Genre |
Opus |
Original title (German title) |
English title
Scoring |
Piano |
1894 |
Zwiegespräch |
Dialogue |
for piano |
Piano |
1 |
1898 |
6 Skizzen - Elegie
- Notturno
- Canzonetta
- Duettino
- Berceuse
- Petite valse
6 Sketches |
for piano |
Vocal |
2 |
1895 |
2 schlichte Lieder - Das verlaßene Mägdlein
- Das Mädchen
2 Simple Songs |
for voice and piano |
1. words by Eduard Mörike 2. words by Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff
Vocal |
3 |
1895 |
Margits Lied |
Margit's Song |
for voice and piano |
words from The Feast at Solhaug by Henrik Ibsen; unpublished
Orchestral |
3a |
1894 |
Ingeborgs Klage |
Ingeborg's Plea |
for orchestra |
Chamber music |
4 |
c.1895 |
Violoncellosonate Nr. 1 |
Sonata No. 1 |
for cello and piano |
Chamber music |
5 |
1896 |
Streichquartett Nr. 1 D-Dur |
String Quartet No. 1 in D major |
for 2 violins, viola and cello |
in 5 movements
Stage |
1896 |
Aleko, Oper |
Aleko, Opera |
Vocal |
6 |
Mörtelweib's Tochter, Ballade |
for voice and piano |
words from Simplicissimus published 1907
Chamber music |
7 |
1898 |
Violinsonate Nr. 1 A-Dur |
Sonata No. 1 in A major |
for violin and piano |
Chamber music |
7 |
1898, 1899 |
Romanze aus der Violinsonate |
Romance |
for viola (or cello) and piano |
composer's adaptation from movement II of the Violin Sonata, Op. 7
Chamber music |
8 |
1904 |
Märchen a-Moll |
Fairy Tale in A minor |
for cello and piano |
dedicated to luthier Otto Möckel (1869–1937)
Chamber music |
9 |
1899 |
Silhouettes, 1re Série - Idylle
- Douleur
- Bizarrerie
- Conte mystérieux
- Musette miniature
- Obstination
Silhouettes, Series I |
for 2 violins (or violin and viola) and piano |
Orchestral |
10 |
1895 |
Sinfonie fis-Moll |
Symphony in F♯ minor |
for orchestra |
Chamber music |
11 |
1896 |
Streichquartett h-Moll |
String Quartet in B minor |
for 2 violins, viola and cello |
Piano |
12 |
1899 |
6 Klavierstücke - Capriccio, c-Moll
- Canzona, Fis-Dur
- Humoreske, Fis-Dur
- Etüde, h-Moll
- Intermezzo, a-Moll
- Ballade, D-Dur
6 Pieces |
for piano |
also published as 6 Konzertstücke
Vocal |
13 |
1900 |
5 Lieder - Klage der Gattin
- Erinnerung
- Jugend
- Wiegenlied
- Phantasus
5 Songs |
for voice and piano |
1. words by Richard Dehmel 2. words by Rainer Maria Rilke 3. words by Franz Evers 4. words by Richard Dehmel 5. words by Arno Holz
Piano |
14 |
1900 |
Tanzrhythmen, 7 Stücke (Heft I und II) |
Dancing Rhythms, 7 Pieces (Books I and II) |
for piano 4-hands |
Chamber music |
15 |
1901 |
Bratschensonate Nr. 1 D-Dur |
Sonata No. 1 in D major |
for viola and piano |
Orchestral |
16 |
1901 |
5 Stücke für Streichorchester - Kleine Ballade
- Schlummerlied
- Terzen-Intermezzo
- Elegie
- Tanz
5 Pieces |
for string orchestra |
Chamber music |
17 |
1901 |
Klaviertrio Nr. 1 a-Moll |
Piano Trio No. 1 in A minor |
for violin, cello and piano |
Piano |
18 |
1901 |
Satyre und Nymphen, 9 Miniaturen - Etude. „Najaden im Quell.“
- Idylle. „Pan mit der Syrinx.“
- Rêverie. „Träumende Oreade.“
- Intermezzo grotesque. „Pan philosophiert.“
