Germanic source
Latin source
Frankish *bannjan, *bandjan PGmc *laibijaną + *af- PGmc *frasakaną PGmc *fralētaną PGmc *gebaną + *ūp PGmc *bilinnaną |
abandon leave forsake forlet give up blin |
relinquish abdicate desert renounce |
relinquere < re- + linquere abdicāre < ab- + dicātus dēserere < dē- + serere renūntiāre < re- + nūntius
PGmc *akiz Frankish *hūrt PGmc *smartōn- PGmc *wai PGmc *sairaz PGmc *þrawō PGmc *warkiz |
ache hurt smart woe sore throe wark |
pain agony |
poena < Gk poinē L.L. agōnia < Gk agōniā
PGmc *lataz, *lētiz (Frankish *lat, *lēti) PGmc *trewwiþō |
allegiance troth |
fidelity loyalty |
fidēlitās lēgālis
PGmc *ana + *libą PGmc *kwikwaz |
alive quick (living) |
animate |
animātus < animāre < anima
Old Norse angr PGmc *wraiþiþo |
anger wrath |
rage ire |
rabiēs īra
Frankish *raidjan PGmc *raihwaz PGmc *hrengaz (Frankish *hring) PGmc *līnǭ + *ūp PGmc *sat- PGmc *hlutą PGmc *līstǭ |
array row range, rank line, lineup set lot list |
series order sequence |
seriēs < serere ordō L.L. sequentia < sequēns < sequī
Old English andswaru |
answer |
response |
WGmc *aiskōn PGmc *frignaną PGmc *besōkijaną Old English bedecian PGmc *sōkijaną |
ask frain beseech beg seek |
inquire request |
in + quaerere re + quaerere
PGmc *gawaraz PGmc *ana + *breustą PGmc *ūp + *tō + *spōdiz |
aware abreast up to speed (idiom, compound word) |
cognizant |
WGmc *bauknan Frankish *baukan Old Norse *flǫgra, flakka Frankish *hariwald Frankish *heriberga Frankish *witan |
beacon buoy flag herald harbinger guide |
signal indicator |
M.L. signāle M.L. indicātor
PGmc *bi- + *furai PGmc *bi- + *furai + *handuz PGmc *ana + *haubudą + *af PGmc *airiz |
before beforehand ahead of ere |
prior previous |
prior prae- + via
PGmc *bi- + *hafjaną PGmc *beraną + *-unga Frankish *stikkan Frankish *wīsa PGmc *wegaz |
behaviour bearing etiquette guise way |
action attitude manner conduct |
āctiō L.L. aptitūdō V.L. *manuāria < L manuārius < manus M.L. conductus < L condūcere
PGmc *bi- + *haitaną PGmc *bidjaną + *-unga |
behest bidding |
command order |
V.L. commandāre ordō
PGmc *bī- + *hōfą PGmc *gagniz PGmc *fura- + *dailiz PGmc *bōniz PGmc *blōdisōjaną + *-unga PGmc *wela + *farō |
behoof gain foredeal boon blessing welfare |
advantage benefit |
L.L.*abantaticum benefactum
WGmc *bī- + *ginnan PGmc *sturtjaną |
begin start |
commence |
com + initiāre
PGmc *galaubją PGmc *gamenþiją + *sat- PGmc *gōdaz + *spellą PGmc *trewwiþō PGmc *hlinunga |
belief mindset gospel truth leaning |
creed |
PGmc *bilībaną PGmc *uz- + *bīdaną PGmc *terganą PGmc *stadiz |
belive, belave abide tarry stay |
remain |
re- + manere
PGmc *balgiz PGmc *medi- + *hrefiz PGmc *wambō |
belly midriff womb |
abdomen |
Middle English bigge (< Old Norse?) PGmc *grautaz PGmc *stōraz, stōriz PGmc *mikilaz PGmc *haugaz (Frankish *houg) |
big great stour mickle huge |
large grand |
larga < largus grandis
PGmc *gaburþiz + *dagaz PGmc *jērą + *tīdiz |
birthday yeartide |
anniversary |
M.L. (diēs) anniversāria
PGmc *blīwą PGmc *hiwją PGmc *daugō PGmc *skadwō PGmc *wlitiz |
blee hue dye shade lit |
colour |
AN colur < OF colour < L color < OL colos
PGmc *blōmô PGmc *blōsmaz PGmc *buddǭ PGmc *burjô (Frankish *burjan) |
