Danger Mouse is a reboot animated television series developed by Brian Cosgrove. It first premiered on 28 September 2015. A reboot of the 1981 television series of the same name,[1] the series centres around Danger Mouse (Alexander Armstrong), the self-proclaimed "World's Greatest Secret Agent", who fights against injustice with his cowardly and clumsy yet loyal sidekick Ernest Penfold (Kevin Eldon). They are employed by the absent-minded but slightly firm Colonel K (Stephen Fry) and usually assisted by the inventions of short-tempered genius Professor Squawkencluck (Shauna Macdonald). With these assets, the duo are able to defeat their adversaries, such as arch-enemy Baron Silas von Greenback (Ed Gaughan).
In April 2016, the series was renewed for a second season. As of April 2019, two series of Danger Mouse have been produced totalling 99 episodes.
Series 1 premiered on the 34-year anniversary of the 1981 series of the same name: 28 September 2015. Originally planned to consist of 52 episodes, the series in the end would only consist of 50 episodes. The opening episode being a double length special. The first of two. [2][3] A Christmas special, the second of the two double-length episodes, this with Richard Ayoade and Brian Blessed was confirmed: "The Snowman Cometh".[4]
Danger Mouse and Penfold are back but are fired for destroying London. Baron Greenback, seemingly reformed as Baron Silas von Greenback, creates an army of robots to protect the world's leaders. However, Danger Mouse suspects Greenback is up to no good.
NOTE: This episode was released on Nick.com and digital platforms on 1 April 2016.
Penfold's sick of getting injured on missions, so Danger Mouse agrees to take him on holiday. But then mutant sea monsters start to menace the world and Danger Mouse must decide between his mission and his friend.
Title reference: "Danger at Sea Level"
NOTE: This episode was released on Nick.com and digital platforms on 15 April 2016.
Mark Oswin and James Griffiths Head Writer: Ben Ward
30 September 2015 (2015-09-30)
4 May 2016
Danger Mouse tries to prove to Professor Squawkencluck that he can be trusted, but accidentally allows a strange and inexplicably Welsh alien plant, named Evans, to grow all over the Earth. Worse, Penfold can't stop making jam!
Title reference:Goldfinger
NOTE: This episode was released on Nick.com and digital platforms on 15 April 2016.
Written by: Rob Sprackling and John Smith With Additional Material by: Ben Ward Head Writer: Ben Ward
7 October 2015 (2015-10-07)
9 May 2016
Greenback's plague of red traffic lights brings all the world's traffic to a standstill – and then he puts a red light in orbit, and the world itself gets brought to a standstill and everything floats into space - except for the Baron due to shoes that stick to the floor!
Danger Mouse must work with America's best secret agent, Jeopardy Mouse, to foil Greenback's scheme to rearrange the countries, but DM's showboating does not endear him to Jeopardy's no-nonsense attitude.
When an old enemy, Birch Badboy, comes to take over the world via rudeness, Colonel K must return to his secret agent job, as Danger K, to stop him from turning everyone rude.
Professor Squawkencluck makes a growing/shrinking invention to save the world from a meteor attack. When Penfold is accidentally turned huge, trying to stretch his trousers after they got shrunk in the hot wash, DM figures out it could actually be helpful to save the world.
Guest star:Richard Osman as Professor Strontium Jellyfishowitz
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
14 October 2015 (2015-10-14)
18 May 2016
The secret service agents have suspicions that someone is trying to take a new chemical from them, and all fingers of suspicion are pointing towards Colonel K.
Danger Mouse's biggest fan, named Ian, known as the Danger Fan, comes to visit, on the same day as his yearly inspection. Unfortunately, Danger Mouse fails to capture his enemies.
The Snowman is fed up of Christmas and being made fun of for being considered harmless, so he steals Santa Claus' powerful hat, when he has had enough of being made fun of. Danger Mouse and Penfold must get it back in order to save Christmas. Title reference:The Iceman Cometh
After all the other Danger Agents, and Penfold, become super-intelligent, as a result of eating brainpower-enhancing celery, Danger Mouse considers looking for a new job. However, there is a little hitch in the celery, as Nero, on Greenback's orders, snuck into HQ and his DNA polluted the gene pool.
Danger Mouse and Penfold become reluctant surrogate parents to Baron Greenback, who seems to have accidentally erased his own memory when his latest evil scheme goes wrong.
While on a mission in Transylvania, Danger Mouse and Penfold meet a show-obsessed vampire duck named Count Duckula, who is determined to take over the world, one terrible TV show at a time. He also turns the watchers (including Penfold) into vegetables!
Mark Oswin and James Griffiths Head Writer: Ben Ward
22 February 2016 (2016-02-22)
15 June 2016
Danger Mouse's plans for Professor Squawkencluck's surprise birthday party get a hiatus when Baron von Greenback unleashes killer birthday presents upon the world to avenge his own birthday and to claim the earth as his ultimate present.
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
24 February 2016 (2016-02-24)
16 June 2016
Professor Squawkencluck attempts to reactivate her "Big Head" security system, but it goes into lockdown once again and imprisons everyone in a maximum-security dungeon.
