List of Scottish Gaelic surnames

This list of Scottish Gaelic surnames shows Scottish Gaelic surnames beside their English language equivalent.

  • Unlike English surnames (but in the same way as Slavic, Lithuanian and Latvian surnames), all of these have male and female forms depending on the bearer, e.g. all Mac- names become Nic- if the person is female.
  • Some of the Scottish Gaelic surnames are Gaelicised forms of English surnames; and conversely, some of the English surnames are Anglicised forms of the Gaelic surnames.
  • In some cases the Gaelic and English names do not share an etymological origin.
  • Several surnames have multiple spellings; this is sometimes due to unrelated families bearing the same surname.
  • A single surname in either language may have multiple translations in the other.
  • In some English translations of the names, the M(a)c- prefix may be omitted in the English, e.g. Bain vs MacBain, Cowan vs MacCowan, Ritchie vs MacRitchie. Also, the prefixes Mac- and Mc- are interchangeable, although individuals may have a preference as to which form is used in their own surname.

Surname list

Note that certain names may appear multiple times on this list; use the 'find' or 'search' function in your web browser to quickly look up certain names.


Scottish Gaelic surname English surname Notes Ref
[note 1]
Aileanach Allan, Allanach, MacCallan Allanach in Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Ailpeanach MacAlpine
Allanach Allan, Allanach, MacCallan Allanach in Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Ambarsan Anderson In Sleat.[1] [1]
Anam Annan [1]
Andarsan Anderson
Anndrasdan Anderson [1]
Arasgain Erskine "Arascain" in old orthography.[2] [1][2]
Ariss [clarification needed] Aris
Ariss Bànach
Member Clan John Aris
In Wester Ross.[1]
Baran Barron [1]
Barrach Dunbar [1]
Beitean Beaton, Bethune In Ross.[1] [1]
Bhàsa Vass [1]
Bhodhsa Vass [1]
Blacach Black [1]
Blàr Blair [1]
Blàrach Blair, Muir [1][2]
Bochanan Buchanan [3]
Boid,[4] Bòid[1] Boyd[1][2][4]
Bòideach Boyd [1]
Bràigheach MacGillivray [1]
Breac Breck
Breathnach Galbraith, Walsh, Welsh [2]
Brothaigh Brodie [2]
Bruis Bruce
Brùn Broun, Brown On Tiree.[1] [1]
Brus Bruce [4]
Buideach Budge [1]
Buidheach Bowie, Buie [3]
Buids Budge [1]
Buiseid Bisset [1]
Cailbhin Calvin [2]
Caileanach Callanach, MacCallan [1]
Caimbeul Campbell [3]
Caimbeulach Campbell [2]
Camran Cameron [2]
Camshron Cameron [2][3]
Camshronach Cameron
Cananach Buchanan [1]
Canonach Buchanan, MacPherson MacPherson in Skye.[2] [2]
Caoidheach Kay, MacKay
Caolaisdean Kelso On Arran.[1] [1]
Catach Catach, Catto [1]
Catan Cattenach [1]
Catanach Cattenach Also a member of Clan Chattan.[2] [1]
Ceallach Kelly [3]
Ceanadach Kennedy [3]
Ceannaideach Kennedy [2]
Cearrach Kerr On Arran.[1] [1]
Ceiteach Keith [2]
Ciar Keir [2]
Ciarach Keir
Ciogach Eggo In Aberdeenshire.[1] [1]
Coineagan Cunningham [3]
Crannach Cranna In Aberdeenshire.[1] [1]
Criatharach Crerar In Loch Tay and Strathspey.[1] [1]
Cuimeanach Comyn, Cumming [2]
Cuimein Comyn, Cumming [3]
Cuimeineach Comyn, Cumming [1]
Càidh Caie, Kay, Keith Keith in Caithness.[1] [1]
Cèamp Kemp In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Cèampach Kemp In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Còmhan Cowan, MacCowan [1]
Creag, Creagach Craig


Scottish Gaelic English Notes Ref
Dalais Dallas [2]
Deòir Dewar [3]
Deòireach Dewar [1]
Dòmhnallach, Dòmhnullach MacDonald [2][3]
Druimeanach Drummond
Druimein Drummond [1]
Druimeineach Drummond [1]
Druiminn Drummond [3]
Dubh Dow, Black [1]
Dubhach MacDuff
Dùbhghlas Douglas [2]
Dùghallach Coull, Dowell, MacDougall, MacDowall [2]
Dùghlas Douglas [2][4]
Dùghlasach Douglas
Dunaid Dunnet [2]
Dunaidh Downie [3]
Donnchadh Duncan [5]
Eabarcrombaigh Abercrombie [1]
Fearghasdan Ferguson [4]
Fionnlasdan Finlayson [4]
Flimean[1] Fleming [1]
Foirbeis[3] Forbes [3]
Foirbeiseach Forbes [1][2]
Flachnàn Flanagan

In Ayrshire.[1]

Fòlais Foulis, Fowlis [2]
Friseal Fraser, Frazer [3]
Frisealach Fraser, Frazer [2]
Gall Gall
Gallach Gall, Gallie, Gollach [1]
Geadais Geddes [3]
Geadasach Geddes [1]
Gearailteach Fitzgerald [2]
Gilios Gillies [1]
GillAndrais Gillanders [3]
GillEasbaig Archbold, Archibald, Bishop, Gillespie [3]
GillEasbuig Gillespie, Archibald [6]
GilleChriosd Gilchrist, Christie [3]
GilleChrìost Gilchrist, Christie [6]
Gill'Iosa Gillies [2]
Giobsan Gibson
Glas Glass, Gray
Gobha Gow, Smith [2][3]
Grannd Grant [3]
Grannda Grant [6]
Granndach Grant [2]
Greum Graeme, Graham [4]
Greumach Graeme, Graham [3]
Griogal MacGregor, McGregor, Gregory In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Griogalach MacGregor, McGregor, Gregory In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Griogarach Gregg, Greig, Greer, Grierson, MacGregor, Gregory [2]
Guaire Noble [2]
Guinne Gunn [3]
Gunnach Gunn [1][2]
Gutraidh Guthrie [3]
Gòrdan Gordon [3]
Gòrdanach Gordon Hoovín [1][2]
Ìomharach Iverach, Ivory [1]
Latharnach Larnach [1]
Lathurna Lorne
Leamhanach Lennox [2]
Leamhnach Lennox [1]
Leòideach Cloud, MacLeod
Lobhdain Lothian In Glen Lyon.[1] [1]
Loganach Logan [1][2]
Loudain Lothian In Glen Lyon.[1] [1]
Lìos Lees On Arran.[1] [1]
Lìosach Gillies, Lees Also used for someone from Lismore.[2]
Lùtair Luther [3]


Mac- (son of) is by far the most common element in Scottish Gaelic surnames.

