1º Batalhão de Forças Especiais: (1º Special Forces Battalion): O Ideal como Motivação; A Abnegação como Rotina; O Perigo como Irmão e A Morte como Companheira (Portuguese for " The Ideal as Motivation; Self-denial as routine; Danger as a Brother and Death as a Companion.")
高山低頭,海水讓路(gao-shan-di-tou, hai-shui-rang-lu): the mountain bows, the ocean gives way.
生為空特人,死為空特魂(sheng-wei-kong-te-ren, si-wei-kong-te-hun): live as kon-teh persons, die as kon-teh spirits.(空特kon-teh is abbreviation of Aviation and Special Warfare Command)
無空防即無國防(wu-kong-fang-ji-wu-guo-fang): without air defense there is no national defense.
Republic of China Military Police
忠貞憲兵(zhong-zheng-xian-bing): loyal military police.
Military Academy
親愛精誠: Fraternity, Devotion, Sincerity
貪生怕死勿入此門,升官發財請走他路(tan-sheng-pa-si-mo-ru-ci-men, sheng-guan-fa-cai-qing-zou-ta-lu): (those who) covet life and fear death do not enter this door, (those who wish for) promotion and wealth please take other paths.
Armée de Terre (French Army): Honneur et patrie (French for "honour and fatherland")
1er Régiment de hussards parachutistes (1st Parachute Hussar Regiment): Omnia si perdas, famam servare memento (Latin for "if you have lost everything, remember there is still honour")
Chasseurs alpins (Alpine Rangers): Jamais être pris vivant (French for "never to be taken alive") and sans peur et sans reproche (French for "Fearless and beyond reproach")
Panzerbrigade 21 "Lipperland" (21st Panzer Brigade "Lipperland"): Für den Kampf bereit, um Frieden zu schaffen (German for "ready for battle, to make peace")
10. Panzerdivision (10th Panzer Division): Zuverlässig, beweglich, schnell! (German for "reliable, mobile, fast!")
Δ' Σώμα Στρατού (IV Army Corps): Τώ ξιφεί τόν δεσμό λελύσθαι (Greek for "solve the knot with the sword")[g]
Ελληνική Δύναμη Κύπρου (Hellenic Force in Cyprus): Το όμαιμόν τε και ομόγλωσσον και ομόθρησκον και ομότροπον (Greek for "the same blood and common language and common religion and common traditions")
Πολεμικό Ναυτικό (Hellenic Navy): Μέγα το της θαλάσσης κράτος (Greek for "great is the power of the sea")[h]
The mottoes of the Indian Armed Forces units come from Sanskrit or a regional language the specific unit is closely affiliated with. Some however are laurels won on the field and are in the language of the enemy or the commander's praise.
Duvdevan: כי בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה Ki b'Tahbulot, Ta'ase-l'kha milhama (For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war (Proverbs 24:6)).
Givati Brigade: יחידת סגולה Yehidat Sgula (A Unit of Virtue, also means: purple - the brigade's beret color)
Israeli Armored Corps: האדם שבטנק ינצח Ha-Adam She-ba-Tank Yenatze'ah (The Man in the Tank Shall Win)
Israeli Armored Corps: במקום בו יעצרו הזחלים שמה ייקבע הגבול Ba-makom bo ya'atsru ha-zchalim, sham yikava ha gvool (In the Place where the [tank] Treads Stop, There the Border Will Be Decided [marked/drawn])
Israeli Artillery Corps: Bli Siyua, Ha-chir Lo Yanua (Without Support, the Infantry Won't Move)
Israeli Artillery Corps: ארטילריה מלכת הקרב artilerya malkat Hakrav (Artillery is the Queen of Battle)
Israeli Engineering Corps: את הקשה נעשה היום, את הבלתי אפשרי נעשה מחר Et ha-Kashe Naase Hayom, Et ha-Bilti Efshari Naase Machar (The hard we shall do today, the impossible we shall do tomorrow)
Israeli Medical Corps: המציל נפש אחת כאילו הציל עולם שלם Ha-matsil nefesh achat, keilu hitsil olam shalem (He who saves one soul, it is as if he saves a whole world)
Israeli Navy: ויירד מים עד ים, ןמנהר עד אפסי ארץ, לפניו יכרעו ציים Vayerd MeYam Ad Yam, Uminahar Ad Afsey Aretz, Lefanav Yichreu Tziyim (He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. Navies shall bow before him; Psalm 72:8,9)
Nahal Brigade: היתרון האנושי HaYitaron ha-Enoshi (The Human Advantage)
Paratroopers Brigade: ניזום, נוביל, נהווה דוגמא, וננצח! Nizom, Novil, Ne'haveh Dugma VeNenaze'ah (We shall Innovate, Lead, Set an Example - and Win)
Shayetet 13: כשהגלים מתחזקים החזקים מתגלים She'hagalim mitchazkim, hachazakim mitgalim (When the waves grow stronger, the strong men are revealed).
