Loo of the Year Awards

Loo of the Year Awards
Awarded forRecognising the best toilets in Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands
CountryUnited Kingdom
First awarded1987; 38 years ago (1987)

The Loo of the Year Awards are run to celebrate the best public toilets in the United Kingdom, and promote high standards.

The awards competition receives sponsorship from a number of companies involved in providing products and services to washroom providers.


First introduced in 1987, the Loo of the Year Awards competition has run annually, except for 1993.

Eligibility criteria

Any type of public facility ('away from home' toilet) can be nominated for consideration. There are sixty one award categories. Eligible facilities can be located in England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland.

Anyone can submit a nomination—staff, customers, visitors, managers, owners or contractors—but owners or managers must authorise entries.

Judging criteria

After an unannounced inspection from an authorised Loo of the Year Awards Inspector, nominees are graded on a scale from Bronze to Diamond. Grades are awarded based on 101 criteria, and are judged on both male and female facilities, as well as any baby changing and accessible facilities provided. The criteria include cleanliness, decor, signage, accessibility and customer care.[1]


Awards are given in one of sixty three categories. An entrant receiving a Diamond or possibly a Platinum grading will be considered for one a number of major national awards in each of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland:

  • National Category Winners (up to sixty-three categories in each country)
  • National Accessible Toilet Winner
  • National (Baby) Changing Facilities Winner
  • Public Toilet Entries – National Winner
  • Individual Category Entries – National Winner
  • Changing Places Toilet Entries – National Winner
  • Space to Change Toilet Entries – National Winner
  • Eco Friendly Toilet – National Winner
  • Local Authority Award – National Winner
  • Toilets in Education – National Winner
  • Hygiene Room – National Winner

Other awards include:

Individual UK Loo of the Year Trophy
The winner of this award is selected from one of the eight national winners in the Public Toilet Entries and the Individual Category Entries categories above.
UK Corporate Provider Trophy
The winner of this award is selected from organizations or authorities entering ten or more different locations and winning five or more five-star awards.
Champions' League – Standards of Excellence Awards
This award is presented to organizations or local authorities winning five or more five-star awards and who, in the inspectors' opinion, are maintaining a consistently high standard of management in all their Loo of the Year Awards entries.
Local Authority Premier League
Membership in the League is granted to the top twenty local authority public toilet providers.
Washroom Technician of the Year Awards
These "people awards" are open to all full-time techbicians, as well as employed washroom technicians and retained washroom technician contractors. Separate Washroom Technician of the Year Award Certificates are awarded in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with Commended and National Winners for each country.

In addition, the overall UK winner (either an individual, in-house washroom technician teams or external washroom technician contractor teams) is awarded the UK Washroom Technician of The Year Trophy.

Overall "Loo of the Year" trophy winners

Gatwick Airport toilets in 2018; the airport was the 2016 "Loo of the Year" winner[2]

The winner of this category is presented with a Golden Loo Seat Trophy.

Year Winner[3] Sector
1987 Hatton Gardens Hotel, Upton St Leonards Hospitality
1988 The Lido, Worthing Local Authority
1989 Children's World Stores Retail
1990 Eagle and Child, Gwaenysgor, N.Wales Hospitality
1991 Grampian Road, Aviemore, Scotland Local Authority
1992 Welcome Break Services, M3, Farnborough Transport
1993 No Competition
1994 Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon Heritage
1995 City of Westminster Council Local Authority
1996 Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Heritage
1997 The Manor Hotel, St. Albans Hospitality
1998 Eurotunnel, Folkestone Transport
1999 The National Trust, Gibside Estate, Tyne & Wear Heritage
2000 The Oracle, Reading Retail
2001 JD Weatherspoon Hospitality
2002 East Lothian Council, Scotland Local Authority
2003 The Eden Project, Bodelva, Cornwall Leisure
2004 The Highland Council, Scotland Local Authority
2005 Moto Hospitality Transport
2006 The Camping and Caravaning Club Holiday Parks
2007 The Trafford Centre, Manchester Retail
2008 Asda Stores Retail
2009 McDonald's Hospitality
2010 JD Wetherspoon Hospitality
2011 Ceredigion County Council Local Authority
2012 Staffordshire County Council Local Authority
2013 Brighton & Hove City Council Local Authority
2014 Danfo UK Local Authority
2015 We Clean Cleaning & FM
2016 Gatwick Airport Transport
2017 ABM Cleaning & FM
2018 J D Wetherspoon Hospitality
2019 Intu Retail
2020 Wychavon District Council Local Authority
2021 Paultons Park Leisure
2022 Mitie Cleaning and Facility Management
2023 Hillcroft Holiday Park Holiday Parks
2024 The Centre, Livingston Retail

See also


  1. ^ "Inspection Criteria". www.loo.co.uk. Retrieved 31 August 2018.
  2. ^ "The best toilet in the UK REVEALED - and it's in an AIRPORT". Express.co.uk. 14 December 2016. Retrieved 31 August 2018.
  3. ^ "Hall of Fame". www.loo.co.uk. Retrieved 8 March 2020.

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