bloom blossom bud burgeon |
flower |
flor- < flos
PGmc *budagą PGmc *framojaną WGmc *makojaną + *ūp PGmc *līką |
body, embodiment frame makeup lich |
corpus, corpse carcass cadaver |
corpus M.L. carcosium, carcasium < ? cadāver
PGmc *brōþar |
brotherly |
fraternal |
Old English budda Old English bitela |
bug beetle |
insect |
Old English byldan PGmc *raizijaną Old Norse reisa |
build rear raise |
construct |
cōnstruere < com + struere
Old English bysig + nisse PGmc *under + *takaną PGmc *nutō |
business undertaking note |
affair enterprise |
ad + facere Fr. entre + prendre
PGmc *bugjaną Old English copian |
buy cop |
purchase |
pro- + V.L. *captiare
WGmc *kalbam |
calf |
veal |
vitellus, vitulus
PGmc *kallōjaną + *-unga Middle English jobbe PGmc *lība- + *werką PGmc *lība- + *laidō PGmc *libēn- + *-unga |
calling job lifework livelihood living |
career profession vocation occupation employment |
L.L. carrāria (via) < Celtic M.L. professiō vocātiō occupātiō implicāre + -mentum
PGmc *kattuz |
cat |
felid, feline |
Frankish *gram, *grinjan PGmc *maganą PGmc *skamō |
chagrin dismay shame |
displeasure dissatisfaction |
dis- + L placēre dis- + L satisfactiō
PGmc *skihaną (Middle High German schicken) PGmc *trandijaną PGmc *wagōną (Old Saxon wogōn) PGmc *dapraz (via Middle Dutch dapper) Middle English dasshen (< Danish daske) PGmc *swankianą PGmc *ūp + *tūnaz, *tūną |
chic trendy in vogue dapper dashing swanky uptown |
elegant fashionable stylish |
ēlegāns < ēlegere factiō < facere stylus, stilus
PGmc *kelþaz PGmc *barną Middle English babe + -y PGmc *kidją (via Old Norse kið) Middle English newborn |
child bairn baby kid newborn |
infant neonate |
īnfāns neonātus
PGmc *keusaną PGmc *pikkaną PGmc *walą (Old Norse val) |
choose pick wale |
opt select |
optare sēlēctus < sēligere < sē- + legere
PGmc *karzjaną |
chore |
task |
M.L. tasca
PGmc *kaldaz PGmc *kaliz + *-igaz PGmc *freusaną |
cold chilly freezing |
frigid |
PGmc *kwemaną PGmc *landijaną PGmc *raikijaną PGmc *getaną WGmc *makōjan |
come land reach get to make (to a place) |
arrive |
ad + ripa
PGmc *kūz PGmc *bulô PGmc *nautą PGmc *uhsô PGmc *steuraz PGmc *wīsundaz (Old High German wisunt) Old High German ūrohso |
cow bull neat ox steer bison aurochs |
beef cattle |
bōs/bovis V.L. capitale
PGmc *dagaz + *likaz |
daily |
diurnal quotidian |
PGmc *daudaz + *likaz PGmc *banô + *fullaz |
deadly baneful |
mortal fatal |
mortālis fatum
PGmc *dōmjaną Frankish *wardōn PGmc *haldaną PGmc *fōlijaną PGmc *bi- + *þankijaną |
deem regard hold feel bethink |
judge consider esteem |
iūdicāre consīderāre aestimāre
PGmc *deuzą PGmc *hirutaz PGmc *dajjǭ (Old English dā) PGmc *hindō PGmc *staggijô PGmc *raihą PGmc *bukkaz |
deer hart doe hind stag roe buck |
venison |
PGmc *gamainijaz PGmc *bī- + *lūtilaz PGmc *putōną+ *dūn PGmc *lēgaz |
demean, bemean belittle put down lower |
debase, abase degrade humiliate |
L.L. bassus < Oscan or Celtic L.L. dēgradāre < dē- + gradus L.L. humiliātus < humiliāre < humilis
PGmc *dōną PGmc *frumjaną, *framjaną PGmc *under + *takaną |
do perform undertake |
execute dispatch |
M.L. execūtāre < ex(s)equī O.Fr. despeechier < des- + L.L. -pedicāre
Old English docga PGmc *hundaz |