Scottish Gaelic English Notes Ref
Mac a' Bhacstair, Mac a' Bhacastair Baker, Baxter, MacVaxter
Mac a' Bhàird Baird, Ward [1]
Mac a' Bhàirling MacFarlane [2]
Mac a' Bharain Barron, Warren
Mac a' Bhiataich MacCavity, MacVitie [1]
Mac a' Bhiocair MacVicar [3]
Mac a' Bhreatannaich[1][3] Braithnoch, Bratney, Bratnie, Bretnoch, Calbraith,[1] Galbraith,[3] MacBratney[1]
Mac a' Bhreatnaich Galbraith, Bratney, Cretney [2]
Mac a' Bhruthainn[1][3] MacBrayne, Brown[3] Brown in Argyll.[1]
Mac a' Chananaich Buchanan [1]
Mac a' Charraige Craig On Arran.[1] [1]
Mac a' Chléirich[1][3] Clark etc., MacClery,[3] MacLerie, Clerie[1] Clerie in Glasgow.[1]
Mac a' Chombaich[1][3] Colquhoun,[3] MacCombie[1]
Mac a' Chriathrair[1][3] Crerar[3] In Loch Tay and Strathspey.[1]
Mac a' Chrosain MacCrossan [1]
Mac a' Chruiteir Harper, MacWhirter Harper in Stewartry.[3] [1]
Mac a' Ghniomhaid Agnew [2][3]
Mac a' Ghobhainn[1][3] MacGavin,[1] MacGowan, Smith,[3] Gow MacGavin in Glasgow and Moray.[1]
Mac a' Ghoill Gall, MacGill MacGill on Jura.[1] [1]
Mac a' Ghreidheir Grieve, Grierson [3]
Mac a' Ghreusaiche Grassick, Grassie, Soutar [1]
Mac a' Ghrùdair Brewster, Gruer, MacGruer, MacGruther, Magruder [1]
Mac a' Leòra MacClure, MacLure [1]
Mac a' Lìos[1][3] Lees, MacLeish [1][2][3]
Mac a' Mhaighstir MacMaster [1]
Mac a' Mhaoilein MacMillan, MacWhillan, Quillan [3]
Mac a' Mhaoir Mair, Weir Weir in Dunbartonshire.[1] [1]
Mac a' Mhiadhaich May, Omay, Omey Omey in Lorne.[1] [1]
Mac a' Mhuilleir Millar, Milne
Mac a' Phearsain MacPherson [3]
Mac a' Phì[1][3] Fee,[1] MacFee, MacPhee,[3] MacCaffey
Mac an Aba[1][3] Abbot, Abbotson,[1] Macnab[3]
Mac an Airgid Sillars On Arran.[1] [1]
Mac an Deòir Dewar, Macindeoir [3]
Mac an Deòraidh Major, Jorie, MacJarrow Jorie in Galloway.[1] [1]
Mac an Dorsair Dorward, Durward [1]
Mac an Duibh Macindoe Mac an Duibh is short for Mac Iain Duibh.[3] [3]
Mac an Fhigheadair MacNider [3]
Mac an Fhilidh MacNeillie, Neil Neil in Galloway.[1] [1]
Mac an Fhleisteir Fletcher, Leslie [2][3]
Mac an Fhoirbhich Munro In Inveraray.[1] [1]
Mac an Fhùcadair MacKnockater, MacNucator, Walker [1]
Mac an Fhuibhir MacNair, Weir In Argyll.[1] [1]
Mac an Iasgair[1][3] Fisher,[3] MacInesker.[1]
Mac an Lamhaich,[3] Mac an Làmhaich[1] Lennie[1][2][3]
Mac an Leighe MacLeay In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Mac an Lèigh[1][3] Beaton, Livingston, Livingstone, MacLeay[3] Beaton on Islay[3] Livingston in Appin.[1] MacLeay on Lewis.[1] Livingston and Livingstone are etymologically unrelated to Mac an Lèigh.
Mac an Luaimh Mulloy [3]
Mac an Oighre MacNair In Perthshire.[1] [1]
Mac an Ollaimh MacInally, MacNally In Dunbartonshire.[1] [1]
Mac an Rìgh MacNee, King [2]
Mac an Rothaich Munro [3]
Mac an Ruaidh Macanroy, Macinroy, Roy Mac an Ruaidh equates to Mac Iain Ruaidh.[3] [3]
Mac an Sporain MacSporran, Purser, Purcell Purser in Argyll.[1] [1]
Mac an Tàilleir Taylor [1]
Mac an Tòisich[1][3] Mackintosh, Macintosh,[3] Tosh[1]
Mac an t-Sagairt[1][3] MacTaggart,[3] Taggart[1]
Mac an t-Saoir[1][3] Macintyre,[3] MacTear, Tyre, Wright[1]
Mac an t-Sealgair Hunter [4]
Mac an t-Srònaich[1] Stronach[1]
Mac an Tuairneir Turner [1]
Mac an Uidhir[1][3] MacNair[3] Weir In the Lennox.[1] Mac an Uidhir equates to Mac Iain Uidhir.[3]
Mac Iain Bhallaich Malloch [1]
Mac Iain Duibh MacIndoe [1]
Mac Iain Ruaidh MacInroy, MacAnroy [1][2]
Mac Iain Uidhir MacNair In Glengarry.[1] [1]
Mac na Carraige Craig [3]
Mac na Ceàrda[1][3] Caird,[1] Sinclair[3]
Mac na Ceàrdaich Caird, Sinclair [3]
Mac na Maoile MacMillan In Perthshire.[1] [1]
Mac O' Dreain Drain In Kintyre.[1] [1]
Mac O' Seannaig Shannon On Arran.[1] [1]
Mac'Ill'Anndrais Anderson, MacAndrew, Gillanders [3]
Mac'IlleBhreac Breck
Mac'Ill'Eathainn MacLean [3]
Mac'Ill'Fhinnein MacLennan [3]
Mac'Ill'Fhinntain Clinton, MacLinton [3]
Mac'Ill'Fhionndaig MacClintock [3]
Mac'IllÌosa Gillies, MacLeish [3]
Mac'IllÒig Ogg, Young [3]
Mac'Ille na Brataich Bannerman [1][3]
Mac'IlleBhàin Bain, Micklewain, Milwain, Whyte [3]
Mac'IlleBhuidh Bowie, Buie, Ogilvy [3]
Mac'IlleChiar Kerr, Keir [3]
Mac'IlleDhuibh Black, Blackie, Dow [3]
Mac'IlleMhìcheil Carmichael, Gilmichael [3]
Mac'IlleMhòire Gilmour, Gilmore [3]
Mac'IlleNaoimh MacNiven [3]
Mac'IlleRiabhaich Darach, Darroch etc., Reoch, Revie, Riach [3]
Mac'IlleRuaidh Gilroy, MacIroy, Reid, Roy [3]
MacUirigh Currie [2]
MacAbhra MacAra, McAra [1]
MacAbhsalain Causland, MacAuslan [1]
MacAdaidh,[3] MacÀdaidh[1] MacAdie,[1] MacCadie,[3] Munro[1] Munro in Easter Ross;[1] Dwelly says Munro, "in certain families only".[2]
MacAdhaimh,[3] MacÀdhaimh[1] Adam, Adamson,[1] MacAdam, MacCaw,[3] MacKeggie[1]
MacÀidh Mackay [1]
MacAididh MacAdie Also Ferguson of Balmacruchie.[2]
MacAilein[1][3] Allan, Allanson, Callan,[1] MacAllan[3]
MacAilpein[1][3] Alpine,[1] MacAlpine[3]
MacAlasdair[1][3] Alexander,[1] MacAlister,[3] MacAllister,[4] MacAndie,[2][3] McElshender
MacAmbrais Cambridge, Chambers, MacCambridge Chambers in Argyll.[1] [1]
MacAmhalghaidh Cowley, MacAulay, Oliver In Dunbartonshire.[1] [1]
MacAmhlaidh MacAulay [3]
MacAmhlaigh[1][4] Cowley, MacAulay In the Hebrides.[1]
MacAnndaidh Andie,[1] MacAndie MacAndie on Berneray, North Uist.[1] [1]
MacAnndra Anderson, Andrew, MacAndrew [1]
MacAnndrais Anderson, Andrew, MacAndrew [1]
MacAodhagain MacKeegan [1]
MacAoidh[1][3] Kay, MacGhie, MacHeth,[1] Mackay,[3] MacHugh, MacKee, MacKie MacGhie in Galloway. MacHeth in Moray.[1]
MacAoidhein MacQuien [1]
MacAomalain Bannatyne [1]
MacAonghais[1][3] Angus, Canch,[1] MacAinsh,[3] MacCance,[1] MacInnes,[3] Innes
MacAra MacAra [1]
MacArtain MacArthur, MacCartney MacArthur on Skye.[1] [1]
MacArtair[1][3] Arthur, McCarter,Carter,[1] MacArthur[3] Carter in Perthshire.[1]
