List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1822)

Franz Schubert's compositions of 1822 are mostly in the Deutsch catalogue (D) range D 733–767,[1] and include:



Legend to the table
column content
1 D '51 Deutsch number in the first version of the Deutsch catalogue (1951)[2]
2 D utd most recent (utd = up to date) Deutsch catalogue number;[3] the basic collation of the list is according to these numbers – whether or not the possibility to adjust the sorting according to the content of other columns is available depends on the device with which the table is displayed.
3 Op.
Opus number (Op.; p indicates Post. = posthumous) and date of first publication (pbl; between brackets; when there is more than one date the earlier dates indicate partial publications). The column sorts to Opus number, then (earliest of) the publication date(s)
4 AGA Alte Gesamt-Ausgabe = Franz Schubert's Werke: Kritisch durchgesehene Gesammtausgabe. Indicates genre/instrumentation:[4]
5 NSA NGA/NSA/NSE = New Schubert Edition, also indicates genre/instrumentation:[5]
6 Name unique name, with, if available, a link to the relevant encyclopedia article; sorts by name with initial definite ("Der", "Die", "Das", ...) or indefinite ("Ein", "A", ...) articles, and numbers, moved after the expression they qualify: e.g. "Die Hoffnung, ..." sorts as "Hoffnung, Die, ..." – "Thirty Minuets ..." sorts as "Minuets, 30, ...".
7 Key / incipit incipit mostly for songs[6] (linking to lyrics and their translation, for instance at The LiederNet Archive, when available),[7] other compositions by key, except for Schubert's stage works: type of composition in brackets.
8 Date (presumed) date of composition, or, for copies and arrangements, date of Schubert's autograph. Sorts to earliest possible date of completion, unlike the chronology of the Deutsch catalogue that generally collates according to earliest date associated with the composition: e.g. Schubert started the composition of his 3rd String Quartet on 19 November 1812 and completed it on 21 February 1813 – in the Deutsch catalogue the composition is grouped with other compositions from 1812: when using the sort function of the 8th column the composition is grouped with compositions completed in 1813
9 Additional info may include:
  • Information about the text (lyrics,[6][7] libretto) of vocal compositions: e.g., "Text by [text author]", "Text: [standard lyrics]", "... from [literary work]"; "other settings: D ..." indicates Schubert's other settings of the same text; for fields starting with "Text ..." this column sorts by text author (last name, first name—or pen name when such name is more established), then incipit of the lyrics (alternatively, when the incipit is rarely used, title of the work)
  • Information about the authenticity of the composition: the work is without doubt Schubert's unless when marked as "Doubtful", "Spurious?" or "Spurious" (in the last case columns 3–8 give no further information about the composition)
  • Forces needed for performance ("For ..."):
    • may be omitted when the type of composition makes the instrumentation clear (e.g. String Quartet → two violins, viola and cello), and, for vocal music, when the setting is for voice and piano
    • "s", "a", "t" and "b" refer to a single soprano, alto, tenor and bass singer respectively, while "S", "A", "T" and "B" to choral parts for the same types of singers (see SATB).
  • Specifications regarding movements (e.g. "Allegro – Minuet – Rondo") or sections (e.g. "No. 1 ...")
  • Information about the completeness of the extant work: the work is considered complete as extant unless when marked "Sketch", "Incomplete", "Unfinished", "Fragment" or "Lost"
  • Information about versions (e.g. "Two versions: ...")


