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Marian Nixon Marian Nixon, nome d'arte di Marian Nissinen (Superior, 20 ottobre 1904 – Los Angeles, 13 febbraio 1983), è stata un'attrice statunitense. Indice 1 Biografia 2 Premi e riconoscimenti 3 Filmografia 4 Bibliografia 5 Voci correlate 6 Altri progetti 7 Collegamenti esterni Biografia Iniziò a lavorare nel mondo dello spettacolo come ballerina di rivista ed esordì nel cinema nel 1923, apparendo in parti di rilievo soprattutto in western interpretati con Buck Jones. Nel 1924 fu scel...
Front BaratBagian dari Perang Dunia ITentara Britania terluka di Bernafay Wood selama Pertempuran Somme, 19 Juli 1916.Tanggal4 Agustus 1914 – 11 November 1918(4 tahun, 3 bulan dan 1 minggu)LokasiBelgia, timur laut Prancis, Alsace-Lorraine (sekarang Prancis) dan barat JermanHasil Kemenangan menentukan Entente Gencatan senjata CompiègnePihak terlibat Kekuatan Sekutu: Prancis Kekaisaran kolonial Prancis Imperium Britania Australia Bermuda Kanada India New...
Foto Franny Choi Franny Choi adalah seorang penulis dan penyair queer keturunan Korea-Amerika. Dia telah menerbitkan banyak puisinya yang berfokus pada aktivis sosial dan kesetaraan. Puisinya memenangkan banyak penghargaan dan ditayangkan di banyak jurnal dan majalah. Dia telah berkompetisi di banyak kompetisi poetry slam di mana dikenal sebagai penyair. DIa juga dikenal karena menulis puisi untuk Lil Wayne.[1] Kehidupan Pribadi Dia tinggal di Northampton, Massachuhets.[2] Ket...

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Logos and uniforms of the Los Angeles Lakers – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The logos and uniforms of the Los Angeles Lakers have gone through many changes throughout the history o...

2013 GP2 Series Drivers' Champion: Fabio Leimer Teams' Champion: Russian Time Previous 2012 Next 2014 Parent series:Formula OneSupport series:GP3 Series Racing scene from Belgium The 2013 GP2 Series season was the forty-seventh season of the second-tier of Formula One feeder championship and also ninth season under the GP2 Series moniker, a support series to the 2013 Formula One World Championship. The 2013 season saw three new teams — Russian Time, Hilmer Motorsport and MP Motorsport...

Official of the European Union High Representative redirects here. For other uses, see High Representative (disambiguation). High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairsand Security Policy Bulgarian: Върховен представител на Съюза по въпросите на външните работи и политиката на сигурност Croatian: Visoki predstavnik Unije za vanjske poslove i sigurnosnu politiku Czech: Vysoký představitel Unie pro zahraničn...

Swiss male curler Jürg HornisbergerCurler ♂TeamCurling clubCC Lausanne-Riviera, Lausanne[1]Curling career Member Association SwitzerlandWorld Championshipappearances3 (1980, 1981, 1982)European Championshipappearances3 (1978, 1981, 1982)Other appearancesWorld Junior Championships: 1 (1977) Medal record Curling World Championships 1981 London 1982 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1980 Moncton European Championships 1978 Aviemore 1981 Grindelwald 1982 Kirkcaldy Swiss Men's Champi...

Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer (1891–1956) Babasaheb and Ambedkar redirect here. For other uses, see Babasaheb (title) and Ambedkar (disambiguation). B. R. AmbedkarAmbedkar in the 1950s1st Minister of Law and JusticeIn office15 August 1947 – 6 October 1951PresidentRajendra PrasadGovernors GeneralLouis MountbattenC. RajagopalachariPrime MinisterJawaharlal NehruPreceded byPosition establishedSucceeded byCharu Chandra BiswasMember of Parliament, Rajya Sabha...

Really Don't CareSingel oleh Demi Lovato featuring Cher Lloyddari album DemiDirilis20 Mei 2014 (2014-05-20)Format CD unduhan digital GenreDance-popDurasi3:21LabelHollywoodPenciptaDemi LovatoCarl FalkSavan KotechaRami YacoubCher LloydProduserCarl FalkRami YacoubKronologi singel Demi Lovato Somebody to You (2014) Really Don't Care (2014) Up (2014) Kronologi singel Cher Lloyd Sirens(2014) Really Don't Care(2014) Activated(2016) Really Don't Care merupakan lagu yang dinyanyikan ole...

Teti convoca Briareo affinché soccorra Zeus dalla ribellione degli altri Olimpi. Calcografia di Tommaso Piroli (1795) da disegno di John Flaxman (1793) Briareo è una figura della mitologia greca, figlio di Urano e Gea. Indice 1 Miti su Briareo 2 Briareo nella cultura 3 Note 4 Bibliografia 5 Altri progetti 6 Collegamenti esterni Miti su Briareo Era uno dei mostri con cinquanta teste e cento braccia, gli Ecatonchiri o Centimani. Esiodo nella Teogonia narra che Poseidone vista la gran forza di...

