Litti Chokha is a 2021 Bhojpuri-language drama film directed by Parag Patil and produced by Pradeep K Sharma under banner of "Baba Motion Pictures Pvt Ltd" with co-produced by Anita Sharma and Padam Singh.[2] The film features Khesari Lal Yadav and Kajal Raghwani in the lead role, with Manoj Tiger, Padam Singh, Pragati Bhatt, Dev Singh, Karan Pandey, Priti Singh, Shruti Rao, Prakash Jais, and Vikash Singh Virappan appearing in supporting roles.[1][3]
The film was released on 9 April 2021 in all theatres.[4]
Music of this film was composed by Om Jha, Manjesh Chaurasiya[5] and Madhukar Anand and lyrics written by Kundan Preet, Pyare Lal Yadav, Shyam Dehati, Yadav Raj, Uma Lal Yadav, Ashutosh Tiwari and Tun Tun Yadav. Background music scored by Chandrashekhar.[1]