The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Sierra Leone Government Ships) Order 1951 SI 1951/143
The Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order 1951 SI 1951/153
The National Assistance (Adaptation of Enactments) Regulations 1950 1951 SI 1951/174
The Superannuation (English Local Government and Isle of Man) Interchange Rules 1951 SI 1951/309
The Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme) (Winding Up, No. 2) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/393
The Airways Corporations (Pilots Pensions) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/527
The Veterinary Surgeons (University Degrees) (Glasgow) Order of Council 1951 SI 1951/571
The Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) (No. 2) Order 1951 SI 1951/779
The Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) (No. 3) Order 1951 SI 1951/780
The Conveyance of Explosives Byelaws 1951 SI 1951/869
The Prevention of Damage by Pests (Application to Shipping) Order 1951 SI 1951/967
The National Insurance and Industrial Injuries (Reciprocal Multilateral Agreement) (France and the Netherlands) Order 1951 SI 1951/972
The Cupro-Nickel Coins (Carriers' Liability) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/1032
The Consular Conventions (Kingdom of Norway) Order in Council 1951 SI 1951/1165
The Administration of Children’s Homes Regulations 1951 SI 1951/1217
The Workmen's Compensation Rules 1951 SI 1951/1235
The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Rules 1951 SI 1951/1401
The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) (Business Premises) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/1402
The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Industrial Assurance &c. Policies) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/1407
The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Friendly Society Life Policies) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/1408
The Tithe Fees Rules 1951 SI 1951/1534
The Corn Rent Annuities (Apportionment and Redemption) Rules 1951 SI 1951/1535
The Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) (No. 4) Order 1951 SI 1951/1625
The Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) no(No. 5) Order 1951 SI 1951/1626
The National Insurance and Industrial Injuries (Reciprocal Multilateral Agreement) (Belgium) Order 1951 SI 1951/1801
The Hill Farming Improvements (Settled Land and Trusts for Sale) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/1816
The Distribution of German Enemy Property (No. 2) Order 1951 SI 1951/1899
The Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme) (Winding Up, No. 3) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/2010
The Superannuation (Local Government Staffs) (National Service) (Amendment) Rules 1951 SI 1951/2145
The Town and Country Planning (Construction and Improvement of Private Streets) Regulations 1951 SI 1951/2224
Unreferenced listings
The following 3 items were previously listed on this article, however are unreferenced on the authorities site, included here for a "no loss" approach.
Luxembourg (Extradition) Order in Council 1951 (SI 1951/1170)
Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation of Buildings) Regulations 1951 (SI 1951/1759)
Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation of Ships) Regulations 1951 (SI 1951/1760)