MacAsgaidh Caskie, MacCaskie [1]
MacAsgaill MacAskill [3]
MacAsgain MacAskin [1]
MacBeatha Beaton, Bethune, MacBeath, MacBeth, MacBey [1]
MacBeathag MacBeth In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
MacBhàididh MacWattie, Watson, Watt [1]
MacBharrais MacVarish [1]
MacBhàtair MacWalter, Qualtrough, Watson, Watt, Watters [3]
MacBheatha[1][3] MacBeth,[3] MacVeigh,[1] MacVey,[1] Beith
MacBheathaig MacBeth, MacBethock In Wester Ross.[1] [1][2]
MacBheathain MacBain, MacBean, MacVean [2][3]
MacBhigein MacFigan, Little [1]
MacBhiocair MacVicar [2]
MacBhlàthain Blain, Blane [1]
MacBhradain Braden,[1] Salmon(d)[2]
MacBhraonaigh[1] Burnie[1]
MacBhrìghdein Bryden, MacBridan On Arran.[1] [1]
MacCàba MacCabe [1]
MacCaibe MacCabe [1]
MacCailein Colinson, Cullen, MacCallan [1]
MacCain MacCann, MacCain, MacKean
MacCaisgein MacAskin [1]
MacCalmain MacCalman, Murchison Murchison in Ross-shire.[1] [1]
MacCaluim MacCallum, Malcolm(son) [3]
MacCaog MacCaig [2][3]
MacCaoig Caig, MacCaig [1]
MacCardaidh[1][3] Hardie, MacHardie,[1] MacHardy[3] Hardie in Braemar.[1]
MacCarmaig Cormack, MacCormick [1]
MacCathachaidh MacCarthy [3]
MacCathail[1][3] Cail,[1] MacAll,[3] MacCail,[1] MacCall, MacKail[3]
MacCathbhaidh MacCaffie, MacHaffie, Mahaffie
MacCathain MacCann, MacKean, MacCain
MacCathasaigh Cassie [1]
MacCathbharra MacAffer, MacCaffer [2][3]
MacCeallaig MacKellaig [1]
MacCeallaigh Kelly [1]
MacCeallair MacKellar [1]
MacCearnaigh Cairnie [1]
MacCearraich MacKerrow [1]
MacCeasain Kesson [1]
MacChoinnich MacKenzie On Lewis.[1] [1]
MacCianain Keenan [1]
MacCiarain MacKerron [1]
MacCiomalain Bannatyne [1][2]
MacCionadha MacKenna, MacKinnie In Galloway.[1] [1]
MacCinidh MacKenna, MacKinnie [3]
MacClambroch Landsburgh In Galloway.
MacCnaimhin MacNevin [3]
MacCnusachainn Kennedy On Arran.[1] [1]
MacCodrum MacCodrum [3]
MacCoinnich[1][3] Kynoch,[1] Mackenzie,[3] MacKinnie
MacCoinnigh MacWhinnie In Galloway.[1] [1]
MacColla MacColl [3]
MacComhainn Cowan, MacCowan [2]
MacConaill MacConnell, MacWhannell [1]
MacConnain Connon In Aberdeenshire.[1] [1]
MacCosgraigh MacCoskrie [1]
MacCorcadail MacCorquodale [3]
MacCormaig MacCormack, MacCormick [3]
MacCrain MacCrain, Crane On Jura.[1] [1]
MacCreamhain Crawford, Crawfurd [3]
MacCriomain Grimond, MacCrimmon
MacCrithein MacNiven In Argyll.[1][2] [1]
MacCrosain Crossan, MacCrossan [1]
MacCruimein[1][3] Grimmond,[1] MacCrimmon[3] Grimmond in Perthshire.[1]
MacCrìsdein Christie, Chrystal, MacCrystal [1]
MacCròin MacCrone In Argyll.[1] [1]
MacCuaig Cook, MacCuaig Cook on Islay.[1] [1]
MacCuidhein MacDonald In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
MacCuilcein MacQuilken, Wilkins, Wilkinson Wilkins in Argyll. Wilkinson in Perthshire.[1] [1]
MacCuinn[1][3] Conn,[1] MacQueen,[3] Quinn Conn in Aberdeenshire. MacQueen in Galloway.[1]
MacCuinnleis Candlish, Chandlish, MacCandlish [1]
MacCuirc MacGurk, Quirk [1]
MacCuithein MacDonald, MacQueen, MacQuien MacDonald in Trotternish. MacQueen and MacQuien in the north.[1] [1]
MacCullach MacCulloch MacCulloch can also be represented by MacLulaich. [3]
MacCullaich MacCulloch In Galloway.[1] [1]
MacCumasgaigh Comiskey [1]
MacCumhais MacCuish [1]
MacCuthais MacCuidh [1]
MacCòiseam MacCoshin, MacDonald MacDonald in Dunvegan.[1] [1]
MacCòmhain Cowan, MacCowan [1]
MacCòmhghan MacCowan MacCòmhghan, MacEoghain and MacGobhainn are etymologically unrelated but often result in similar variants. [3]
MacCùga Cook On Arran.[1] [1][2]
MacDheòrsa MacGeorge, Major
MacDhiarmaid MacDermid, MacDiarmid, Campbell [1]
MacDhonnchaidh[1][3] Duncan,[1] MacConnachie, Robertson[3] Robertson on the mainland.[1] Robertson is etymologically unrelated to MacDhonnchaidh.
MacDhrostain MacRostie In Perthshire.[1] [1]
MacDhubhaich MacDuff Duffy, MacDuthy [2]
MacDhubhaig MacCuaig [1]
MacDhubhShìth Duffy, Fee, MacDuffie, MacFee, McPhee.[citation needed] [1]
MacDhubhthaich MacDuff, Duffy, MacDuthy [1]
MacDhuibh MacDuff, MacDui [1]
MacDhunlèibhe Livingstone Livingstone is etymologically unrelated to MacDhunlèibhe. [3]
MacDiarmaid MacDermid, Campbell [3]
MacDhàibhidh Davie, Davidson, Day, Deason Day in Banffshire. Deason in Moray. [1]
MacDhòmhnaill Donald, Donaldson, MacConnell, MacDonald, MacDonnell [3]
MacDhùghaill[1][3] Coles, Coull, Dowall,[1] MacDougall, MacDowell[3] Coles in Galloway.[1]
MacDhùnShléibhe Livingston, MacLeay On Islay.[1] [1]
MacEachaidh [7] McGeachie, MacGeachie, McGeachy, MacGeachy [8] in Kintyre.
MacEachainn MacEachen, MacGeachen, McGeechan [1]
MacEachairn MacEachern, MacKechnie [1]
MacEacharna[1][4] Cochrane,[1] MacEachern, MacKechnie[4] Cochrane in Argyll.[1]
MacEalair MacKellar, Quiller [1]
MacEalar Mackellar, Quiller [3]
MacEamailinn Bannatyne [1][2]
MacEanain MacKinnon On Arran and Kintyre.[1] [1]
MacEanraig, MacEanraig Henderson, Hendry, Kendry, Hendrick, Henry, McHenry, Kendrick, MacKendrick
MacEòghainn[3][6] MacEwan,[3] MacEwen,[6] McEwing, McOwen, McCowan, McKeown, McCune, McEuen, McEown, McCowne, McKown, McCown, sometimes McGowan variants are derived from MacEoghain rather than MacGobhain.
MacFhearchair[1] Carrocher,[6] Farquhar, Farquharson, Kerracher, MacErchar, MacFarquhar, MacKerracher,[1] Mackerchar[3]
MacFhearghail MacKerral [1]
MacFhearghais[1][3] Fergus,[1] Ferguson, Fergusson,[3] Ferries, MacFerries, MacKerras,[1] MacKerruish MacFerries in Braemar.[1]
MacFhilib MacGilp, MacKillop, Philp [1]
MacFhiongain MacKinnon [3]
MacFhionghain, MacFhionghuin MacKinnon [1][6]
MacFhionnlaigh[1][3] Findlay, Finlayson,[1] Macinlay,[3] MacIntosh,[1] Mackinlay[3] MacIntosh in Glen Shee.[1]
MacFhitheachain MacIchan, Mackichan [3]