dog hound |
canid, canine |
PGmc *drunkiz PGmc *sweljaną Old High German garo + ūz Old Norse ves + heill PGmc *sūpaną |
drink swill carouse wassail sup, sip |
imbibe beverage |
imbibere < in + bibere
PGmc *dūbǭ |
dove |
pigeon culver |
V.L. pibionem columbula
PGmc *ernustuz PGmc *grimmaz PGmc *sternijaz |
earnest grim stern |
serious grave sober |
L.L. sēriōsus gravis sōbrius
PGmc *dritō PGmc *erþō PGmc *landą PGmc *grunduz PGmc *landą + *skapiz |
dirt earth land ground landscape |
terrain |
terrenum < terra
PGmc *austrōnijaz PGmc *austrą + *līkaz PGmc *austrą + *warþaz |
eastern easterly eastward |
oriental |
PGmc *etaną PGmc *suppaną PGmc *brekaną + *brauþą PGmc *bankiz PGmc *fōdijaną Middle Dutch snacken PGmc *swelganą PGmc *hnaskwajaną PGmc *takaną + *in PGmc *bītaną PGmc *skirfaną (Old English sceorfan) |
eat sup break bread banquet feed snack swallow nosh take in bite scarf |
dine consume devour ingest |
V.L. diseieunare < dis + ieiunare consūmere dēvorāre ingestus < ingerere
PGmc *aldiz, *aldō PGmc *lībą + *tīmô PGmc *lībą + *spannō |
eld lifetime lifespan |
age |
aevitās ( < aevum) + -age
PGmc *andijōną PGmc *fullfuljaną PGmc *haldaną PGmc *wrappaną PGmc *stuppōaną PGmc *bilinnaną |
end fulfill halt wrap up stop blin |
finish complete discontinue terminate |
fīnīre complēre dis- + continuāre
PGmc *ebnaz PGmc *flataz PGmc *smōþijaz PGmc *in + *līnǭ PGmc *līnǭ + *ūp PGmc *stadō + *-igaz |
even flat smooth in line lined up steady |
level planar equal |
V.L. *lībellum < lībella L.L. plānāris < plānum aequālis < aequus
PGmc *faraną Middle Dutch trecken PGmc *gēną + *ana + *braiþaz PGmc *takaną + *trap- Old Norse rāfa Frankish *wala |
fare trek go abroad take a trip rove gallivant |
travel journey voyage |
V.L. *trepaliāre V.L. *diurnāta viāticum
PGmc *fastuz PGmc *hraþa PGmc *snellaz PGmc *kwikwaz PGmc *swīpaną PGmc *spōdigaz, *spēdigaz |
fast rathe, rather snell quick swift speedy |
rapid |
PGmc *fadar + *likaz |
fatherly fatherlike |
paternal |
WGmc *fōlijan PGmc *gawaraz PGmc *tukkaną, *takaną |
feeling awareness touch |
sentiment sensation |
sensus, sentiō
PGmc *fullijaą + *up PGmc *stukkaz PGmc *niwjaną |
fill up stock renew |
replenish |
re + plēnus
PGmc *furistaz PGmc *frumistaz PGmc *maginą |
first foremost main |
primary |
PGmc *floþuz PGmc *hwelbaną PGmc *ubersatjaną |
flood overwhelm overset |
inundate |
inundāre < in + unda
PGmc *faihaz PGmc *fijandz |
foe fiend |
enemy adversary opponent |
in + amīcus adversus oppōnēns
PGmc *fulgiją Old Norse traþk |
follow track |
ensue |
in- + sequi
PGmc *formo- PGmc *airis- + *hwīlo PGmc *fure- + *gēnþjaz Old English hwīlum |
former erstwhile foregoing, aforegoing whilom |
previous preceding |
praevius < prae- + via praecēdere < prae- + cēdere
PGmc *fur-*biudan PGmc *bannan- PGmc *fura- + *stallaz |
forbid ban forestall |
prohibit prevent interdict |
prohibēre < pro + habēre praevenīre inter + dicere, dictus
PGmc *fura- + Old Norse kasta PGmc *ūt + *lōkōjanan |
forecast outlook |
projection |
prōjectiō < prō + iacere
PGmc *fura + *taljanan PGmc *sanþaz + *sagjanan PGmc *fura- +*buþanan PGmc *fura- +*skadwōjanan |
foretell soothsay forebode foreshadow |
predict |
PGmc *frijaz |
