Bilateria is an extremely diverse group of animals containing a vast majority of its species, largely due to the enormous amount of arthropods. This article is a list of orders contained within Bilateria separated by phylum. Groups that are not contained within an order are listed separately.
Annelid taxonomy is currently under constant revisions due to the discovery that the class Polychaeta is paraphyletic. As such, a comprehensive list of orders is likely to change depending on what is accepted as valid.
Nematode taxonomy is far from fully resolved, and different schemes might be used. For this list, Mike Hodda's Phylum Nematoda: a classification, catalogue and index of valid genera, with a census of valid species classification is used.[1]
The group Acanthocephala is traditionally treated as a separate phylum from Rotifera. However, it was found that Acanthocephala are phylogenetically contained within the rotifers, and this list reflects these findings.
The class Mesotardigrada contains one species, Thermozodium esakii, which has not been found since its reported discovery in 1937, and its existence is dubious. It is contained within the order Thermozodia.
^This order traditionally also includes the families Maldanidae and Arenicolidae, but is now believed to only contain Echiura and family Capitellidae. Maldanidae and Arenicolidae have been moved to the clade Maldanomorpha
^This family is traditionally placed in the order Sabellida, but is now considered to be closest to Cirratuliformia and as such is now unplaced