List of compositions by César Franck
César Franck photographed by Pierre Petit , 1887.
Most of César Franck 's works seem to have been published during his lifetime, although only 21 works received a publisher's opus number . The mature published works were catalogued by Wilhelm Mohr in his Franck Werke Verzeichnis (FWV). He divided Franck's compositions into two main groups: instrumental works, M.1-48, and vocal works, M.49-91, arranging them by genre, and by composition date order within each genre.
The CFF catalogue (see § External links ) compiled by Joël-Marie Fauquet (published in 1999) details almost every known work by Franck, including many not listed by Mohr. In addition, many dates are listed in Fauquet's catalogue that are incorrect in Mohr's, or missing altogether.
In 2022, a critical 8-volume edition of the complete organ and harmonium works by Franck was published by Lyrebird Music, which follows the CFF catalogue and includes previously unpublished compositions.[ 1] [ 2]
Juvenile works
Franck wrote a number of juvenile works between 1834-1837 to which he assigned an opus number; he later disowned these early works, except the Premiere Grande Fantaisie Op. 12 (1836), which he occasionally played in later life. These opus numbers are not to be confused with his mature published works, published with or without an opus number. Franck started the Opus numbering twice (as child prodigy, and again in the early 1840s). Fauquet proposed to write the earlier numbers with a prefixed 0 (e.g., Deuxième grand Concerto is marked Op. 011 instead of Op. 11).
Op. 02 - Premier Concerto ((piano and orchestra, 1834–1835)[ 3]
Op. 03 - Grand Rondo (piano, 1834)
Op. 04 - Variations brillantes un thème original (piano, 1834), CFF 132
Op. 05 - Variations brillantes sur un air du Pré aux Clercs (Hérold) (piano, 1834)
Op. 06 - Grand Trio (piano, violin and violoncello, 1834), CFF 108
Op. 08 - Variations brillantes sur la ronde favorite de Gustave III (par Auber) (piano and orchestra, 1835), CFF 133
Op. 09 - O salutaris (choir and piano, 1835), CFF 188
Op. 010 - Première grande Sonate (piano, 1835–1836), CFF 2
Op. 011 - Deuxième grand Concerto (piano and orchestra, 1836), CFF 135
Op. 012 - Première grande Fantaisie (piano, 1836)
Op. 013 - Première grande Symphonie (orchestra, 1836)[ 4]
Op. 014 - Deuxième grande Fantaisie (piano, 1836), CFF 4
Op. 015 - Deux mélodies (piano, c. 1837), CFF 5
Op. 016 – Trio (violin, viola and piano)[ 5]
Op. 018 - Deuxième Sonate (piano, c. 1837)
Op. 019 - Troisième grande Fantaisie (piano, c. 1837), CFF 7
Grand Chœur (1846), CFF 49
Pièce en La majeur (1854), CFF 51
Andantino (1856), FWV 25 / CFF 54a[ 6]
Recueil de Noëls (c. 1860), CFF 249
Six Pièces d'orgue (First edition 1868 / revised edition 1880):
Fantaisie , op. 16 (1863), FWV 28 / CFF 53[ 7]
Grande Pièce Symphonique , op. 17 (1863), FWV 29 / CFF 98
Prélude, fugue et variation , op. 18 (1864), FWV 30 / CFF 30b[ 8]
Pastorale , op. 19 (1863), FWV 31 / CFF 99
Prière , op. 20 (1860), FWV 32 / CFF 100
Final , op. 21 (1864), FWV 33 / CFF 101
Petit Offertoire (ca. 1877), CFF 96b
Trois Pièces (First edition 1883):
Fantaisie (1878), FWV 35 / CFF 102
Cantabile (1878), FWV 36 / CFF 103
Pièce Héroïque (1878), FWV 37 / CFF 104
Petit Offertoire (c. 1885), CFF 38
Trois Chorals (First edition 1892):
Choral I (1890), FWV 38 / CFF 105
Choral II (1890), FWV 39 / FF 106
Choral III (1890), FWV 40 / CFF 107
Pièces posthumes pour harmonium ou orgue à pédales pour l'office ordinaire (First edition 1905):
Offertoire en Mi bémol (1858), FWV 24, 2 / CFF 36b
Grand Chœur en Ut (1858), FWV 24, 24 / CFF 56
