2006 British TV series or program
Low Winter Sun is a two-part British crime drama miniseries that first aired on Channel 4 in 2006. It was aired in the United States by BBC America. The series, written by Simon Donald, stars Mark Strong as Detective Sergeant Frank Agnew, a police officer who murders a fellow officer and believes he has committed the perfect crime. The miniseries was later adapted into a 10-episode series by AMC, with Strong reprising his role as Detective Agnew.[1][2][3]
Detective Sergeant Frank Agnew and his colleague DS Joe Geddes kill a fellow detective, Brendan McCann, whom Agnew believes is responsible for the murder of his girlfriend. They stage the crime to make it look like a suicide, but soon their actions spiral out of control and they find themselves caught up in a web of deceit, betrayal, and murder.
Andrew Anthony of The Observer praised the series, declaring it 'A splendid, if bleak and brutal, piece of stylised realism' and saying 'I doubt that there is an actor working in Britain who does taut and intense better than Strong'.[4]
Awards and nominations
External links