MacFhlaithbheartaich MacLafferty, MacLarty, MacLaverty [1]
MacFhraing Rankin [1][2]
MacFhraingein MacCracken, Rankin [1]
MacFigeinn Little, Littleson, MacFigan Littleson in Kintyre.[1] [1]
MacFrìdeinn Brydan, MacBridan On Arran. [1]
MacFuirigh MacVurich On Arran.[1] [1]
MacGairbheith Garvie, Jarvie, MacGarva, MacGarvie [1]
MacGaradh Hay, MacGarrie [1]
MacGhearailt Fitzgerald [2][3]
MacGill-Eain MacLean [1]
MacGhille MacGill [2]
MacGill'Earnain MacLearnan [3]
MacGill'Easbaig Archbold, Archibald, Bishop, Gillespie
MacGill'Eòin Meiklejohn
MacGill'Fhaolagain MacKilligan [3]
MacGill'Fhiontag MacLintock [3]
MacGill'Oig Ogg, Young
MacGill'Onaidh MacGillony [3]
MacGille MacGillivray In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
MacGilleBhàin Bain, Bayne, MacBain, Micklewain, Milvain, Wayne, Whyte [2]
MacGilleBhràth MacGillivray [3]
MacGilleBhreac Breck
MacGilleBhrìghde Gibb, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilbride, MacBryde
MacGilleChaluim MacLeod In Raasay,[2] [2]
MacGilleChrìosd MacGilchrist, Christie [3]
MacGilleDhonaghart MacDonald In Benderloch.[1][2]
MacGilleathain Clean, Gellion, Gilzean, Lane, MacLaine, MacLean [6]
MacGilleDhuibh Black, Blackie [6]
MacGilleFhialain MacLellan On North Uist.[9] [9]
MacGilleGhlais Glass, Gray
MacGillIosa Gillies, MacLeish [6]
MacGilleMhartainn Gilmartin
MacGilleRiabhaich Darroch, MacIlwraith, Reoch, Revie, Riach Revie in Kintyre.[2]
MacGilleSeathanaich Shaw [2]
MacGiobain Cubbin, MacGibbon, Gibson [1]
MacGlaisein[1][3] Glashan,[1] MacGlashan[3]
MacGoraidh Gorrie, MacGorrie, Godfrey, Jeffrey(s) [1]
MacGobhainn MacGowan,[3] Smith MacCowan can also be represented by MacCòmhghan or MacEoghain (MacGobhainn, MacEoghain and MacCòmhghan are etymologically different). [3]
MacGoraidh Gorrie, MacGorrie, Godfrey, Jeffrey(s) [2]
MacGriogair[1][3] Gregory, Grigor,[1] MacGregor,[3] Greig, Gregg, Grierson Gregory in Perthshire.[1]
MacGuaire Curry, MacGuire, MacQuarrie, Noble Curry is sometimes etymologically unrelated to MacGuaire. [2][3]
MacGumaraid Montgomery Dwelly lists "MacGumerait".[2] [3]
MacIain[1][3][6] Johnson,[3] Johnston,[6] Kean, MacIan,[3] MacKean,[1] MacDonald MacDonald in Glencoe
MacIllAnndrais Anderson, Gillanders, MacAndrew [1]
MacIllAodhagain MacLagan [1]
MacIllDheòra MacClure, MacLure [1]
MacIllEarnain MacLearnan [1]
MacIllEasbaig Archibald, Gillespie [1]
MacIllEathain[1][4] Clean, Gellion, Gilzean, Lane, MacLaine,[1] MacLean[4] Clean in Galloway[1]
MacIlleBhàin Bain, Bayne, MacBain, Micklewain, Milvain, Whyte [1]
MacIlleBheathain MacIlvain, MacIlwaine, Wayne [1]
MacIlleBhlàthain Blain, Blane, MacBlane MacBlane in Galloway. [1]
MacIlleBhràth MacGillivray [1]
MacIlleBhrìghde Gibb, Gilbert, Gilbride, MacBryde [1]
MacIlleBhris MacElfrish [1]
MacIlleBhuidhe Bowie, Buie, Ogilvie [1]
MacIlleChaluim MacCallum, Malcolm(son) [1]
MacIlleChatain Hatton In Kintyre. [1]
MacIlleChathbhaidh MacCaffie, MacHaffie, Mahaffie [1]
MacIlleChiar Keir, Kerr [1]
MacIlleChiarain MacIlherran, MacKerron, Herron, Sharpe [1]
MacIlleChomhghain Cowan, MacCowan [1]
MacIlleChonaill MacWhannell [1]
MacIlleChrìosd Gilchrist [1]
MacIlleChruim Crum, MacCrum In Dunbartonshire. [1]
MacIlleDhòmhnaich Downie, MacIldownie [1]
MacIlleDhonaghart MacDonald In Benderloch.[1][2] [1]
MacIlleDhubhthaich Duthie, Maduthy [1]
MacIlleDhuibh Black, Dow, Dowie, Howie, Huie Dowie in Perthshire. Huie in Argyll.[1] [1]
MacIlleDhuinn Brown, Donn, Dunn [1]
MacIlleGhlais Glass, Gray [1]
MacIlleGhuinnein Winning [1]
MacIlleGhuirm Blue [1]
MacIll'Éidich MacLatchie, MacLetchie [1]
MacIll'Eòin Meiklejohn
MacIlleMhaoil[1][4] Bell, MacGill,[1] MacMillan[4] On South Uist. [1]
MacIlleMhàrtainn MacMartin, Gilmartin [1]
MacIlleMhearnaig Warnock [1]
MacIlleMhìcheil Carmichael, MacMichael [1]
MacIlleMhoire Gilmore, Gilmour, Morrison [1]
MacIlleNaoimh MacNiven [1]
MacIllePhàdraig Milfrederick [1]
MacIllePheadair MacFater, MacPhater, Paterson, Peters MacFater in Kintyre.[1] [1]
MacIlleRiabhaich Darroch, MacIlwraith, Reoch, Revie, Riach Darroch on Jura;[1] Revie in Kintyre.[2]
MacIlleRuaidh Gilroy, MacIlroy, Milroy, Reid, Roy [1]
MacIlleSheathain MacCheyne, MacShane, Sheen In Argyll.[1] [1]
MacIlleSheathanaich Shaw On Jura.[1] [1]
MacIlleSheathnaich Shaw [3]
MacIlleThòmhais Hosier, MacLehose, Mucklehose [1]
MacIllFhaolagain MacKilligan [1]
MacIll'Fhaolain[1][4] Cleland, Gilfillan, Gilliland, MacClelland,[1] MacLellan[4] MacLellan except on South Uist. [1]
MacIllFheargain MacLergan On Islay.[1] [1]
MacIll'Fhialain MacLellan On South Uist.[1] [1]
MacIll'Fhinnein MacLennan [4]
MacIll'Fhionndaig Lindsay, MacClintock, MacLintock [1]
MacIllFhionndain Clinton, MacLinton [1]
MacIllIanain MacLennan In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
MacIllÌmheir MacLiver, Oliver On Islay.[1] [1]
MacIllIomchadha MacClumpha, MacLumpha [1]
MacIllÌosa Gillies, Lees, MacLeish [1]
MacIllOnchon Clanachan, Clenachan, MacClanachan Clanachan and Clenachan in Galloway.[1] [1]
MacIllOnfhaidh MacAlonie, MacGillonie [1]
MacIll'osa Gillies, MacLeish [4]
MacIllUidhir MacClure, MacLure Only in Sleat.[1] [1]
MacIomhair,[3] MacÌomhair[1] MacIver[1][3] Also Campbell of Asknish.[2]
MacIonmhainn[1][3] Love,[3] MacKinven[1] Love in Kintyre and Ayrshire; Dwelly said the Isle of Arran.[2] MacKinven in Kintyre.[1]
MacIosaig,[3] MacÌosaig[1] MacIsaac, MacKessock[1][2][3]
MacLabhrainn[1][3] MacLaren,[3] MacLaurin,[1] Lawrie
MacLabhruinn MacLaren, Laurie [2][6]
MacLachlainn[1][3] MacLachlan,[3] MacLauchlan[1]
MacLagain MacLagan [2][3]
MacLamraich Landsborough In Kintyre.[1] [1]
MacLaomainn[1][3] Lamond, Lamont,[3] MacLeman[1]
MacLathagain MacLagan In Perthshire.;[1] Dwelly says specifically Strath Tay.[2] [1][2]
