Play to the Whistle is a British comedy panel game television programme which premiered on ITV on 11 April 2015 and is produced by Hungry Bear Media.[1][2] In each regular episode two teams of three members – one member being a regular captain – compete in sports knowledge rounds and physical games to earn points, the team with the most points at the end is declared the winner.[3] The show is presented by Holly Willoughby and the teams are captained by Bradley Walsh and Frank Lampard;[4][2] the latter is joined by Romesh Ranganathan as a regular panelist.[5]Seann Walsh has been the resident scorekeeper from the first series and also became the host's assistant from the second series.[6]Jimmy Bullard was the host's assistant in the first series.[citation needed] As of 4 April 2017, nineteen regular episodes and a compilation special have been aired across three series; 20 episodes in total. Willoughby promoted the third and final series as a guest on The One Show on 27 February 2017.
^The scores were not revealed at the end of the episode.
^As a tiebreaker the teams participated in a football penalty shoot-out against former England international goalkeeper David Seaman. Lampard's team won the shoot-out 2–1.