List of members of the Supreme Advisory Council, 1968–1973

This is a list of members of the Supreme Advisory Council of Indonesia from 1968 until 1973.


  Died in office, date of death below
  Resigned, date of resignation below
  Added members, date of inauguration below

Speakers and Deputy Speaker

Speaker Deputy Speaker
Wilopo Muhammad Ilyas
d. 30 December 1970


Anwar Tjokroaminoto Abdullah Udjong Rimba Arudji Kartawinata
d. 13 July 1970
Ahmad Badawi
d. 25 April 1969
Hardi Ipik Gandamana Herman Johannes I.J. Kasimo
Johannes Leimena Maria Ulfah Santoso Masjkur
r. 13 January 1969
Djamaluddin Malik
Replacing Masjkur
d. 2 July 1970
Pangeran Muhammad Noor Sardjito
d. 5 May 1970
Slamet Iman Santoso Sukarni
d. 7 May 1971
Mohammad Dahlan
i. 15 September 1971
i. 15 September 1971


Ghazali, Zulfikar (February 1986), DPA Dalam Sejarah Konstitusi Republik, Journal of Law and Development, p. 465