MacLeòid Cloud, MacLeod [3]
MacLeòir MacClure, MacLure [1]
MacLianain MacLennan In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
MacLothaidh Fullarton, Fulton, MacCloy Fullarton on the Isle of Arran.[1][2] [1]
MacLiuthar McLure [3]
MacLughaidh[1][3] Fullarton, Fulton,[2] MacClew, MacCloy,[1] MacCluie, MacLoy[3]
MacLuinge MacClung, MacLung [1]
MacLuirg MacLurg [1]
MacLulaich MacCulloch, MacLullich MacCulloch in Argyll.[1] [1][2]
MacLùcaidh MacLuckie In Galloway.[1] [1]
MacLùcais[1][3] Luke,[3] MacDougall,[1] MacLucas,[3] MacLugash,[1] Douglas[10] MacDougall on Coll.[1]
MacMhaighstir MacMaster [2][3]
MacMhanachain Monk On Benbecula.[1] [1]
MacMhannain MacVannan [1]
MacMhaoilein MacMillan [3]
MacMhaoirn Mearns [3]
MacMhaolagain MacMillan. Milligan, Milliken MacMillan and Milligan in Galloway.[1] [1]
MacMhaolain MacMillan, MacMullen [1]
MacMhaolBheatha MacBean In Alvie. [1]
MacMhaolChaluim Callum, Malcolm [1]
MacMhaolDòmhnaich MacIldonich In Inverness.[1] [1]
MacMhaolÌosa Mellis, Mellish, Melluish [1]
MacMharais MacVarish [2][3]
MacMharcais Marquis [1]
MacMhata Mathewson, Mathieson [2][3]
MacMhatha Matheson In the south.[1] [1]
MacMhathain[1][3] MacMann,[1] Matheson[3] MacMann in Glenlivet. Matheson in the north.[1]
MacMhàrtainn[1][3] MacMartin,[3] Martin[1]
MacMhànais Mains, Manson, MacManus, MacVanish [1]
MacMhèinn MacMinn, Menzies [1]
MacMhiadhchain MacMeeken, Meechan In Galloway[1] [1]
MacMhìcheil Carmichael, MacMichael [3]
MacMhoirein[1][3] MacMorran, Morran, Morrison[3] MacMorran in Argyll.[1] Morrison on Islay.[2][3]
MacMhòrdha Mair, Moore, Muir [2]
MacMhorgain Morgan [1]
MacMhuircheartaich MacKirdy, MacMurray (but not Murray) [1]
MacMhuirich[1][3] Currie,[note 2] MacMurray,[1] MacVurich,[3] Murchison, Murdoch, Murray[1] Murray in Galloway.[1]
MacMhunna Munn [1]
MacMhurardaich MacCurdy On Arran.[1] [1]
MacMhurchaidh[1][3] MacMurchie,[1] MacMurchy,[3] MacMurdo, MacMurray, Murchie, Murchison, Murdoch, MacMorrow, Morrow, Murphy[1]
MacNaois MacNeish, MacNish [1]
MacNaomhain MacNiven, Niven [1]
MacNeacail[3][4] MacNicol[1][4] Nicolson,[3] Nicholson[3]
MacNeachdain[1][3] MacCracken,[1] MacNaughton[3]
MacNeis MacNeish, MacNish [3]
MacNèill MacNeill, MacNeil, Nelson, Neilson [2][3]
MacNia[1] MacNee, MacConie [1][2]
MacNiallghais MacNeilage [1]
MacNiallghuis MacNeilage [2][3]
MacNìll MacNeil, Neilson, Nelson On South Uist.[1] [1]
MacNiocail MacKrycul, MacNichol, Nicolson [2]
MacNobaill Noble In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
MacPhaid Faed, MacFeat, Peat [1]
MacPhaidein[3] MacFadyen[3] MacFadzean[1]
MacPhail,[3] MacPhàil[4] MacFall, MacPhail,[3][4] Quayle
MacPhairce Park On Uist.[1] [1]
MacPhàdraig Paterson, MacPhatrick Also Grant of Glenmoriston.[2] [2][3]
MacPhàic MacKillop, Park MacKillop on Berneray, North Uist. Park on Uist.[1] [1]
MacPhàidein MacFadyen, MacFadzean [1]
MacPhàil MacFall, MacPhail, Quayle [1]
MacPhàrlain MacFarlane, MacPartland, MacPharlane [3]
MacPheadair MacFater, MacPhater, Paterson, Peters MacFater in Kintyre.[1] [1]
MacPheadarain MacPhedran [1]
MacPheadrais MacFetridge [1]
MacPheidearain[1][3] Fletcher,[1] MacPhedran[3] Fletcher in Glencoe.[1]
MacPhilip Mackillop, Philp [3]
MacPhòil Polson, MacPhail In Gairloch.[1] [1]
MacRabaidh Crabbie, MacRobbie
MacRaghnaill MacCrindle, MacRaild, Randall [1]
MacRaibeirt[1] Corbett, MacRobert[1] MacRobbie[3]
MacRaoimhin MacNiven On Arran.[1] [1]
MacRaoiridh MacCririe, MacRyrie, Ryrie [1]
MacRaonaill MacRanald, Ranaldson, Randall [2][3]
MacRath Cray, MacRae, Machray Machray in Aberdeenshire [2][3]
MacRàild MacRaild [1]
MacRiada MacCreadie [1]
MacRiocaird Crockett In Galloway.[1] [1]
MacRisnidh MacRitchie, Ritchie, Dickson [1][4]
MacRìdeinn Bryden, MacBridan On Arran.[1] [1]
MacRìgh King, MacNee [2][3]
MacRob MacRobb [1]
MacRobaidh MacRobbie In Moray.[1] [1]
MacRoibeirt Corbett, MacRobert, MacRobbie, Robertson
MacRoithridh MacRyrie In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
MacRuairidh[1][3] MacRory,[1] MacRury[3]
MacRusachainn Kennedy On Arran.[1] [1]
MacShanndaidh Andie, MacAndie [1]
MacShealbhaigh MacKelvie [1]
MacSheòrais MacGeorge, Major [3]
MacSheòrsa Cuthbertson In Inverness.[1] [1]
MacShimidh[1] Jamieson,[2][3] Lovat,[2] MacKimmie, Sim,[1] Simpson
MacShithich[1][3] Keith,[2][3] Shaw, Shiach[1] Keith in Moray.[1]
MacShitrig MacKettrick [1]
MacShìm MacKim, Simpson [1]
MacShomhairle MacCurley, MacSorley, Somerled, MacSomerled, Sorley [1]
MacShuibhne MacQueen, MacSween In the south.[1] [1]
MacSiridh MacKinnon, MacSherry MacKinnon on Mull.[1] [1]
MacSporain MacSporran, Purser, Purcell [2]
MacSuain MacSwan, MacSween, Swanson [3]
MacSual Maxwell [3]
MacThaidhg MacCaig [1]
MacTheàrlaich[1][3] Charleson,[1] MacKerlich[3]
MacThom MacComb, Thom [1]
MacThomaidh MacCombie [2][3]
MacThorcadail MacCorkindale, MacCorquodale [1]
MacThorcaill Corkhill, MacCorkill [1]
MacThàmhais[1][3] MacTavish[3] Tawse,[1] Thomson
MacThòmais Comish, Thomson [3]
MacTiridh MacKinnon In Mull.[1][2] [1]
MacTuirc MacTurk In Galloway.[1] [1]
MacUalraig[1][3] Kennedy,[3] Ulrick In Lochaber.[1]
MacUaraig Kennedy [2][3]
MacUchtraigh MacAughtrie, Ochiltree, Coulthard Ochiltree in Cowal.[1] [1]
MacUilleim MacWilliam, Quilliam, Wilson, Williamson [2][3]
MacUirigh Currie, MacVurich MacVurich on Arran.[1] [1]
MacUisdein Hugston, Hutcheon, Hutcheson, MacCutcheon, MacHugh, MacHutcheon, McCuistion, Whiston [3]
MacUrardaidh Mackirdy [3]
MacUrardaigh MacKirdie Maciomhar
MacIvor, MacKeever, 
MacUrchadain Orchard, Orchardson [1]
MacUrchaidh MacMurchie On Arran.[1] [1]
MacUsbaig MacUsbaig On Harris.[1] [1]
MacÙisdein Hutcheon, Hutcheson, MacCutcheon, MacHugh, MacHutcheon, Whiston [1]