freedom |
liberty |
lībertās < līber
PGmc *frijond + *likaz PGmc *gakundan + *līkaz PGmc *warmaz |
friendly kindly warm |
amicable |
Frankish *gardo, gardin- PGmc *garda WGmc *parruk Old English pund- Old English pearroc |
garden yard park pound paddock |
court enclosure |
co- + hortus in- + claudere
PGmc *gadurojan PGmc *far- + *gadurojan PGmc *gadurojan + *ūp PGmc *kruppaz Old English clyster PGmc *lisanan |
gather forgather gather up group cluster lease |
assemble |
ad + simul
PGmc *giftiz PGmc *sali- |
gift handsel |
present |
prae- + essere
PGmc *geban PGmc *gafurþojan WGmc*frumjana |
give afford furnish |
provide |
pro + vidēre
PGmc *glaþaz PGmc *bliþiz PGmc *fagaraz PGmc *murgijaz PGmc *wunjo-samaz PGmc *hapan PGmc *gliujan PGmc *þurilam (via Old English þyrel) PGmc *kwēmiaz |
gladness bliss fairness merriment, mirth winsomeness happiness glee thrill queem |
joy felicity pleasure delight |
gaudium fēlīcitās placēre dēlēctāre
PGmc *guþan PGmc *guþan + *haiduz |
god, goddess godhead |
deity divine immortal |
deus dīvīnus immortālis
PGmc *gōdaz PGmc *welō(n) PGmc *hilpō + *fullaz PGmc *gagniz + *fullaz PGmc *hailaz + *samaz PGmc *werþan + *hwīlō |
good well helpful gainful wholesome worthwhile |
beneficial |
WGmc *gēnan + PGmc *an PGmc *wandjanan |
go on wend |
proceed |
pro- + cedere
WGmc *grōnja- PGmc *laskaz |
green lush |
verdant |
PGmc *getiskanan PGmc *faþmaz PGmc *swumto- Frankish *galgo |
guess fathom sound gauge |
estimate |
PGmc *harjaz + *berg PGmc *hafnaz |
harbour haven |
port |
PGmc *harþuz + *skapiz PGmc *uzdailjam |
hardship ordeal |
difficulty |
PGmc *hatojanan PGmc *laiþojanan PGmc *skarn- (Frankish *skern) |
hate loathe scorn |
detest |
de- + testari
PGmc *hauhiþa PGmc *luftuz |
height loftiness |
altitude elevation |
altitūdō (< altus)
PGmc *helpan PGmc *ūz- + *baitjanan (Frankish *bētan) PGmc *gebanan + *handuz PGmc *bī + *standanan PGmc *bī + *stadiz |
help abet give a hand bestand bestead |
assist |
assistere < ad + sistere
WGmc *hannja |
hen |
pullet |
PGmc *harjaz PGmc *fardíz |
here ferd |
army militia |
ML. armāta mīlitia
PGmc *hulnis PGmc *bergaz PGmc *mundō PGmc *dūnō, dūnaz |
hill barrow mound down, dune |
mount |
mōns, montis
PGmc *hailagaz + *dagaz WGmc *lauba PGmc *brekan WGmc *fur- + *lauba |
holiday leave break furlough |
vacation |
PGmc *hailagaz PGmc *gahailagōiðaz |
holy hallowed |
sacred |
PGmc *aujo + *landom PGmc *aujo PGmc *hulmaz |
island ait, eyot holm |
isle |
PGmc *hūsą (via Old English hūs) |
house |
domicile |
house, home, dwelling
WGmc *jukkjan PGmc *wurkijanan (via Old Norse yrkja) WGmc *taisijanan WGmc *fur-etanan PGmc *grellanan |
itch irk tease fret grill |
irritate |
PGmc gakundiz Old English ilca PGmc *brandaz PGmc *brōd- PGmc *sat- PGmc *streun- Frankish *tīr PGmc *līkaz |
kind ilk brand breed set strain tier like |
type class sort genre |
typus < Gk typos classis sors genera
PGmc *knoean PGmc *witanan PGmc *spehōjanan (Frankish *spehōn) PGmc *sputtōn PGmc *taljanan |
know wit/wot espy spot tell |
recognize |
re + cognoscere
PGmc *lataz PGmc *latjanan |
late delayed |
tardy |
PGmc *lagan (Old Norse lag) + *-fullaz PGmc *gastrahtaz PGmc *fagraz PGmc *rehtaz PGmc *gasundas PGmc *gamaitijaz PGmc *warjanan (Frankish *warand) PGmc *fittjanan |