- Valse lente. „Dryadenreigen im Mondschein.“
- Elegie. „Napaie in tiefer Betrübnis.“
- Humoreske. „Pan von Bacchus kommend.“
- Canzonetta. „Liebeständelei.“
- Scherzo. „Nymph flieh! Schnell! Satyr hascht dich!“
Satyrs and Nymphs, 9 Miniatures |
for piano |
Chamber music |
1901 1901 1901 1903–1904 |
Trio-Miniaturen, Suite - Rêverie, Op. 18 Nr. 3
- Humoreske, Op. 18 Nr. 7
- Elegie, Op. 18 Nr. 6
- Danse phantastique, Op. 24 Nr. 2
Trio Miniatures, Suite |
for violin (or clarinet), cello (or viola) and piano |
arrangement for piano trio by Mikhail Press (published 1920) 1.~3. original for piano solo from Satyre und Nymphen, Op. 18 4. original for piano 4-hands from Tanzrhythmen, Op. 24
Chamber music |
19 |
1901 |
3 Bagatellen (in der ersten Lage ausführbar) - Marsch
- Barcarole
- A.B.C.-Walzer
3 Bagatelles (in the First Position) |
for violin and piano |
Piano |
20 |
1902 |
Kleine Suite - Trotzig, Zärtlich
- Traurig
- Geschwätzig
- Lustig
Little Suite |
for piano |
Vocal |
21 |
1907 |
3 Lieder - Regen
- Märchen
- Der einsame Pfeifer
3 Songs |
for voice and piano |
words by Johannes Schlaf
Chamber music |
22 |
1902 |
Sextett c-Moll |
Sextet in C minor |
for 2 violins, viola, 2 cellos and piano |
Piano |
22a |
1902, 1903 |
Sonate (nach dem Sextett) |
Sonata (after the Sextet) |
for 2 pianos |
composer's arrangement of the Piano Sextet, Op. 22
Orchestral |
23 |
1903 |
Sinfonie in A-Dur |
Symphony in A major |
for orchestra |
Piano |
24 |
1903–1904 |
Tanzrhythmen, 5 Stücke (Heft III, IV und V) |
Dancing Rhythms, 5 Pieces (Books III, IV und V) |
for piano 4-hands |
also published as Neue Tanzrytmen No. 4 published in Die Musik, Jahrgang 3, 1903/04, Heft 2 Musikbeilage
Chamber music |
25 |
1902 |
2 Stücke |
2 Pieces |
for clarinet (or violin) and piano |
Piano |
26 |
1903 |
Präludien und Capricen, 10 Stücke - Praeludium, f-Moll
- Capriccietto, E-Dur
- Praeludium, cis-Moll
- Intermezzo, D-Dur
- Praeludium, d-Moll
- Capriccietto, F-Dur
- Praeludietto, G-Dur
- Praeludium, c-Moll
- Intermezzo, G-Dur
- Capriccio, H-Dur
Preludes and Caprices, 10 Pieces |
for piano |
Chamber music |
27 |
1905 |
Oktett |
Octet |
for violin, viola, cello, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano |
Chamber music |
27a |
1905 |
Septett |
Septet |
for 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos and piano |
composer's arrangement from the Octet
Chamber music |
27 |
1905, 1907 |
Kammersinfonie B-Dur |
Chamber Symphony in B♭ major |
for string orchestra, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano |
after the Octet (1905)
Chamber music |
28 |
1904 |
4 Stücke - Ballade
- Arioso
- Berceuse
- Rondo
4 Pieces |
for violin and piano 3. also for violin and small orchestra |
Chamber music |
29 |
1904 |
Streichquartett Nr. 2 a-Moll |
String Quartet No. 2 in A minor |
for 2 violins, viola and cello |
Piano |
30 |
1905 |
Intime Harmonieen, 12 Impromptus - Wogen
- Episode
- Elfchen
- Romantisches Wiegenlied
- Sonderbare Humoreske
- Intermezzo
- Es geht die Sage