Mossad: באין תחבולות יפול עם, ותשועה ברוב יועץ Be'ein Tachbulot Yipol Am, Uteshua Berov Yoetz (Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety; Proverbs 11:14)
Shabak: מגן ולא יראה Magen Ve-Lo Yira'e (Defender Who Shall Not Have Fear / Defender Who Shall Not Be Seen)
Esercito Italiano (Italian Army): Salus rei publicae suprema lex esto (Latin for "the safeguard of the republic shall be the supreme law")
Vigili del Fuoco (Fire Service): Flammas domamus donamus cordem (Latin for "we tame the flames, we give our hearts)
Corpo Militare della Croce Rossa Italiana (Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross): Inter arma caritas (Latin for "in war, charity")
Corpo Militare dell'Esercito dell'Associazione dei Cavalieri Italiani del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta (Military Corps of the Army of the Association of Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta): Fortitudo et sanitas (Latin for "strength and health")
Corpo delle Infermiere Volontarie dell'Associazione dei Cavalieri Italiani del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta (Corps of Voluntary Nurses of the Association of Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta): Fortitudo et sanitas (Latin for "strength and health")
11 Luchtmobiele Brigade (11 Air Assault Brigade): Nec temere, nec timide (Latin for "neither rashly nor timidly")
11 Luchtverdedigingscompagnie Samarinda (11 Air Defence Company Samarinda): Untuk keamanan saya yang atur (Indonesian for "we stand for protection")
11 Garderegiment Grenadiers en Jagers (11 Guards Regiment Grenadiers and Rifles): Grenadiers vooraan! (Dutch for "grenadiers in front!") and allez chasse! (French for "let's hunt!")
12 Regiment van Heutsz (12 Regiment van Heutsz): Het moet, dus het kan (Dutch for "it must, so it is possible")
Forsvaret (Norwegian Armed Forces): current: For alt vi har. Og alt vi er. (Norwegian for "For all we have. And all we are."); former: For fred og frihet (Norwegian for "For peace and freedom")
Hæren (Norwegian Army): currently no motto for the Army, the same as Armed Forces are used.
Batteri Nils (Battery N): Brigadens slagbjørn (Norwegian for "Brigade's killer bear")
Forsyningsbatteriet (Supply Battery): Robur et fidelis (Latin for "Strength through unity")
Kampluftvernbatteriet (Air Defense Battery): Prius ignis – Mortem ex inferis (Latin for "First fire – Death from hell")
Samvirkebatteriet (Cooperation Battery): Communiter Victor(?) (Latin for "Victory together")
CSS-bataljonen (Combat Service Support Battalion): Protinus Recte (Latin for "Right the first time")
Garnisonen i Sør-Varanger (Garrison of Sør-Varanger)
Jegerkompaniet (Arctic Ranger Company): Agmine Consectamur (Latin for "We hunt in packs"); also: Agmine Consectamur Rebus In Arctois (Latin for "We hunt in packs in the Arctic")
Hærens Taktiske Treningssenter (Army's Tactical Training Center): Tren for det verste – bli de beste (Norwegian for "Train for the worst – become the best")
Ingeniørvåpenet (Arm of Engineers): Ubique que fas et gloria ducunt (Latin for "Everywhere where right and glory lead")
Krigsskolen (Norwegian Military Academy): Si vis pacem, para bellum (Latin for "If you want peace, prepare for war")
Stridsvogneskadron 2 (Armoured Squadron 2): Vi er allerede der (Norwegian for "We're already there")
Stormeskadron 3 (Mechanised Infantry Squadron 3): Semper Paratus (Latin for "Always ready")
Stormeskadron 4 (Mechanised Infantry Squadron 4): Gul ad arma, plus ultra (Latin for "Wolverines to battle, continue forward")
Kavalerieskadron 5 (Cavalry Squadron 5): Primus Intrat, Exit Novissimus (Latin for "First in, last out")
Kampstøtteeskadron 6 (Combat Service Support Squadron 6): Volens et Potens (Latin for "Willing and able")
Oppklaringseskadronen (Reconnaissance Squadron): Ser alt, alltid (Norwegian for "Sees all, always")
Fjernoppklaringseskadronen (Remote Reconnaissance Squadron): Ingen respekt for avstanden (Norwegian for "No respect for the distance")
