1977 |
Gerhard M. Sessler |
"For contributions to the field of electroacoustic transducers"
1980 |
Vernon Chartier |
"For contributions to the understanding of corona phenomena associated with high-voltage power transmission lines"
1982 |
Farouk Rizk |
"For contributions to the science of high-voltage technology and for technical leadership in the advancement of the electrical power industry"
1982 |
Ashok Vijh |
"For contributions to the theory of electrochemical reactions involved in electrical and electronics products"
1983 |
Alan Cookson |
"For contributions to the understanding of high-voltage compressed gas breakdown and the development of new higher voltage compressed gas transmission line systems"
1986 |
Michael Wertheimer |
"For research and development of solid dielectric materials with the aid of plasma processes, and for contributions to engineering education"
1989 |
Raymond Boxman |
"For advances in vacuum arc theory and its applications"
1990 |
Steinar Dale |
"For contributions to gaseous dielectrics and breakdown phenomena, and testing techniques for gas insulated systems"
1990 |
Katsuhiko Naito |
"For contributions to research and development of high-voltage insulators"
1990 |
J Keith Nelson |
"For contributions to the field of dielectric and insulation systems"
1990 |
A Van Roggen |
"For the theoretical and practical description of charge transport in dielectric materials"
1993 |
Robert Hebner |
"For the development of optical and electro-optical techniques to measure the electrical behavior of dielectric liquids"
1993 |
Reimund Gerhard |
"For contributions to the study of dielectric materials and their application in communications devices"
1993 |
Stephen A Sebo |
"For contributions to the development of techniques for scale modeling for high-voltage transmission stations and leadership in electric power engineering education"
1993 |
Greg Stone |
"For contributions to the development of on-line partial-discharge measuring systems for large rotating machines"
1994 |
Jeanp Crine |
"For contributions to the theory of aging of insulation materials, and the phenomena at metal-dielectric interfaces"
1994 |
Harry Lenzing |
"For contributions to improvement of microwave line-of-sight communications links"
1994 |
Toshio Suzuki |
"For contributions to the reliability of substation equipment through application of insulating materials"
1994 |
A Zaky |
"For leadership in electrical engineering education and contributions to the understanding of conduction and breakdown in dielectric liquids"
1995 |
Bal Gupta |
"For contributions to the improved reliability of insulation systems in rotating machines through surge protection, diagnostic tests, and quality control tests"
1995 |
Teruyos Mizutani |
"For contributions to the understanding and development of polymeric insulating materials"
1995 |
Howard Wintle |
"For experimental and theoretical studies of charge storage and transport in electrical insulation"
1996 |
Aleksan Bulinski |
"For contributions to the understanding of aging and breakdown processes in high voltage polymeric cable insulation"
1996 |
Joseph Crowley |
"For contributions to education and practice in electrostatic processes, and for fundamental contributions to electrohydrodynamics"
1996 |
Loren Wagenaar |
"For contributions to transformer and bushing test standards and specifications"
1997 |
Soli Bamji |
"For contributions to the understanding of electroluminescence emission and aging processes in high-voltage polymeric insulation"
1997 |
Edward Cherney |
"For leadership in research, development, application, and standardization of non-ceramic insulators and RTV silicone rubber insulator coatings"
1997 |
Misao Kobayashi |
"For contributions to development and production of Metal Oxide Gapless Surge Arrester"
1997 |
Edward Sacher |
"For contributions to the relationship between molecular structure and dielectric properties"
1998 |
Wolfgang Pfeiffer |
"For achievements in the field of Ultra High Speed Diagnostics Electrical Insulation"
1999 |
Tatsuo Takada |
"For contributions to the development of technology to measure space charge in solid and liquid dielectric materials"
1999 |
Arthur Yelon |
"For contributions to the science and technology of ferromagnetic materials and devices, and to education in the applied sciences"
2000 |
Gian Carlo Montanari |
"For contributions to the understanding and modeling aging processes in high voltage insulation"
2000 |
Yoshimichi Ohki |
"For contributions to understanding of high-field and laser induced dielectric phenomena in insulating materials"
2000 |
Yasuo Sekii |
"For contribution to understanding and development of extra-high voltage AC and DC cross-linked polyethylene insulated cable system"
