Lost in Blue (Survival Kids in Japan) is a series of survival video games published by Konami. They revolve around the main characters being castaways on a desert island and being forced to scavenge for survival. The series saw two Game Boy Color releases starting in 1999, only one of which was localized, before going on a five-year hiatus. It then saw several Nintendo DS installments, adopting a new localized name, Lost in Blue. Following the release of a Wii installment of the series, it went on indefinite hiatus.
Survival Kids, known as Stranded Kids in Europe and Survival Kids: Kotou no Boukensha ("Adventurer of the Solitary Island") in Japan, is a Game Boy Color game developed by Konami that was released in 1999. At this point, the series did not yet have its localized title, Lost in Blue.
Survival Kids 2: Escape the Twin Islands
Survival Kids 2: Escape the Twin Islands (Survival Kids 2: Dasshutsu! Futago Shima in Japan) was released only in Japan on July 19, 2000, but received a fan translation into English on April 9, 2015.[1] Like the original, it featured multiple endings, but also added multiple openings and Game Link Cable support.[2]
Lost in Blue was released in 2005 for the Nintendo DS. The game follows two young teenagers, Keith and Skye, who struggle for survival on a deserted island. The player must learn to use the island's natural resources to create a makeshift home away from home.
Lost in Blue 2 was developed by Matrix Software and released for the Nintendo DS in 2007. It follows Jack and Amy, two teenagers who have been shipwrecked on a deserted island.
Lost in Blue 3 (Original Title: Survival Kids: 小さな島の大きな秘密!?, directly translates to "Survival Kids: The Big Secret of the Small Island!?") was developed by Matrix Software for the Nintendo DS. It was released on December 20, 2007 in Japan with the North American version released on March 18, 2008.