- Kleine Tarantelle
- Sphinx
- Narretei
- Ruhige Liebe
- Zu grabe tragen
Intimate Harmonies, 12 Impromptus |
for piano |
Orchestral |
31 |
1906 |
Vægtervise (Wächterweise), Fantasie nach dänischen Volksliedern E-Dur |
Vægtervise (Watchman's Song), Fantasy on Danish Folk Songs in E major |
for orchestra |
Piano |
32 |
1906 |
Psyche, Tanzpoëm von H. Regel - Liebesgang und Lilienmädchenwalzer
- Intermezzo
- Irrlichtertanz
Psyche, Dance-Poem by H. Regel |
for piano |
also orchestrated
Orchestral |
32a |
1906 |
Psyche (Tanzpoëm von H. Regel), Ballet-Suite |
Psyche (Dance-Poem by H. Regel), Ballet Suite |
for orchestra |
original for piano
Orchestral |
32/2 |
1906, 1929 |
Intermezzo aus dem Tanzpoëm "Psyche" |
Intermezzo from the Dance-Poem "Psyche" |
for violin and piano |
original for piano
Chamber music |
33 33a |
1906 |
Klavierquintett Nr. 1 d-Moll |
Piano Quintet No. 1 in D minor |
for violin, 2 violas, cello and piano for 2 violins, viola, cello and piano |
Chamber music |
34 |
c.1906 |
Divertimento in C-Dur - Variationen
- Nachtstück
- Exotisches Intermezzo
- Ländler
Divertimento in C major |
for clarinet and 2 violas |
Orchestral |
35 |
1906 |
Aus einem Tagebuch, Symphonische Skizzen |
From a Diary, Symphonic Sketches (Suite) |
for orchestra |
Chamber music |
36 |
1908 |
Bagatellen, 8 leichte Stücke (I–III Lage) - Melodie, D-Dur
- Karnevals-Marsch, d-Moll
- Wiegenlied, a-Moll
- Canzonetta, G-Dur
- Walzer, D-Dur
- Nordisch, a-Moll
- Etüde
- Schwedische Tanzklänge, g-Moll
Bagatelles, 8 Easy Pieces - Melodie in D major
- Joyous March in D minor
- Lullaby in A minor
- Canzonetta in G major
- Waltz in D major
- Nordisk in A minor
- Etude
- Swedish Dance in G minor
for violin (or flute) and piano |
Chamber music |
37 |
1907 |
Rhapsodie, Klavierquartett Nr. 1 F-Dur |
Rhapsodie, Piano Quartet No. 1 in F major |
for violin, viola, cello and piano |
inspired by the novel Gösta Berlings Saga by Selma Lagerlöf
Piano |
38 |
1907 |
Den Kindern zum Lauschen, Allerlei Klavierstücke der Jugend zum Vorspielen - Mutter erzählt Märchen
- Rosemarie tanzt
- Der Steinbaukasten
- Das Heimchen
- Die Trübselige Puppe
- Wiegenliedchen
The Children That Listen, Sundry Pieces for Children to Play - Mother Tells Tales
- Rosemarie Dances
- The Box of Bricks
- The Cricket
- The Afflicted Doll
- Cradle Song
for piano |
Chamber music |
39 |
1908 |
Trio-Caprice (nach "Gösta Berling" von Selma Lagerlöf), Klaviertrio Nr. 2 D-Dur |
Trio-Caprice, Piano Trio No. 2 in D major |
for violin, cello and piano |
inspired by the novel Gösta Berlings Saga by Selma Lagerlöf
Chamber music |
39a |
1908 |
Trio-Caprice (nach "Gösta Berling" von Selma Lagerlöf) |
Trio-Caprice |
for piano 4-hands |
arrangement by the composer original for violin, cello and piano inspired by the novel Gösta Berlings Saga by Selma Lagerlöf
Orchestral |
40 |
1909 |
Eine Serenadenmusik |
A Serenade Music |
for orchestra |
in 3 movements
Piano |
41 |
1908 |
Tanzrhythmen, 5 Stücke (Heft VI und VII) |
Dancing Rhythms, 5 Pieces (Books VI and VII) |
