...a Százévesnek – Hommage à Takács Jenő for small string orchestra (2002)
Sinfonia breve per archi – Fried Márta emlékére for small string orchestra (2004)
Új üzenetek zenekarra for orchestra (1998–2008)
Brefs messages (2010)
Petite musique solennelle – En hommage à Pierre Boulez 90 for orchestra (2015)
Ligeti évszázada – Kalandozás a múltban for ensemble (2023)
Mouvement for viola and orchestra (1953–1954)
Confessio concerto for piano (1980–1986)
…quasi una fantasia… for piano and spatialized instrumental groups (1987–1988)
Grabstein für Stephan for guitar and spatialized instrumental groups (1978–1989)
Double concerto for piano, cello, and two spatialized instrumental groups (1989–1990)
...concertante... pour violin, viola, and orchestra (2003)
Tánc dal for children choir and piano on a text by Sandor Weöres (1950)
Bornemisza Péter mondásai for soprano and piano on texts written by Péter Bornemisza (1963–1968)
Egy téli alkony emlékére (4 fragments on poems by Pál Gulyás), for soprano, violin, and cimbalom (1969)
Négy capriccio for soprano and chamber orchestra, on texts by István Bálint (1959–1970)
Négy dal Pilinszky János verseire for bassand chamber orchestra (1975)
Eszká-emlékzaj (7 Songs on poems by Dezső Tandori, for soprano and violin (1974–1975)
Herdecker Eurythmie "…sur des poèmes de Ellen Lösch", for speaker and tenor vielle (1979)
Poslanija pokojnoj R. V. Trusovoj 21 poems of Rimma Dalos, for soprano and ensemble (1976–1980)
Hét dal for soprano and cimbalom (or piano) (1981)
Stsenï iz romana 15 poems of Rimma Dalos for soprano, violin, double bass, and cimbalom (1979–1982)
Három dal Pilinszky János verseire for bass and piano (1975–1986)
Requiem po drugu for soprano and piano (1982–1987)
Kafka-Fragmente for soprano and violin (1985–1987)
Három régi felirat for soprano and piano (1986–1987)
Hölderlin : An... for tenor and piano (1988–1989)
Samuel Beckett: What is the Word Siklós István tolmácsolásában Beckett Sámuel üzeni Monyók Ildikóval for solo alto (speaker), five voices, and spatialized instrumental groups (1990–1991)
Samuel Beckett: mi is a szó Siklós István tolmácsolásában Beckett Sámuel üzeni Monyók Ildikóval for voice and upright piano (1990)
Pesni Unïniya i Pechali op. 18 for double mixed choir and instruments (1980–1994)
Requiem der Versöhnung for soloists, choir and orchestra (1995)
Üzenetek zenekarra for orchestra and mixed choir (1991–1996)
Hölderlin-Gesänge for solo barytone (and instruments) (1993–1997)
…pas à pas – nulle part… for barytone, percussion and string trio (1993–1998)
Einige Sätze aus den Sudelbüchern Georg Christoph Lichtenbergs revised version for soprano and double bass (1996–1999)
Esterházy Péter: Fancsikó és Pinta (Töredékek) – Bevezetés a Szépéneklés Müvészetébe I for solo voice, piano, and celesta (1999)
Colindă – Baladă for tenor, two mixed choirs and instrumental ensemble (2000–2007)
Songs to Poems by Anna Akhmatova for soprano and ensemble (1997–2008)
...elszunnyadni, - semmi több... (Három dal Tandori Dezső verseire) (...to sleep, - no more..., (Songs to poems by Dezső Tandori)) for solo alto, [violin, piano & percussion / cello] (2019)
A cappella
Klárisok for mixed choir on a poem by Attila József (1950)
Omaggio a Luigi Nono op. 16 for choir (1979)
Kórkép és Hattyudal for mixed choir (1978–1981)
József Attila-töredékek for solo soprano (1981)
Nyolc kórus Tandori Dezső verseir for mixed choir (1981–1984)