2016年美國總統選舉 ← 2012 2016年11月8日 2020 → 538個選舉人團席位獲勝需270票民意調查投票率55.7%[1][2] ▲ 0.8 % 获提名人 唐納·川普 希拉莉·克林頓 政党 共和黨 民主党 家鄉州 紐約州 紐約州 竞选搭档 迈克·彭斯 蒂姆·凱恩 选举人票 304[3][4][註 1] 227[5] 胜出州/省 30 + 緬-2 20 + DC 民選得票 62,984,828[6] 65,853,514[6]...

Chinese politician in the 19th century Not to be confused with Wu Dechang. Wu Dacheng Wu Dacheng (1835–1902)[1] was a Chinese politician, governor, author, artist, and collector during the Qing dynasty.[2] Life Wu grew up in a scholarly home.[2] While living in Suzhou, he succeeded the imperial examination. In the next two decades, he had many jobs and positions.[3] One of the positions included being a Qing officer.[4] Governor of Hunan Dacheng w...
Small booths offering goods and services This article is about the type of building. For other uses, see Kiosk (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Kiosk – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (August 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Late Art Nouveau kiosk...

This article is about the food. For other uses, see Kidney (disambiguation). Roasted lamb kidneys The kidneys of animals are a commonly consumed offal.[1] The kidneys can be grilled, sautéed, roasted or braised.[2] They can be used in cooking meat casseroles, stews or pies.[3] Typically used in cooking are beef, veal, lamb and pork kidneys.[4][5] Chicken kidneys are used in cooking, too,[6][7] but fowl kidneys are very small and general...

Sporting event delegationCanada at theParapan American GamesFlag of CanadaIPC codeCANNPCCanadian Paralympic CommitteeWebsitewww.paralympic.caMedalsRanked 5th Gold 155 Silver 168 Bronze 165 Total 488 Parapan American Games appearances (overview)1999200320072011201520192023 Canada has sent athletes to every celebration of the Parapan American Games. The Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC) is the National Paralympic Committee for Canada.[1] Hosting the Games Canada has hosted the Games o...

Questa voce sull'argomento calciatori italiani è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Egisto BettiNazionalità Italia Calcio RuoloDifensore CarrieraSquadre di club1 1926-1927 Pistoiese? (?)1929-1935 Pistoiese64 (0)1935-1937 Salernitana51 (0)1937-1938 Cerignola? (?)1938-1939 Palmese? (?) 1 I due numeri indicano le presenze e le reti segnate, per le sole partite di ...

In Corea del Nord non esiste alcuna possibilità di visibilità per la comunità LGBT e nessun movimento favorevole al riconoscimento dei diritti LGBT è operante all'interno del Paese, anche se il codice penale non sembra affrontare espressamente il tema riguardante l'omosessualità o l'argomento riguardante trans e bisessuali[1]. In questo paese, rimane impossibile qualsiasi movimento politico o a sostegno dei diritti umani, a prescindere che si tratti di movimenti LGBT o non. Sin d...

Pontianak beralih ke halaman ini. Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Pontianak (disambiguasi). Kota PontianakIbu kota provinsiTranskripsi bahasa daerah • Jawiكوتا ڤونتيانق • Hanzi坤甸 • HakkaKhuntîenMonumen Khatulistiwa PontianakPatung Enggang BadakGereja Katedral St. JosephMasjid Raya MujahidinRumah MelayuVihara Kwan Im LambangJulukan: Kota Khatulistiwa, Kota KuntilanakKota PontianakPetaTampilkan peta KalimantanKota PontianakKota Pontianak...

Voce principale: Campionato mondiale di Formula 1 2013. Gran Premio d'Australia 2013 879º GP del Mondiale di Formula 1Gara 1 di 19 del Campionato 2013 Data 17 marzo 2013 Nome ufficiale LXXVIII Rolex Australian Grand Prix Luogo Circuito Albert Park Percorso 5,303 km / 3,295 US mi Circuito stradale cittadino Distanza 58 giri, 307,574 km/ 191,118 US mi Clima Coperto con leggera pioggia intermittente Risultati Pole position Giro più veloce Sebastian Vettel Kimi Räikkönen Red Bull Racin...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant un écrivain français. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Henry RoujonHenry Roujon en habit vert lors de sa réception à l'Académie française en 1912FonctionFauteuil 28 de l'Académie française16 février 1911 - 1er juin 1914Henri BarbouxLouis BarthouBiographieNaissance 1er septembre 1853Ancien 3e arrondissement de ParisDécès 1er juin 1914 (à 60 a...