This is an incomplete list of battles of the Second Punic War, showing the battles on the Italian peninsula and some in Africa, in Sicily and Hispania.
Autumn: Battle of Geronium – Hannibal trapped and inflicted severe losses on a Roman army under Marcus Minucius Rufus. The timely intervention of the Dictator Quintus Fabius Maximus saved the Romans from another disaster.
March: Battle of Tarentum – Hannibal, after careful planning and collaboration from the Greek populace, takes the city of Tarentum in a daring night raid. The Romans continue to hold the Citadel at the mouth of the port.
First Battle of Capua – Hannibal defeated the consuls Q. Fulvius Flaccus and Appius Claudius, but the Roman army escaped. Siege of Capua temporarily lifted.
Battle of the Silarus – Hannibal destroyed the army of the Roman praetor M. Centenius Penula in Campania.
First Battle of Herdonia – Hannibal destroyed the Roman army of the praetor Gnaeus Fulvius in Apulia.
Spring: Battle of Canusium – Hannibal once again confronted Marcellus in an indecisive battle. Marcellus was recalled to Rome on charges of bad leadership.
Assault on Tarentum – Romans under Quintus Fabius Maximus reconquer Tarentum.
208 BC
Spring: Battle of Baecula – Romans in Hispania under P. Cornelius Scipio the Younger defeated Hasdrubal Barca. Hasdrubal managed to save 2/3 of his army, treasures and elephants and retreat.
Summer: Battle of Petelia – Hannibal ambushes and destroys a small Roman force
Battle of Clupea – The Carthaginian navy is defeated in a battle off the African coast.
23 June: Battle of the Metaurus – Hasdrubal Barca was defeated and killed by Livius and Nero's combined Roman army. Is thought by many as one of the most decisive battles in history.
Naval Battle of Utica – A Carthaginian fleet of 70 ships is defeated by a Roman fleet of 100 ships near Utica.
206 BC
Spring: Battle of Ilipa – Scipio destroyed a large Carthaginian army in Hispania.
Battle of Castra Cornelia – Carthaginian fleet under Hasdrubal plunders the Roman supply convoy sailing to resupply Scipio's army in Africa near Utica.