lawful straight fair right, rightful sound meet warranted fitting |
legal legitimate, legit just proper |
lēgālis M.L. lēgitimātus < lēgitimāre jūstus < jūs proprius
PGmc *laiþjan PGmc *kuningaz PGmc *haubuþan PGmc *biron PGmc *erloz PGmc *markō |
leader king head baron earl marquis |
chief captain emperor count duke prince president |
caput imperator comes dux princeps praesidēns
PGmc *langiþo |
length |
longitude |
longitūdō (< longus)
PGmc *legjan PGmc *rastjō, rastō PGmc *hlinojanan |
lie (down) rest lean (back) |
repose recline |
re- + pausa re- + clinare
PGmc *lubo Middle English fond, fonned |
loving fond |
amorous |
PGmc *managaz PGmc *manigaz + *falþaz PGmc *rīfiz PGmc *taumijanþjaz |
many manifold rife teeming |
multiple numerous abundant copious |
multi + plūs numerosus abundantem copiosus
PGmc *ga-makon PGmc *fittjanan PGmc *andswarōjanan + *tō |
match fit answer to |
correspond |
con + respondēre
WGmc *mainijan PGmc *be- + *taiknjanan PGmc *standanan + *fura PGmc *ahtalōnan |
mean betoken stand for ettle |
intend signify |
intendere significare
PGmc *motijan PGmc *hitjanan (Old Norse hitta) |
meet hit |
encounter |
incontrāre < in + contrā
PGmc *medjaz + *dagaz |
midday |
noon |
Old Norse mistaka PGmc *blundaz (Old Norse blundra) PGmc *wrangiþō |
mistake blunder wrength |
error |
error (< errāre)
PGmc *mōdar + *likaz |
motherly |
maternal |
PGmc *nēhwaz PGmc *nēhwizáz |
nigh near |
close circa approximate |
clausus circum + eā approximatus
PGmc *neujaz PGmc *friskaz PGmc *nū |
new fresh now |
novel modern |
novus modernus
PGmc *naht + *likaz |
nightly |
nocturnal |
PGmc *nurþrōnijaz |
northern |
septentrional |
WGmc *alda PGmc *stal-, *sta- PGmc *aldizo + *līkaz PGmc *jǣron |
old stale elderly of yore |
ancient antediluvian |
V.L. *anteanus < ante ante + diluvium
PGmc *anþaraz PGmc *aljaz |
other else |
different alternative |
differre alterare
PGmc *ufnaz PGmc *herþaz PGmc *stubō PGmc *aistō PGmc *smiþjon |
oven hearth stove oast smithy, smithery |
kiln furnace |
culina fornax
PGmc *raidō PGmc *wegaz PGmc *bulaz + *werkam PGmc *drībanan PGmc *paþaz PGmc *strātō |
road way boulevard drive path street |
route avenue itinerary |
rupta itinerantem
PGmc *rutjan PGmc *be- + *fūljanan PGmc *be- + *fūlaz |
rot defile befoul |
putrefy |
PGmc *sehwan PGmc *kanjanan |
see ken |
perceive |
per- + capere
Old Norse *sœma PGmc *lōkōjanan |
seem look |
appear |
PGmc *seuþanan Middle English bublelen (Middle Low German bubeln) |
seethe bubble |
boil |
PGmc *selbaz + *haiduz PGmc *galīkaz + *-nassus PGmc *selbaz + *dōmaz |
selfhood likeness selfdom |
identity |
L.L. identitās < idem et idem + -itās
PGmc *selbaz + *samaz |
selfsame |
identical |
M.L. identicus + -al
PGmc *saljanan Old Saxon *trada PGmc *dailjanan + *in Frankish *borganjan |
sell trade deal in bargain |
vend |
vendere < venum + dare
PGmc *skapjanan PGmc *buþlam (Old English bold) PGmc *ūt + *līniōn |
shape build outline |
form |
WGmc *skæpa PGmc *lambaz |
sheep lamb |
mutton |
M.L. multō (< Celtic)
PGmc *skoppan |
shop |
store |
WGmc *skuttjan |
shut |
close |
PGmc *skeuh(w)az |
shy |
timid |