2001 |
Ernst Gockenbach |
"For contributions to the development of digital measuring and monitoring technique"
2002 |
Stanislaw Gubanski |
"For contributions to the understanding of aging and performance of high voltage polymeric"
2003 |
Kenneth Bow |
"For contributions to the development of polymer compounds, coated metal shielding, and laminate sheaths for wire and
cable applications"
2003 |
James Timperley |
"For contributions to diagnostic testing of rotating machinery insulation systems"
2004 |
Harold Kirkham |
"For leadership in the field of optical measurements for power systems"
2005 |
John Fothergill |
"For contributions to reliability methodology in the aging processes of electrical insulation systems"
2006 |
Roy Alexander |
"For contributions to technology for capacitor bank switching and the standardization of switchgear"
2006 |
Masanori Hara |
"For contributions to electrical insulation technology in superconducting power devices"
2007 |
William Chisholm |
"For contributions to extra high voltage transmission line performance assessment"
2007 |
Masoud Farzaneh |
"For leadership in the area of ice-covered insulator flashover mechanisms and development of application guidelines"
2007 |
Nagu Srinivas |
"For contributions to assessment of vulnerability of aged extruded dielectric power cables by direct current testing"
2008 |
Jinliang He |
"For contribution to lightning protection and grounding of power transmission systems"
2008 |
Shesha Jayaram |
"For contributions to the use of high voltage in process technology"
2008 |
James hompson |
"For leadership in engineering education by initiating academic programs, increasing enrollment, and growing faculty and student research"
2009 |
Glen Bertini |
"For applications to the dielectric performance of underground electrical power cable"
2009 |
Lucian Dascalescu |
"For contributions to the modeling of electrostatic processes in the recycling and mineral processing industries"
2010 |
James Bowen |
"For leadership in "safety by design" in electrical substation engineering"
2010 |
H Craig Miller |
"For research on discharges and electrical insulation in vacuum"
2010 |
Lon W Montgomery |
"For contributions to design of large synchronous generators"
2011 |
A Beroual |
"For contributions to processes of pre-breakdown and breakdown in dielectric liquids"
2011 |
Sidney Lang |
"For contributions to the understanding of pyroelectric and polarization phenomena in solid dielectrics"
2011 |
Kelly Robinson |
"For contributions to electrostatic performance of manufacturing processes and imaging devices"
2012 |
Kunihiko Hidaka |
"For contributions to measurement and electrical insulation technologies in high voltage engineering"
2012 |
John Albert Kay |
"For contributions to arc resistant medium voltage control and protection technologies"
2012 |
Andreas Neuber |
"For contributions to the physics of dielectric surface flashover in high electric fields"
2013 |
Geoffrey Stephen Klempner |
"For contribution to steam turbine-driven generators"
2014 |
Kent Brown |
"For leadership in standards development for design, testing, and utilization of electrical equipment for the nuclear power industry"
2014 |
Weihua Jiang |
"For contributions to repetitive pulsed power generation utilizing solid-state device technology"
2014 |
Simon Rowland |
"For contributions to the application of polymers in high voltage systems"
2015 |
David Pommerenke |
"For contributions to system-level electrostatic discharge technology"
2015 |
Gary Hoffman |
"For leadership in the advancement of monitoring systems for power transformers and power line protection"
2015 |
Safa Kasap |
"For contributions to photoconductive sensors for x-ray imaging"
2016 |
Siegfried Bauer |
"For contributions to the understanding and application of electroactive polymer dielectrics
2016 |
Sheldon Kennedy |
"For leadership in the technology and standards for rectifier, inverter and harmonic-mitigating transformers"
2017 |
Hulya Kirkici |
"For contributions to high frequency, high field dielectric breakdown and electrical insulation for space and aerospace power systems"
2018 |
Hideki Motoyama |
"For contributions to lightning protection and insulation coordination of electric power systems"
2018 |
Peter Perkins |
"For contributions to touch current measurement and electric shock protection"
2019 |
Tapan Saha |
"For contributions to monitoring and assessment of power transformers"
2019 |
Syed Islam |
"For contributions to wind energy conversion systems"
2019 |
Guangning Wu |
"For contributions to traction power supply equipment diagnostics for high-speed electrified railways"