Scottish Gaelic English Notes Ref
Maoileanach, Maolanach MacMillan
MaolIosa Mellis [2][3]
Matasan Matheson In the north.[1] [1]
Mathanach Matheson, Moannach Matheson in the north.[1] [1][2]
Matharnach Matheson, Mathewson In Wester Ross.[1] [1]
Mawr, Maor Maver, Mavor
Moireach Moray, Murray [3]
Moireasdan Morrison [2][3]
Moireasdanach Morrison [2]
Morgan Morgan [1]
Morganach MacKay, Morgan [1][2]
Munna Munn [1]
Màrnach Marno, Marnoch [1]
Màrr Marr [1]
Màrtainn Martin [4]
Mèinn Menzies, Main [1][2]
Mèinnearach Menzies [2][3]
Niocalsan Nic(h)olson
O' Brolchain Bradley, Brodie, Brolochan In Kintyre.[1] [1]
O' Cain O' Kean [2]
Ó Deargáin Dergan, Dargan, Dorgan In Leinster, Munster
O' Cain O' Kean
O' Luingeachain Laing, Lang, Loynachan In Kintyre.[1] [1]
Padarsan Paterson
Paorach Power [2]
Peadarsan Paterson [1]
Peucag Peacock
Peutan[1][3] Beaton,[3] Bethune[1]
Preas Birse [2]
Puidreach Buttar, Butter In Perthshire.[1] [1]
Rathais Rothes [2]
Robasan Robertson, Robson, Robison
Robasdan[1][4] Robertson,[4] Robson, Robison In the islands.[1]
Roid Reid [1]
Roideach Reid [1]
Ros Ross [3][4]
Ròs Rose [1][4]
Rosach Ross [3]
Ròsach Rose [2]
Rothach Munro [3]
Ruadh Reid, Roy [2]
Ruiseal Russell
Sailcirc Selkirk [3]
Salmond Salmond Also MacBhradain
Seadh Shaw [6]
Seadhg Shaw [2]
Seagha Shaw [3]
Seaghach Shaw
Seathanach Shaw
Sgèin Skene [2]
Sginnearach Skinner In Easter Ross.[1] [1][2]
Sgot Scott
Singleir Sinclair [1]
Siosal Chisholm [3]
Siosalach Chisholm [4]
Smios Smith On South Uist.[1] [1]
Stiùbhart Stewart, Stuart [3]
Stiùbhartach Stewart, Stuart [2]
Sùdrach Soutar [2]
Sutharlainn Sutherland [1]
Sutharlan Sutherland [1]
Suthurlanach Sutherland [2]
Tod Todd
Todt Todd
Talmhach Tolmie [1]
Tolmach Tolmie [1]
Tuairnear Turner [3]
Tàileach Tallach [1]
Tàillear Taylor [1]
Tulach Tulloch, Tough [2]
Ualas Wallace [1]
Umphraidh Humphrey In Braemar.[1] [1]
Urchadainn Urquhart [1][2]
Urchardan Urquhart [3]

