The series premiered worldwide on ITV on Thursday 23 February 2009. As of 11 June 2014, a total of 53 episodes have been shown globally. Internationally, the programme is broadcast in thirteen-episode runs, however, in Britain, each thirteen-episode run is broadcast in two halves - one containing seven episodes, and the other containing the remaining six. This results in several episodes being broadcast in foreign countries months before their British broadcast.[2][3] The series premiered in America on BBC America on 3 October 2010.[4][5]
In June 2014, broadcaster ITV and producer Kudos issued a joint press release announcing that series 8 would be "the last to be transmitted for the foreseeable future".[6] By coincidence, the final episode aired the following week, delayed from its planned 30 April airdate due to a plot which incorporated events considered too similar to 28 April murder of teacher Ann Maguire.[7][8]
Law & Order: UK : UK viewers per episode (millions)
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