Bombekastertroppen (Mortar Platoon): Mors desuper veniens (Latin for "Death from above")
Sjøforsvaret (Royal Norwegian Navy): For Konge, fedreland og flaggets hæder (Dano-Norwegian for "For King, country and the flag's honour")
Kystartilleriet (Coastal Artillery): Klar til strid (Norwegian for "Ready for battle")
Luftforsvaret (Royal Norwegian Air Force): Konge, folk og fedreland (Norwegian for "King, people, and fatherland")
131 Luftving (131 Air Wing): Visshet gir styrke (Norwegian for "Knowledge gives power")
Sensorskvadronen (Sensor Squadron): Oculi nostri, tua securitas (Latin for "Our eyes, your security")
330 skvadron (330 Squadron): current: Vi redder liv (Norwegian for "We save lives"); former: Trygg havet (Norwegian for "Secure the sea")
Batteri 50M (Air Defence Artillery, battery 50M): Si Volas – Morieris (Latin for "If it flies – it dies")
Heimevernet (Norwegian Home Guard): current: Overalt – alltid (Norwegian for "Everywhere – all the time"); former: Verner, vokter, virker (Norwegian for "protects, guards, acts")
Norsk Reservistforbund (Norwegian Reserve Officers' Federation): Pro patria (Latin for "For the fatherland")
Pakistan Army (Urdu: پاک فوج) Motto (Urdu): Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah (English translation: "Faith, Piety, Struggle for Allah")
Pakistan Air Force (Urdu: پاک فضائیه) Motto (Persian): Sahrast ke daryast tah-e-bal-o-par-e-mast (English translation:- "Be it the deserts / Be it the rivers / All are under my wings")
No. 9 Squadron: "How high you fly depends on how brave you are"
No. 11 Squadron: "Your destination is beyond everyone else's destination"
No. 14 Squadron: "Bold and fearless, endowed with undaunted spirit and great measure of heavenly might"
Pakistan Navy (Urdu : پاک بحریہ) Motto (Arabic): (English translation: Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and he is the Best Disposer of affairs)
"A silent force to be reckoned with"
Pakistan Marines (Urdu: پا مير ينز) Motto (Arabic): (English translation: "And hold fast to the rope of God and do not be divided")
Jämtland Ranger Corps: För Sveriges ära, för Sveriges makt, över berg, över dal, skallar Jämtlands jakt (Swedish for "For Sweden's honour, for Sweden's might, over mountain, over valley, the Jämtian rangers resound")
Life Guards: Possunt nec posse videntur (Latin for "they can do what it seems they cannot")
Vietnam Border Defense Force: Post is home, Border is country, Ethnic people are brothers (Đồn là nhà, Biên giới là quê hương, Đồng bào các dân tộc là anh em ruột thịt)
Republic of Vietnam Military Forces (Military of the former government of South Vietnam from 1949 until the reunification in 1975): The Fatherland - Honour - Duty (Tổ Quốc - Danh dự - Trách nhiệm, Việt Nam Cộng Hoà).
^Before the Battle of Plataea, Mardonius offered the Athenians peace terms, with the hope of dividing the Greek forces. The Athenians responded with "As long as the sun follows his course, as he does now, we shall not come to a compromise with Xerxes".
^Spartan mothers would utter the phrase to their sons before they went to war, reminding them to return victorious with the shield, or be brought back dead upon it. Returning home without a shield meant the soldier deserted, since a hoplite could not escape the field of battle unless he tossed away the heavy and cumbersome shield.
^The phrase is the traditional battle cry of Greek infantrymen when attacking the enemy.
^The phrase is a reference to the Gordian Knot, a legendary knot tied to a pole near the temple of Zeus in Gordium. It was prophesied that whoever loosed the knot would become ruler of all Asia. Alexander the Great solved the puzzle by slicing through the knot.
^Corbett, D. A. (David Ashley) (1980). The regimental badges of New Zealand, an illustrated history of the badges and insignia worn by the New Zealand Army (Rev. and enl. ed.). Auckland: R. Richards. pp. 15–17. ISBN0908596057. OCLC14030948.