See also


  1. ^ Footnotes which appear in this column denote that the first two columns (not the "Notes" column) is sourced from the cited reference.
  2. ^ For Currie, Mark states "also MacPherson".[3]



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs Mac an Tàilleir, Iain. "Ainmean Pearsanta". Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Archived from the original (docx) on July 17, 2011. Retrieved October 15, 2009.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx Dwelly, Edward: pp. 1003–1030.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo Mark 2003: pp. 718–722.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae Robertson; Taylor 2003: pp. 341–342.
  5. ^ "Duncan Name Meaning and History". Retrieved 9 August 2009. For the etymology of the surname Duncan this web page cites: Dictionary of American Family Names.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Owen 1993: p. 138.
  7. ^ Surname The Internet Surname Database.
  8. ^ Surname The Internet Surname Database.
  9. ^ a b Matheson 1983: p. 344.
  10. ^ Black, George F. (1946). The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning, and History. New York Public Library. pp. 217–218.
  • This article incorporates text from Dwelly's [Scottish] Gaelic Dictionary (1911). (Proper names - appendix)
  • Mark, Colin (2003). The Gaelic-English Dictionary. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-29760-8.
  • Matheson, William (1983). "Notes on North Uist Families". Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness. 52.
  • Owen, Robert C. (1993). The Modern Gaelic-English Dictionary. Gairm. ISBN 1-871901-29-4.
  • Robertson, Boyd; Taylor, Iain (2003). Teach Yourself Gaelic. Teach Yourself.

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تاريخ سوريامعلومات عامةالمنطقة سوريا وصفها المصدر  القائمة ... قاموس بروكهاوس وإفرون الموسوعي قاموس بروكهاوس وإفرون الموسوعي الصغير الموسوعة الكتابية للأرشمندريت نيكيفور الموسوعة اليهودية لبروكهوس وإيفرون الموسوعة البريطانية نسخة سنة 1911 التأثيراتأحد جوانب سوريا تع�...


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Častá CseszteDesaJalan utama di Častá BenderaČastáLokasi Častá di Region BratislavaTampilkan peta Bratislava RegionČastáČastá (Slovakia)Tampilkan peta SlovakiaKoordinat: 48°23′00″N 17°22′00″E / 48.38333°N 17.36667°E / 48.38333; 17.36667Koordinat: 48°23′00″N 17°22′00″E / 48.38333°N 17.36667°E / 48.38333; 17.36667NegaraSlowakiaRegionBratislavaDistrikPezinokPertama disebutkan1240Pemerintahan • Wali ko...


