Peoria High School is a public secondary school located in Peoria, Arizona, United States. The high school is a part of the Peoria Unified School District. The school opened its doors in August 1919, since which it has maintained an Excelling academic status. Approximately 2,000 students are enrolled, and because of this, Peoria is a Class 4A school, as rated by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Its mascot is the Panther. Peoria is the fifth-largest and oldest high school in the Peoria Unified School District. Peoria's sports and arts programs are referred to as the “Panther Pride”. The principal is Mr. Paul Bower and vice principals include Monique Molina, Tara Willoby, and Philip Camacho.
Feeder schools
Alta Loma Elementary (choice between Peoria and Kellis)
Cheyenne Elementary
Peoria Elementary
Santa Fe Elementary (some areas attend Centennial High School)
Cactus High School is a public secondary school located in Glendale, Arizona, United States. The high school is a part of the Peoria Unified School District. The school opened its doors in August 1977, since which it has maintained an Excelling academic status. Approximately 1,300 students are enrolled, and because of this, Cactus is a Class 4A school as rated by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Its mascot is the Cobra. Cactus is the smallest high school in the Peoria Unified School District, by student population. The principal is Tad Bloss and vice principals include Holly Medina, Stephanie Bend, and Brian Duguid.
Ironwood High School is a public secondary school located in Glendale, Arizona, United States. The high school is a part of the Peoria Unified School District. The school opened its doors in August 1986, since which it has maintained an Excelling academic status. Since 2004, it has offered the IB Diploma Programme to its junior and senior year students, with a Pre-IB program for its freshman and sophomore-year students. Approximately 2,000 students are enrolled, making Ironwood a 5A Conference school as determined by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Its mascot is the Bald Eagle. Ironwood is the second largest high school in the Peoria Unified School District by student enrollment. The principal is Russell Dunham, and vice principals are Michael Burrola, Reginna Lewis and Susan Schmit.
Centennial High School is a public secondary school located in Peoria, Arizona, United States. The high school is a part of the Peoria Unified School District. The school opened its doors in August 1990, since which it has maintained an Excelling academic status. Approximately 2,100 students are enrolled, and because of this, Centennial is a 5A Conference school, as rated by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Its mascot is the Arizona Coyote. Centennial is the largest high school in the Peoria Unified School District, by student population. Centennial’s sports and arts programs are referred to as the “Pride of the Pack”. The principal is Davita Solter and vice principals include Steve Armstrong, Christine Lopezlira, and Mike Sivertson.
Sunrise Mountain High School is a public secondary school located in Peoria, Arizona, United States. The high school is a part of the Peoria Unified School District. The school opened its doors in August 1996, since which it has maintained an Excelling academic status. Approximately 1,500 students are enrolled, and because of this, Sunrise Mountain is a Class 4A school, as rated by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Its mascot is the Mustang. Sunrise Mountain is considered the sixth largest high school in the Peoria Unified School District, by student population. Sunrise Mountain's sports and arts programs are referred to as the “Sunrise Mustangs”. The principal is Dave Svorinic and vice principals include Clay Carpenter, Donna Short, and Christine Gutierrez.
Raymond S. Kellis High School is a public secondary school located in Glendale, Arizona, United States. The high school is a part of the Peoria Unified School District. The school opened its doors in August 2004, since which it has maintained an Excelling academic status. Approximately 1,800 students are enrolled, and because of this, Kellis is a Class 5A school, as rated by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Its mascot is the Cougar. Raymond S. Kellis is considered the fourth largest high school in the Peoria Unified School District, by student population. The principal is Jeffrey Wooten and vice principals include Tony Vining, Carly Bourland, and Landa Tartaglio.
Liberty High School is a public secondary school located in Peoria, Arizona, United States. The high school is a part of the Peoria Unified School District. The school opened its doors in August 2006, since which it has maintained an Excelling academic status. Approximately 1,600 students are enrolled, and because of this, Liberty is a Class 4A school, as rated by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Its mascot is the African Lion. Liberty is the third largest high school in the Peoria Unified School District, by student population. Liberty's sports and arts programs are referred to as the “Liberty Lions”. The principal is Ali Bridgewater and vice principals include Rick Johnson, Pat Redl, and Susan Schmit.