for piano 4-hands |
also published as Tanzrytmen, Dritte Folge
Concertante |
42 |
1909 |
Violinkonzert Nr. 1 h-Moll |
Concerto No. 1 in B minor |
for violin and orchestra |
dedicated to violinist Mikhail Press
Chamber music |
43 |
1909 |
Silhouettes, 2me Série - Prélude
- Chant d'amour
- 3 Intermezzi
- Mélancolie
- Danse grotesque
Silhouettes, Series II |
for 2 violins (or violin and viola) and piano |
Chamber music |
44 |
1909 |
Klavierquintett Nr. 2 F-Dur |
Piano Quintet No. 2 in F major |
for 2 violins, viola, cello and piano |
Concertante |
45 |
1912 |
Episodes concertantes, Konzert d-Moll |
Episodes concertantes, Concerto in D minor |
for violin, cello, piano and orchestra |
Triple Concerto; dedicated to Tor Aulin
Piano |
46 |
1911 |
2 Schelmenweisen - Keck und frisch
- Ungestüm, frech und Schneidend
2 Playful Tunes |
for piano |
Piano |
47 |
1911 |
Sonatine G-Dur |
Sonatina in G major |
for piano |
Piano |
48 |
1911 |
4 Miniaturen - Intermezzo. „Der melancholische Hampelmann“, f-Moll
- Berceuse. „Die Mutter an der Wiege“, F-Dur
- Scherzo. „Spuk“, a-Moll
- Minuet. „Aus alter Zeit“, e-Moll
4 Miniatures |
for piano |
Concertante |
49 |
1912 |
Violinkonzert Nr. 2 A-Dur |
Concerto No. 2 in A major |
for violin and orchestra |
dedicated to violinist Franz von Vecsey
Chamber music |
50 |
1912 |
Klavierquartett Nr. 2 G-Dur |
Piano Quartet No. 2 in G major |
for violin, viola, cello and piano |
Chamber music |
51 |
1912 |
Divertimento F-Dur |
Divertimento in F major |
for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano |
Chamber music |
52 |
1912 |
2 kleine Stücke - Sárika – Arietta
- Árva – Valse mignonne
2 Little Pieces |
for violin and piano |
Stage |
53 |
1912 |
Im goldenen Tempelbuch verzeichnet, Bühnenmusik |
The Golden Temple Book |
for chamber ensemble |
Incidental Music for the play by Carl Hauptmann (1858–1921) also Das goldene Tempelbuch
Chamber music |
54 |
1913 |
Violoncellosonate [Nr. 2] a-Moll |
Sonata [No. 2] in A minor |
for cello and piano |
Piano |
55 |
1913 |
10 Esquisses - Canzonetta
- Arlequin
- Mélancolie
- Oriental
- Serenata
- Villanella
- Bizarrerie
- Intermezzo
- Danse grotesque
- Ragotin (Variations)
10 Sketches |
for piano |
Piano |
56 |
1913 |
Moments lyriques - Menuet
- Élégie
- Intermezzo
- Intimité
- Bagatelle
- Nostalgie (Valse lente)
- Étude
- Berceuse
- Cortège
- Chant russe (Variations)
Lyrical Moments |
for piano |
Stage |
57 |
1913 |
Die armseligen Besenbinder, Bühnenmusik |
The Poor Broom Makers |
for chamber ensemble |
Incidental Music for the play by Carl Hauptmann (1858–1921)
Piano |
58 |
1913 |
2 kleine Walzer (leicht) - Farfalla, F-Dur
- Rondinella
2 Little Waltzes (Easy) |
for piano |
Concertante |
59 |
Mysterien, Tondichtung e-Moll |
Mysteries, Tone Poem in E minor |
for cello and orchestra |
published 1928; after the novel Mysteries by Knut Hamsun
Chamber music |
60 |
1915 |
Klaviertrio Nr. 3 G-Dur |
Piano Trio No. 3 in G major |
for violin, cello and piano |
Piano |
61 |
1916 |
2 Walzer |
2 Waltzes |
for piano |