PGmc *sehwiþō PGmc *sehwanan PGmc *kannijanan |
sight seeing ken |
vision |
PGmc *skaljo PGmc *krab-, kraf- PGmc *kunnanan PGmc *listiz |
skill craft cunning list |
art science |
ars scientia
PGmc *skaljo + *fullaz PGmc *krab-, kraf- + *-igaz PGmc *gadaftjaz |
skillful crafty deft |
adept |
adeptus < adipiscī
PGmc *slǣpanþiaz PGmc *slūmerianþiaz PGmc *īdalaz PGmc *falgō |
sleeping slumbering idle fallow |
dormant hibernate torpid |
dormiēns hībernātus torpidus
PGmc *smæl PGmc *lūtilaz PGmc *tindaz Old English wēg, wǣge |
small little tiny wee |
minute petite diminutive |
minūtus < minuere pitinnus diminutivus
PGmc *snakon PGmc *wurmiz |
snake worm |
serpent |
PGmc *surgo PGmc *karō PGmc *wai |
sorrow care woe |
grief |
OFr grever < L gravare < gravis
PGmc *sunþrōnijaz |
southern |
meridional |
PGmc *sprekanan PGmc *taljanan WGmc *prātana |
speak talk prate, prattle |
converse discourse communication dictation |
con- + vertere dis- + currere communicare dictātiō
PGmc *stund- PGmc *tīmēn, tīma- PGmc *tīþiz PGmc *hwīlō Old English þrāg Old English spelian PGmc *stuntjanan |
stound time tide while throw spell stint |
hour moment interval |
hōra < Gk hṓra mōmentum intervallum
PGmc *sundrigaz PGmc *miskjanan |
sundry mixed |
various miscellaneous |
varius miscellus
PGmc *swīnam PGmc *farhaz PGmc *sugō WGmc *bairaz Old English picg- Old English hogg |
swine farrow sow boar pig hog |
pork |
PGmc *taikijanan WGmc *skauwojanan PGmc *laizjanan |
teach show lear, lere |
educate |
ēdūcāre < ēdūcere
PGmc *taljanan PGmc *kunþjanan PGmc *makojanan *(ga)knēwanaz |
tell kithe make known |
relate narrate |
relatus < re- + ferre narrare
PGmc *þankjan PGmc *(ga)þāht- + *-fullaz PGmc *(ga)mentþijan + *-fullaz |
thinking thoughtful mindful |
pensive |
PGmc *(ga)þāhtan Early Modern English hinch PGmc *inkēn PGmc *kliwjo- |
thought hunch inkling clue |
idea |
idea < Gk idea
PGmc *þreutanan PGmc *pleg- PGmc *fēraz |
threat plight fear |
danger peril menace |
V.L. *dominarium < dominus periculum minaciae < minari
PGmc *taiknan PGmc *markō PGmc *hallō + *markō PGmc *huntōjanan PGmc *stampōjanan |
token mark hallmark hint stamp |
sign symbol trace indication |
signum symbolum < Gk sýmbolon V.L. *tractiāre indicātiō
PGmc *tungon PGmc *sprǣkijō PGmc *talō |
tongue speech talk |
language |
V.L. *linguaticum < L. lingua
PGmc *twinjaz PGmc *twai + PGmc *-falþaz PGmc *twī- |
twin twofold twi- |
double duplicate |
duplus duplicātus < duplicāre < duplex
PGmc *under + *standan PGmc *getanan PGmc *graipisōn |
understand get grasp |
comprehend |
PGmc *ūp- + *haldanan PGmc *bolhstraz PGmc *beranan + *up- PGmc *under + *gurþjanan PGmc *ūp + beranan WGmc skor- + up PGmc *stagaz (Frankish *staka) |
uphold bolster bear up undergird upbear shore up stay |
support |
PGmc *up- + *luftijan PGmc *raizjan |
uplifting raising, rearing |
elevating |
ē- + levāre
PGmc *ūtizon PGmc *sagjanan |
utter say |
pronounce |
pro- + nuntiare
PGmc *ūtizon WGmc *alnaz + *tō-gaduraz PGmc *fullīkō PGmc *hailaz +*līkō |
utterly altogether fully wholly |
totally |
PGmc *wadjojan PGmc *mizdō, meidō PGmc *hūrja
wage meed hire |
salary |
PGmc *wakan PGmc *bīdanan Old English tergan PGmc *woenijanan |
wait, await bide tarry ween |
