomie partielle, les énucléations et l'exothyropexie, 1896 (under the direction of Antonin Poncet) – Contribution to the anatomy and surgery of goiter: Parallel partial thyroidectomy between enucleation and exothyropexy.
Traité clinique de l'actinomycose humaine, pseudo-actinomycose et botryomycose, 1899 (with Antonin Poncet) – Clinical treatise on human actinomycosis, pseudo-actinomycosis and botryomycosis.
Cancer de l'oesophage, 1927 – Cancer of the esophagus.
Affections chirurgicales du corps thyroïde, 1929 – Surgical diseases of the thyroid gland.[2]