Piano |
62 |
2 Suiten
- I. Suite
- II. Suite
2 Suites |
for piano |
published 1929
Vocal |
63 |
1914 |
Österreichisches Reiterlied |
for voice and piano |
Chamber music |
64 |
1915 |
8 Violinstücke |
8 Pieces |
for violin and piano |
Piano |
65 |
1915 |
4 Klavierstücke - Heitere Weisen, G-Dur
- Schlummerlied, F-Dur
- Exotisches Intermezzo, e-Moll
- Tanz, B-Dur
4 Pieces |
for piano |
Choral |
66 |
1915 |
Reiterlied |
for chorus and piano |
Chamber music |
67 |
1920 |
Streichquartett Nr. 3 d-Moll |
String Quartet No. 3 in D minor |
for 2 violins, viola and cello |
published 1921
Piano |
68 |
1918 |
Aus alter Zeit, Suite - Sonata alla Bourrée
- Menuetto
- Ciacona
- Tambourin
- Gavotte
From Ancient Times, Suite |
for piano 4-hands |
published 1920
Chamber music |
69 |
1920 |
Violinsonate Nr. 2 F-Dur |
Sonata No. 2 in F major |
for violin and piano |
Chamber music |
70 |
1919 |
Litaniae, Tondichtung cis-Moll |
Litaniae, Tone Poem in C♯ minor |
for violin, cello and piano |
published 1920, 1929 premiere 31 May 1919
Vocal |
1920 |
Jüdische Volkslieder |
Jewish Folk Songs |
for medium voice and piano |
8 song settings from the collection by Juon; other settings by Wilhelm Grosz
Vocal |
1920 |
Russische Volkslieder |
Russian Folk Songs |
for medium voice and piano |
12 song settings from the collection by Juon; other settings by Felix Petyrek and Wilhelm de Witt
Vocal |
1920 |
Slavische (ukrainische) Volkslieder |
Slavic (Ukrainian) Folk Songs |
for medium voice and piano |
4 song settings from a collection by Juon; other settings by Wilhelm Grosz, Hugo Kauder, Richard Kügele, Egon Lustgarten, Bernard Paumgartner and Felix Petyrek
Piano |
71 |
1924 |
Jotunheimen, Tondichtung |
Jotunheimen, Tone Poem |
for 2 pianos |
subtitled Ein rauhes Nordisches Bergland, das "Heim der Frost- u. Reifriesen" (A Rugged Nordic Mountain Country, the "Home of the Frost Giants")
Chamber music |
72 |
1922 |
5 Compositions - Chant d'amour
- Élégie
- Valsette
- Chant du berceau (Lullaby)
- Humoresque
5 Compositions |
for violin and piano |
Chamber music |
73 |
Arabesken, Kleines Trio |
Arabesques, Little Trio |
for oboe, clarinet and bassoon |
published 1941; composed 1940? 4 movements
Piano |
74 |
1921 |
Kinderträume, 15 Klavierstücke für die Jugend - Mutti spricht
- Püppchens Geburtstag
- Wiegenliedchen
- Beim Spiel
- Zank und Hader
- Püppchen weint
- Tanzmäuse
- Lied
- Das Schaukelpferd
- Der Hirtenknabe
- Die Mundharmonika
- Es regnet
- Der Hampelmann
- Die Gouvernante
Children's Dreams, 15 Pieces for Children |
for piano |
also published 1927 in 2 books
Piano |
75 |
1924 |
Die Unzertrennlichen (Les petits inséparables), 8 leichte Stücke - Guten Morgen
- Gute Nacht
- Springtanz
- Menuett
- Vergißmeinnicht
- Ländler
- Tarantella
- Maitag
- Im Gänsemarsch
The Little Inseparables, 8 Easy Pieces - Morning Song
- Night Song
- Spring Dance
- Menuet
- Forget-me-not
- Country Dance
- Tarantella
- May Day
- Lantern March
for piano 4-hands |
Piano |
76 |
1923 |
Kakteen, 7 Klavierstücke |