Copa Mercosur 1999Copa Mercosul 1999 Competizione Coppa Mercosur Sport Calcio Edizione 2ª Organizzatore CONMEBOL Date 27 luglio - 20 dicembre 1999 Partecipanti 20 Risultati Vincitore  Flamengo(1º titolo) Secondo  Palmeiras Statistiche Miglior marcatore Romário (Flamengo, 8 gol) Incontri disputati 74 Gol segnati 232 (3,14 per incontro) Cronologia della competizione 1998 2000 Manuale La Coppa Mercosur 1999 è stata la seconda edizione del trofeo, ed è stata vinta dal Fl...


For other uses, see Concepción. Municipality and town in Jalisco, MexicoConcepción de Buenos Aires Pueblo NuevoMunicipality and town Coat of armsLocation of the municipality in JaliscoConcepción de Buenos AiresLocation in MexicoCoordinates: 19°52′N 103°09′W / 19.867°N 103.150°W / 19.867; -103.150Country MexicoStateJaliscoGovernment • TypePES • PresidenteCesar NavarroArea • Total265.6 km2 (102.5 sq mi)&#...

Wrestling event in Osaka, Japan Power Struggle (2011)Promotional poster for the event, featuring Shinsuke Nakamura, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, Togi Makabe, Tetsuya Naito and Hiroshi TanahashiPromotionNew Japan Pro-WrestlingDateNovember 12, 2011[1]CityOsaka, Japan[1]VenueOsaka Prefectural Gymnasium[1]Attendance6,000[1]Pay-per-view chronology ← PreviousDestruction Next →New Japan Alive Power Struggle chronology ← PreviousFirst Next →2012...


State park in Orange County, New York Highland Lakes State ParkHighland Lakes State Park, August 2017Location of Highland Lakes State Park within New York StateTypeState parkLocation55-223 Tamms RoadMiddletown, New York[1]Nearest cityMiddletown, New YorkCoordinates41°30′35″N 74°19′25″W / 41.5096°N 74.3236°W / 41.5096; -74.3236Area3,115 acres (12.61 km2)[2]Created1964 (1964)[2]Operated byPalisades Interstate Park C...


American actress, model and television personality For other people with similar names, see Jane Kennedy (disambiguation). Jayne KennedyKennedy c.1980BornJayne Harrison (1951-10-27) October 27, 1951 (age 72)Wickliffe, Ohio, U.S.NationalityAmericanOther namesJayne OvertonOccupationsActressmodelsportscastertelevision personalityproducerwriterphilanthropistYears active1969–1990TitleMiss Ohio USATerm1970–1971PredecessorMarlynn SingletonSuccessorKaren M. HausSpouse(s) Leon Isaac...

English football club For the English association football team, see Cheltenham Town F.C. Australian rules football club Cheltenham RosellasNamesFull nameCheltenham Football Netball ClubNickname(s)RosellasClub detailsFounded1891; 133 years ago (1891)CompetitionSouthern Football Netball LeagueCoachDes RyanCaptain(s)Jack WorrellPremierships9 (1909, 1913, 1915, 1922, 1925, 1934, 1992, 1993, 1995)Ground(s)Jack Barker Oval – Cheltenham Recreational ReserveUniforms Home Other in...


US Army Sgt 1st Class, Medal of Honor, Silver Star, Purple Heart (1928–1984) Lawrence JoelBorn(1928-02-22)February 22, 1928Winston-Salem, North Carolina, U.S.DiedFebruary 4, 1984(1984-02-04) (aged 55)Winston-Salem, North CarolinaBuriedArlington National CemeteryAllegianceUnited StatesService/branchUnited States ArmyYears of service1946–1973Rank Sergeant first classUnit1st Battalion (Airborne), 503rd Infantry 173rd Airborne BrigadeBattles/warsKorean WarVietnam War (WIA) Oper...


CarsDirectType of siteAutomotive Content / EcommerceFoundedJune 27, 1998; 25 years ago (1998-06-27)[1]HeadquartersEl Segundo, CaliforniaParentInternet BrandsURLCarsDirect.comAdvertisingYes CarsDirect is an American online automotive research portal and car buying service based in El Segundo, California, that allows consumers to research, price, purchase, insure and finance a vehicle online. The company also provides lead generation and referral services to auto deale...

Interior of the Isenheim Altarpiece (c. 1500), attributed to Nikolaus Hagenauer Nikolaus Hagenauer (c. 1445/1460 — before 1538) was a German late gothic sculptor from Hagenau (Alsace in the Holy Roman Empire, present day France). He was most likely born as Niklas Zimmerlin, but was also documented and signed works as Niclas Hagenauer, Niklaus Hagenauer, Niclas Hagnower, Niklaus Hagnower, Niclas von Hagenau and other variants. Further reading Peter Barnet and Nancy Wu: The Cloisters Medieval...


Engineering school University at BuffaloSchool of Engineering and Applied SciencesTypePublicEstablished1946 (1946)[1]Parent institutionUniversity at BuffaloDeanKemper LewisAcademic staff165[1]Administrative staff300Students5,094[1]Undergraduates3,167[1]Postgraduates1,927[1]LocationAmherst, New The University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, or UB Engineering, is the largest publ...


American actor (born 1958) Not to be confused with Greg Garman. Greg GermannGermann in 2022Born (1958-02-26) February 26, 1958 (age 66)Houston, Texas, U.S.Occupation(s)Actor, TV personality, TV director, writerYears active1985–presentTelevisionEric Rico Moyer in Ned & StaceyRichard Fish in Ally McBealDr. Tom Koracick in Grey's AnatomySpouse Martha Champlin ​(m. 2013)​ChildrenAsa Gregory Andrew Germann (/ˈɡɜːrmən/ GUR-mən;[1] born Febr...

Federal electoral district in Ontario, Canada For the provincial electoral district, see Pickering—Uxbridge (provincial electoral district). Pickering—Uxbridge Ontario electoral districtPickering-Uxbridge in relation to other Greater Toronto Area districtsCoordinates:44°02′31″N 79°10′52″W / 44.042°N 79.181°W / 44.042; -79.181Federal electoral districtLegislatureHouse of CommonsMP    Jennifer O'ConnellLiberalDistrict created2013First conte...


Inscribed plate commemorating Dirk Hartog's 1616 landing in Western Australia Original of Dirk Hartog's plate in the Rijksmuseum Hartog Plate or Dirk Hartog's Plate is either of two pewter plates, although primarily the first, which were left on Dirk Hartog Island during a period of European exploration of the western coast of Australia prior to European settlement there. The first plate, left in 1616 by Dutch explorer Dirk Hartog, is the oldest-known artifact of European exploration in Aust...