Compositions by Franz Schubert listed in the Deutsch catalogue for 1822
AGA NSA Name Key / incipit Date Additional info
733 733 51
IX, 1
No. 3
VII/1, 4 Trois Marches militaires D major
G major
E major
For piano duet
734 734 67
No. 5
VII/2, 7a 16 Ländler and 2 Écossaises, a.k.a. Wiener Damen-Ländler Various keys before
For piano
735 735 49
No. 23
VII/2, 7a Galop and Eight Écossaises Various keys before
For piano
736 736 (1842) XX, 7
No. 402
IV, 13 Ihr Grab Dort ist ihr Grab 1822? Text by Engelhardt (a.k.a. Richard Roos) [de]
737 737 56,2
XX, 7
No. 414
IV, 3 An die Leier Ich will von Atreus Söhnen 1822 or
Text by Bruchmann [de] translating Anacreon
738 738 56,3
XX, 7
No. 415
IV, 3 Im Haine Sonnenstrahlen durch die Tannen 1822 or
Text by Bruchmann [de]
739 739 45
XIV No. 6 I, 9
No. 5
Tantum ergo, D 739 C major 1814 Text by Aquinas (other settings: D 460, 461, 730, 750, 962 and Anh. I/17); For SATB and orchestra
740 740 16,1
No. 7
III, 3 No. 28
Anh. III No. 3
Anh. IV No. 6
Frühlingsgesang, D 740 Schmücket die Locken mit duftigen Kränzen January–
early April
Text by Schober (other setting, of which the music is partly reused in this setting: D 709); For ttbb and piano
741 741 20,1
XX, 6
No. 400
IV, 1a Sei mir gegrüßt O du Entriß'ne mir late 1821–
autumn 1822
Text by Rückert
742 742 68
XX, 7
No. 401
IV, 3 Der Wachtelschlag Ach! mir schallt's dorten so lieblich hervor before
Text by Sauter [de]; Publ. as Op. 68 in 1827
743 743 23,2
XX, 7
No. 406
IV, 2a Selige Welt Ich treibe auf des Lebens Meer autumn
Text by Senn; For b and piano
744 744 23,3
XX, 7
No. 407
IV, 2a Schwanengesang, D 744 Wie klag' ich's aus das Sterbegefühl autumn
Text by Senn
745 745 73
XX, 7
No. 408
IV, 3 Die Rose Es lockte schöne Wärme 1822 Text by Schlegel, F., from Abendröte I, 6; Two versions: 1st publ. as Op. 73 in 1827
746 746 (1831) XX, 7
No. 422
IV, 13 Am See, D 746 In des Sees Wogenspiele 1822 or
Text by Bruchmann [de]
747 747 11,3
No. 6
III, 3 No. 29 Geist der Liebe, D 747 Der Abend schleiert Flur und Hain January
Text by Matthisson (other setting: D 414); For ttbb and piano
748 748 157p
No. 3
III, 1 Am Geburtstage des Kaisers Steig empor, umblüht von Segen January
Text by Deinhardstein [de]; For satbSATB and orchestra; Publ. with a modified text as Op. posth. 157 in 1849
749 749 (1850) XX, 10
No. 588
IV, 13 Herrn Josef Spaun, Assessor in Linz Und nimmer schreibst du? January
Text by Collin, M. C.
750 750 (1888) XIV No. 8 I, 9
No. 9
Tantum ergo, D 750 D major 22/3/1822 Text by Aquinas (other settings: D 460, 461, 730, 739, 962 and Anh. I/17); For SATB and orchestra
751 751 23,1
XX, 7
No. 410
IV, 2a Die Liebe hat gelogen Die Liebe hat gelogen before
Text by Platen
752 752 (1872) XX, 7
No. 403
IV, 13 Nachtviolen Nachtviolen, Nachtviolen April 1822 Text by Mayrhofer
753 753 65,3
XX, 7
No. 404
IV, 3 Heliopolis I a.k.a. Aus Heliopolis Im kalten, rauhen Norden April 1822 Text by Mayrhofer
754 754 (1842) XX, 7
No. 405
IV, 13 Heliopolis II a.k.a. Im Hochgebirge Fels auf Felsen hingewälzet April 1822 Text by Mayrhofer; For b and piano
755 755 I, 5 Anh. Kyrie, D 755 A minor
May 1822 Text: Mass ordinary (other settings: D 24E, 31, 45, 49, 56, 66, 105, 167, 324, 452, 678 and 950); For satbSATB, strings and organ; Sketch
756 756 59,1
XX, 7
No. 409
IV, 3 Du liebst mich nicht Mein Herz ist zerrissen, du liebst mich nicht! July 1822 Text by Platen; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 59 No. 1
757 757 133p
No. 3
III, 3 No. 30
Anh. III No. 4
Gott in der Natur Groß ist der Herr! August
Text by Kleist; For ssaa and piano
757A VII/2, 4 March, D 757A B minor 1822 For piano
758 758 108,2
XX, 7
No. 411
IV, 5 Todesmusik In des Todes Feierstunde September
Text by Schober; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 108 No. 2
759 759 (1867) I, 2
No. 8
V, 3
No. 7
Symphony No. 8, a.k.a. Unfinished Symphony B minor 30/10/1822 Allegro moderato – Andante con moto – Scherzo (Fragment); D 797 No. 1 may be its 4th movement
759A 69
VII/2, 4 Overture to Alfonso und Estrella, D 759A D major November
For piano; Arranged from D 732 (see also: D 773)
760 760 15
XI No. 1 VII/2, 5 Fantasy, D 760, a.k.a. Wanderer Fantasy C major November
For piano; Reuses music of D 489
761 761 23,4
XX, 7
No. 412
IV, 2a &
b No. 1
Schatzgräbers Begehr In tiefster Erde ruht ein alt Gesetz November
Text by Schober; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 23 No. 4
762 762 (1833) XX, 7
No. 413
IV, 13 Schwestergruß Im Mondenschein' wall' ich auf und ab November
Text by Bruchmann [de]
763 763 146p
No. 11
III, 2a
No. 13
Des Tages Weihe Schicksalslenker, blicke nieder 22/11/1822 For satb and piano
764 764 92,1
XX, 7
No. 416
IV, 5 Der Musensohn Durch Feld und Wald zu schweifen early Dec.
Text by Goethe; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 92 No. 1
765 765 (1868) XX, 7
No. 417
IV, 13 An die Entfernte So hab' ich wirklich dich verloren? early Dec.
Text by Goethe
766 766 (1872) XX, 7
No. 418
IV, 13 Am Flusse, D 766 Verfließet, vielgeliebte Lieder early Dec.
Text by Goethe (other setting: D 160)
767 767 56,1
XX, 7
No. 419
IV, 3 Willkommen und Abschied Es schlug mein Herz early Dec.
Text by Goethe; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 56 No. 1



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