Offertoire pour la Messe de minuit en Ré mineur (1858), FWV 24, 25 / CFF 57
Offertoire en Fa mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 1 / CFF 55
Magnificat en Ré (c. 1858), CFF 58
Grand Chœur en Ré (c. 1858), FWV 24, 4 / CFF 59
Andantino en Ré (c. 1858), FWV 24, 5 / CFF 60
Quasi Marcia en Ré mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 6 / CFF 61
Allegretto en Ré (c. 1858), FWV 24, 7 / CFF 62
Grand Chœur en Ré (c. 1858), CFF 63
Amen en Ré (c. 1858), FWV 24, 8 / CFF 64
Gloria Patri en Ré (c. 1858), CFF 65
Offertoire en La (c. 1858), FWV 24, 9 / CFF 33
Quasi lento en La (ca. 1858), FWV 24, 10 / CFF 66
Allegretto en Ut mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 11 / CFF 67
Andantino en Ut (c. 1858), CFF 68
Allegretto en Ré mineur (c. 1858), CFF 69
Allegretto non troppo en Ré (c. 1858), FWV 24, 12 / CFF 70
Magnificat en Mi bémol (c. 1858), CFF 71
Magnificat en Mi bémol (c. 1858), CFF 72
Grand Chœur en Mi bémol (c. 1858), FWV 24, 13 / CFF 73
Moderato con moto en Mi bémol (c. 1858), FWV 24, 14 / CFF 74
Andantino en Mi bémol (c. 1858), FWV 24, 15 / CFF 75
Allegretto non troppo en Mi bémol (c. 1858), CFF 76
Gloria Patri en Mi bémol (c. 1858), CFF 77
Gloria Patri en Mi bémol (c. 1858), CFF 78
Amen en Mi bémol (c. 1858), CFF 79
Gloria Patri en Mi bémol (c. 1858), CFF 80
Prélude pour l'Ave Maris Stella en Ré mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 16 / CFF 81
Prélude pour l'Ave Maris Stella en Ré (c. 1858), FWV 24, 17 / CFF 82
Prélude pour l'Ave Maris Stella en Ré mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 18 / CFF 83
Benedicamus en Do (c. 1858), CFF 84
Lento en Ré mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 19 / CFF 85
Kyrie de la Messe de Noël en Ut mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 21 / CFF 87
Moderato en Ut mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 22 / CFF 88
Moderato en Ut mineur (c. 1858), FWV 24, 23 / CFF 89
Grand Chœur en Ut mineur (c. 1858), CFF 90
Elevation en La (1859), FWV 24, 3 / CFF 93
Offertoire en Sol mineur (1859), FWV 24, 26 / CFF 92
Sortie en Ré (c. 1859), FWV 24, 27 / CFF 94
Trois Antiennes (c. 1859), FWV 27, 1–3 / CFF 91
Offertoire en Si (1860), FWV 24, 30 / CFF 95
Offertoire en Fa # mineur (1861), FWV 24, 28 / CFF 96a
Allegro Moderato en Ré bémol (c. 1863), FWV 24, 29 / CFF 97
Cinq Pièces , (ca. 1864), FWV 26, 1–5 / CFF 32:
1. Offertoire
2. Petit Offertoire
3. Verset 1
4. Verset 2
5. Communion
Quasi Marcia , op. 22 (c. 1865), FWV 34 / CFF 35[ 9]
Offertoire sur un noël Breton (c. 1867), CFF 34
Entrée (c. 1875), CFF 37
Andante et Prière , (c. 1888), CFF 39bis
L’Organiste, Recueil de Pièces pour orgue ou harmonium (First edition 1891):
Sept Pièces en Ut majeur et Ut mineur (1890), FWV 41, 1–7 / CFF 40
Sept Pièces en Ré bémol majeur et Ut # mineur (1890), FWV 41, 8–14 / CFF 41
Sept Pièces en Ré majeur et Ré mineur (pour le temps de noėl) (1890), FWV 41, 15–21 / CFF 42
Sept Pièces en Mi bémol majeur et Mi bémol mineur (1890), FWV 41, 22–28 / CFF 43
Sept Pièces en Mi majeur et Mi mineur (1890), FWV 41, 29–35 / CFF 44
Sept Pièces en Fa majeur et Fa mineur (1890), FWV 41, 36–42 / CFF 45
Sept Pièces en Fa # majeur et Fa # mineur (1890), FWV 41, 43–59 / CFF 46
Sept Pièces en Sol majeur et Sol mineur (1890), FWV 41, 50–56 / CFF 47
Sept Pièces en La bémol majeur et La bémol mineur (1890), FWV 41, 57–59 and FWV 42, 1–4 / CFF 48
Eglogue , op. 3 (1842), FWV 11 / CFF 10
Premier grand caprice , op. 5 (1843), FWV 13 / CFF 11
Souvenirs d’Aix-la-Chapelle , op. 7 (1843), FWV 14 / CFF 12
Prélude, Choral et Fugue (1884), FWV 21 / CFF 24