expect |
ex + spectāre
WGmc *warnōjanan + *-unga PGmc *tupp- + *af- |
warning tip off |
notice alert recommendation admonition |
nōtitia It all'erta < L ērigere M.L. recommendātiō admonitiō
PGmc *watskanan PGmc *klainisōn PGmc *hrainisōn PGmc *labōjanan PGmc *baðojanan PGmc *skrubbanan |
wash cleanse rinse lave bathe scrub |
launder |
M.L. lavandāria < lavare
PGmc *wakan PGmc *kōpjanan PGmc *behaldanan |
watch keep behold |
observe supervise |
ob + servāre super + videre
PGmc *wakanan PGmc *wakanþjaz PGmc *warō + *-igaz |
watchful waking wary |
vigilant |
PGmc *wadjōjanan |
wed |
marry |
PGmc *wadjō + *laikaz |
wedlock |
marriage |
V.L. *maritaticum
PGmc *wurdiz PGmc *framiþjaz PGmc *uzdaz PGmc *þwerhwaz PGmc *unkunþaz Old English ūtlendisc PGmc *alja- + *rīkjan PGmc *argaz PGmc *faigjáz |
weird fremd odd queer uncouth outlandish eldritch eerie fey |
strange |
PGmc *weralþeilīkaz PGmc *erþō + *likaz |
worldly earthly |
mundane secular
L.L. mundānus < mundus saeculāris
PGmc *wopijanan PGmc *grētanan Old Norse baula Old Norse vǣla PGmc *hwīnanan PGmc *krītanan PGmc *murnanan PGmc *siubanan, *seubōnan, *subōjanan |
weep greet (cry), regret bawl wail whine cry mourn sob |
lament deplore |
lāmentārī < lāmentum dēplōrāre < dē- + plōrāre
PGmc *gawehtiz + *-igaz WGmc *mainijanan + *-unga + *fullaz PGmc *ki- (Old English cǣġe) |
weighty meaningful key |
important grave |
importāns gravis
PGmc *westrōnijaz PGmc *westrą + *līkaz PGmc *westrą + *warþaz |
western westerly westward |
occidental |
PGmc *(ga)hailaz |
whole |
entire |
PGmc *wīdas PGmc *braiþiþō PGmc *spannō |
width breadth span |
latitude |
latitūdō (< latus)
PGmc *wilþjiaz PGmc *faliz PGmc *grimmaz |
wild fell grim |
savage feral |
silvaticus < silva fera
PGmc *wīsaz PGmc *klufraz PGmc *in + *gasihþ + *fullaz PGmc *in + *leuhtam PGmc *kōniz PGmc *knoeanan + *laikam PGmc *skreuwon |
wise clever insightful enlightened keen knowledgeable shrewd |
prudent intelligent sapient |
prudēns < providēns intelligēns sapiēns
PGmc *wunskjan PGmc *weljanan PGmc *gernjanan PGmc *langojanan PGmc *lustuz PGmc *wana-, wanēn (Old Norse vanta) |
wish will yearning longing lust want |
desire cupidity |
desiderāre cupiditās
Old English wīfman + PGmc *likaz |
womanly |
feminine |
PGmc *widuz PGmc *hulto- PGmc *walþuz WGmc *busk PGmc *graibō PGmc *bruskaz PGmc *þekwatjan (Old English þiccet) PGmc *furhiþō (Old English fyrhþ) PGmc *skagjan |
wood (a wood) holt weald/wold bush, boscage grove brush thicket frith shaw |
forest copse, coppice |
M.L. *foresta, partially < L.L. forestis; partially < Frankish *forhist V.L. *colpaticium
PGmc *wurdan + PGmc *bōkiz |
wordbook |
dictionary |
PGmc *werkan PGmc *dreuganan PGmc *swinkanan |
work drudge, drudgery swink |
labor |
PGmc *wrītanan + *-unga PGmc *gawritan |
writing writ |
script |
scrīptum < scrībere
PGmc *wurdiz PGmc *dōmaz |
wyrd doom |
fate destiny |
fatum dēstināre
PGmc *jǣram + *likaz |
yearly |
annual |
WGmc *gelwa |
yellow |
ochre |
ochra < Gk ṓkhra
WGmc *jugunþiz + *fullaz PGmc *jungas |
youthful young |
juvenile immature |
iuvenis immātūrus < in- + mātūrus
PGmc *juwunþiz PGmc *tehuniz + *haiduz |
youth teenhood |
adolescence |
adolescere < ad- + alescere