Cactuses, 7 Pieces |
for piano |
Piano |
77 |
1924 |
5 Klavier-Kompositionen (Klavierstücke) - Idylle
- Capriccietto
- Canzona
- Impromptu
- Tanz (Danse)
5 Compositions |
for piano |
Chamber music |
78 |
1923 |
Flötensonate F-Dur |
Sonata in F major |
for flute and piano |
Piano |
79 |
1923 |
5 Tongedichte - Upon a Balmy Summer Sunday
- A Long-lost Tune
- Evening Mists
- The Juggler: Der Gaukler aus fernem fremden Land
- Mazurian Courtship
5 Tone Poems |
for piano |
Piano |
80 |
1930 |
In Futurum 2, 4 Klavierstücke - Dämmerstunde daheim
- In Perrücke und Reifrock
- Der gefangene Ruße
- Jungburschen ziehen aus
In Futurum 2, 4 Pieces |
for piano |
Chamber music |
81 |
1928 |
7 kleine Tondichtungen |
7 Little Tone Poems |
for 2 violins and piano |
Chamber music |
82 |
1923 |
Klarinettensonate f-Moll |
Sonata in F minor |
for clarinet and piano |
also for viola and piano
Chamber music |
82a |
1923 |
Bratschensonate Nr. 2 f-Moll |
Sonata No. 2 in F minor |
for viola and piano |
composer's adaptation of the Clarinet Sonata
Chamber music |
83 |
1930 |
Legende D-Dur |
Legende in D major |
for violin, cello and piano |
Chamber music |
84 |
1928 |
Bläserquintett |
Wind Quintet in B♭ major |
for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon |
Orchestral |
85 |
1928 |
Serenade (für Schülerorchester) |
Serenade in G major |
for string orchestra with piano ad libitum |
for student orchestra
Chamber music |
86 |
1930 |
Violinsonate Nr. 3 h-Moll |
Sonata No. 3 in B minor |
for violin and piano |
Orchestral |
87 |
1929 |
Kleine Sinfonie (für Schülerorchester) |
Little Symphony in A minor |
for string orchestra with piano ad libitum |
for student orchestra
Concertante |
88 |
1931 |
Violinkonzert Nr. 3 a-Moll |
Concerto No. 3 in A minor |
for violin and orchestra |
Chamber music |
89 |
1932 |
Suite C-Dur |
Suite in C major |
for violin, cello and piano |
in 5 movements
Piano |
90 |
1933 |
4 Klavierstücke - Schelmenweise
- Besinnlichkeit
- Nächtlicher Aufzug
- Nordischer Mittsommertag
4 Pieces |
for piano |
Piano |
91 |
1933 |
6 leichte Klavierstücke für die Jugend |
6 Easy Pieces for the Young |
for piano |
Orchestral |
92 |
1933 |
Divertimento (für Schülerorchester) |
Divertimento |
for string orchestra and piano |
for student orchestra
Orchestral |
93 |
1935 |
Suite in fünf Sätzen |
Suite in Five Movements |
for orchestra |
Orchestral |
94 |
1938 |
Anmut und Würde, Suite |
Grace and Dignity, Suite |
for orchestra |
Orchestral |
95 |
1939 |
Rhapsodische Sinfonie |
Rhapsodic Symphony |
for orchestra |
Orchestral |
96 |
1941 |
Tanz-Capricen |
Dance Caprices |
for orchestra |
Concertante |
97 |
1940 |
Burletta |
Burletta |
for violin and orchestra |
Orchestral |
98 |
1939 |
Sinfonietta capricciosa |
Sinfonietta capricciosa |
for orchestra |
Vocal |
99 |
1941 |
3 Lieder - Paradies (Paradis)
- Die drei Schwestern (Le tre sorelle)
- Tröstung (La consolation)
3 Songs |
for voice and piano |
1. words by Stella Juon 2. words from Belfonte (1903) by Francesco Pastonchi 3. words by Stella Juon