Prélude, Aria et Final (1886–1887), FWV 23 / CFF 26
Chamber Music
Grand trio , op. 6 (violin, cello and piano, 1834), CFF 108
Trois Trios concertants , op. 1 (violin, cello and piano):
Trio (1841), FWV 1 / CFF 111
Trio ("Trio de salon", 1841), FWV 2 / CFF 112
Trio (1842), FWV 3 / CFF 113
Trio concertant , op. 2 (violin, cello and piano, 1842), FWV 4 / CFF 114[ 10]
Duo , op. 14 (violin and piano, 1844), FWV 6 / CFF 117
Quintet (Two violins, viola, cello and piano, 1879), FWV 7 / CFF 121
Sonate (violin or cello and piano, 1886), FWV 8 / CFF 123
Quatuor à cordes (1889), FWV 9 / CFF 124
Ce qu’on entend sur la montagne (1845–1847), CFF 126
Rédemption (1871–1874), FWV 52 / CFF 184
Les Éolides (after a poem by Leconte de Lisle, 1876), FWV 43 / CFF 127
Le chasseur maudit (1882), FWV 44 / CFF 128
Les Djinns (piano and orchestra, after a poem by Victor Hugo, 1884), FWV 45 / CFF 136
Variations symphoniques (piano and orchestra, 1885), FWV 46 / CFF 137
Symphonie en ré mineur (1886–1888), FWV 48 / CFF 130
Psyché (Soloists, choir and orchestra, 1887–1888), FWV 47 / CFF 129
Sacred Vocal Music
Messe solennelle (1858), FWV 59 / CFF 202[ 11]
Messe , op. 12 (1860), FWV 61 / CFF 203[ 12]
Quare fremuerunt gentes (Offertoire pour la fête de Ste-Clothilde, 1871), FWV 74 / CFF 215
Psalm 150 (1884), FWV 69 / CFF 221
Ruth (biblical oratorio in three parts, 1843–1846), FWV 51 / CFF 179
Les sept paroles du Christ en croix (1859), CFF 180
Les Béatitudes (1869–1879), FWV 53 / CFF 185
Rebecca (Biblical scene, 1881), FWV 54 / CFF 187
Stradella (Opera in three acts, 1841), CFF 229
Le Valet de ferme (Comic opera in three acts, 1851–1853), CFF 230
Hulda (Opera in four acts und epilogue, 1882–1885), FWV 49 / CFF 231
Ghiselle (Lyric drama in four acts, 1888–1890), FWV 50 / CFF 232
L’émir de Bengador (c. 1843), CFF 139
Le sylphe (1843), CFF 140
Robin Gray (c. 1843), CFF 141
L’ange et l’enfant (1846), CFF 142
Souvenance (1846), CFF 143
Les trois exilés (1848), CFF 146
Aimer (1849), CFF 147
Ninon (1851), CFF 148
S’il est un charmant gazon (I, c. 1855), CFF 149
S’il est un charmant gazon (II, 1857), CFF 150
Passez, passez toujours (c. 1860), CFF 151
Roses et papillons (c. 1860), CFF 152
Le mariage des roses (c. 1870), CFF 153
Paris (Patriotic ode for voice and orchestra, 1870), CFF 158
Lied (c. 1873), CFF 154
Le vase brisé (1879), CFF 155
Nocturne (1885), CFF 156
Pour les victimes (1887), FWV 86
Les cloches du soir (1888), CFF 157
La procession (1888), CFF 160
Premier sourire de mai (1888), CFF 172
^ César Franck: Intégrale de l’œuvre d’orgue –– Vol. I–IV (Richard Brasier, ed.). Tynset , Norway : Lyrebird Music, 2022. Retrieved 17 October 2024.
^ César Franck: Intégrale de l’œuvre d’orgue –– Vol. V–VIII (Richard Brasier, ed.). Tynset , Norway : Lyrebird Music, 2022. Retrieved 17 October 2024.
^ The work is lost or may never have been composed.
^ The work is probably lost; the symphony was premiered on 16 February 1841 at the Société d’Orléans .
^ The work ist lost.
^ Another version: 1856, CFF 54b.
^ Other versions: 1856 (CFF 53a), 1862 (CFF 53b) and 1868 (CFF 53c).
^ Version for harmonium and piano (c. 1862), FWV 30a / CFF 30a.
^ Another version: ca. 1865, CFF 35a (First edition 2024).
^ Originally the finale of the "Trio Concertant" pp. 1 no. 3 (1842), FWV 3/ CFF 113.
^ According to Fauquet, the work is lost (with the exception of “O Salutaris”). The only reference to the existence of this work is Vincent d'Indy's catalog.
^ Final version 1872, CFF 203b.
External links
Operas Symphonic music Chamber music Choral music Organ works Piano solo Namesakes Related articles