List of butterflies of Finland
The butterflies of Finland include all species of butterflies (Papilionoidea ) (including skippers , which were formerly considered a separate superfamily Hesperioidea but nowadays are included in Papilionoidea) which have been recorded in Finland . The local butterfly fauna includes 121 species of butterflies, 10 of which are skippers. However, some species have been reported only once.
As of 2010[update] , the butterfly fauna of Finland included two species classified as critically endangered (CR), 12 species as endangered (EN) and 10 species as vulnerable (VU).[ 1] Out of all 26 lepidopteran species which are protected by law under the Nature Conservation Decree, 18 species appear on this list.
Agriades glandon aquilo , Arctic blue - protected by law
Agriades optilete , cranberry blue
Aricia artaxerxes , northern brown argus
Aricia nicias , silvery argus
Celastrina argiolus , holly blue
Cupido alcetas , Provençal short-tailed blue
Cupido argiades , short-tailed blue
Cupido minimus , small blue
Cyaniris semiargus , Mazarine blue
Eumedonia eumedon , geranium argus
Glaucopsyche alexis , green-underside blue
Phengaris arion , large blue - protected by law
Plebejus argus , silver-studded blue
Plebejus idas , northern blue
Polyommatus amandus , Amanda's blue
Polyommatus icarus , common blue
Pseudophilotes vicrama , chequered blue - protected by law
Scolitantides orion , chequered blue butterfly - protected by law
Argynnis laodice , Pallas' fritillary
Argynnis paphia , silver-washed fritillary
Speyeria aglaja , dark green fritillary
Fabriciana adippe , high brown fritillary
Fabriciana niobe , Niobe fritillary
Boloria aquilonaris , cranberry fritillary
Boloria chariclea , Arctic fritillary
Boloria freija , Freija fritillary
Boloria frigga , Frigga fritillary
Boloria eunomia , bog fritillary
Boloria euphrosyne , pearl-bordered fritillary
Boloria improba , dingy fritillary - protected by law
Boloria napaea , mountain fritillary
Boloria polaris , polaris fritillary
Boloria selene , small pearl-bordered fritillary
Boloria thore , Thor's fritillary - protected by law south from Kainuu
Boloria titania , titania's fritillary - protected by law
Brenthis ino , lesser marbled fritillary
Issoria lathonia , Queen of Spain fritillary
Aglais io , European peacock
Aglais urticae , small tortoiseshell
Araschnia levana , map
Euphydryas aurinia , marsh fritillary - protected by law
Euphydryas intermedia
Euphydryas iduna , Lapland fritillary
Euphydryas maturna , scarce fritillary - protected by law
Melitaea athalia , heath fritillary
Melitaea cinxia , Glanville fritillary
Melitaea diamina , false heath fritillary - protected by law
Nymphalis antiopa , mourning cloak
Nymphalis polychloros , large tortoiseshell
Nymphalis vaualbum , Compton tortoiseshell
Nymphalis xanthomelas , scarce tortoiseshell
Polygonia c-album , comma
Vanessa atalanta , red admiral
Vanessa cardui , painted lady
Hipparchia semele , grayling
Lopinga achine , woodland brown - protected by law
Lasiommata petropolitana , northern wall brown
Lasiommata megera , speckled wood
Lasiommata maera , large wall
Pararge aegeria tircis , speckled wood
Hyponephele lycaon , dusky meadow brown
Aphantopus hyperantus , ringlet
Maniola jurtina , meadow brown
Coenonympha glycerion , chestnut heath
Coenonympha pamphilus , small heath
Coenonympha hero , scarce heath
Coenonympha tullia , large heath
Erebia euryale euryaloides , large ringlet
Erebia disa , Arctic ringlet
Erebia pandrose , dewy ringlet
Erebia ligea , Arran brown
Erebia medusa polaris , woodland ringlet - protected by law
Erebia embla , Lapland ringlet
Oeneis bore , Arctic grayling
Oeneis jutta , Baltic grayling
Oeneis norna , nose grayling
External links
See also
Sovereign states States with limited recognition Dependencies and other entities