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
26 February 2016 (2016-02-26)
12 September 2016
To prevent them from ruining his evil plans again, the deranged time-travelling chimp, Brunel, travels back in time to prevent Danger Mouse and Penfold from ever meeting.
When Danger Mouse and Penfold are sent on a rescue mission to a mysterious island, Danger Mouse's over-competitiveness borders on criminal. Title reference:The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Trivia: The original airing of this episode featured a theme tune performed by various fans of the series.
Whilst trying to prove that magic doesn't exist, Danger Mouse accidentally unleashes an evil magical queen into the world! Title reference:Queen of Hearts
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
30 June 2016 (2016-06-30)
6 October 2016
Danger Mouse must battle a criminal organisation called Hydrant after finding out he has lost Agent Of The Month to Jeopardy Mouse. Title reference:Hail Hydra
Penfold's addiction to social media helps the Baron turn all of DM's secrets against him in order for him to use Big Ben as a diamond-tipped drill to ball through the Earth for the tonnes of gold, in the Earth's core.
"Tomorrow Never Comes"
Robert Cullen
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
4 July 2016 (2016-07-04)
16 September 2016
The Princess is back and erases all weekdays so she can play at the weekend forever! Danger Mouse must ruin everyone's lives by fixing the problem.
When Danger Mouse is responsible for Professor Squawkencluck losing her job, his clumsy attempts to get her back help the Baron split the Earth in two.
DM and Penfold travel to the Twystyverse in a bid to stop Penfold's evil counterpart, Baron Silas von Penfold, from taking over both versions of the Earth.
Mick O'Hara and Ciaran Morrison Head Writer: Ben Ward
3 October 2016 (2016-10-03)
17 November 2016
When the Baron speeds up the rotation of the Earth using windmills, DM and Penfold age 300 years and must take on their nemesis as very old individuals.
Title reference: "Evil is Forever"
"Very Important Penfold"
Robert Cullen
Mark Oswin and James Griffiths Head Writer: Ben Ward
4 October 2016 (2016-10-04)
16 November 2016
When Penfold saves a celebrity from certain doom he becomes a media sensation. DM smells a rat, or at least some evil villainous hamster from another dimension.
The plucky rodent springs into action when cute kittens start infiltrating positions of authority in London.
"All 5 It"
Robert Cullen
Mike Benner Head Writer: Ben Ward
6 October 2016 (2016-10-06)
18 November 2016
The crimebusting rodent goes undercover as the fifth member of Quark's mega-popular boy band discovering his inner performer while Penfold discovers a musical plot to destroy the world.
"Dream Worrier"
Robert Cullen
Mark Oswin and James Griffiths Head Writer: Ben Ward
7 October 2016 (2016-10-07)
17 November 2016
DM takes on Quark again, but this time in his strangest setting yet: Penfold's dreams!
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
10 October 2016 (2016-10-10)
10 January 2017
Danger Mouse's confidence takes a hit when the Baron accidentally steals it and invigorates his shy daughter, Delilah von Greenback, to create a criminal mastermind! But unfortunately, his plans backfire when she wants to become an evil mastermind herself! Can "The Scrapbook of Momentous Mouse Moments" help DM find it within himself to fight back, or will Delilah make her own planet of planets, called "Delilahiana".
Greenback unleashes a new strain of elephant flu upon the world! Will Penfold's immunity to the virus save the day, or will his fear of elephants doom the world?
The Queen of Weevils returns and convinces DM he's a medieval knight in order to escape from a secure prison - can Penfold break the spell and prevent London becoming a medieval city? Plot reference:Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Danger Mouse faces the prospect of being written out of his own show, after Count Duckula kidnaps the writers and forces them to make him the star.
Guest star: Ben Ward as Monkey Writer
"Agent 58"
Robert Cullen
Howard Read and Chris Chantler Head Writer: Ben Ward
14 October 2016 (2016-10-14)
6 February 2017
It's Crimicon - the Annual Criminal World Convention - and DM and Penfold are joined by a brand new secret agent, named Agent 58, to stop Brunel from selling a potentially catastrophic custard bomb doomsday weapon. But, unfortunately for them, he's sold it to Baron Greenback!
Stiletto plots to destroy the world with robot termites, if he doesn't get the Best Minion Award at the Sidekickie Awards, and DM gets overly enthusiastic for Penfold to win the Best Sidekick Award.
DM and Penfold go back to school to thwart the plans of an evil food scientist, named Professor Ham Hands and his killer hot dogs. Also, Danger Mouse needs to pass his final science test or his spy license will be revoked. Title reference:High School Musical
Danger Mouse encounters his toughest challenge of the series as the maniacal trillionaire known as Crumhorn, releases every enemy DM has ever battled. Once all the villains are defeated, except for the Princess (who is Crumhorn's daughter), he and Penfold go after her and DM fights Crumhorn. While fighting Crumhorn, he gets zapped by guns and lazers. Has the world's greatest secret agent survived this epic battle with Crumhorn and been buried under the rubble, or is this the end of Danger Mouse as we know it? Part 1 of 2Title reference:Skyfall
Penfold and Crumhorn find out that Danger Mouse is still alive, but is lost in a jungle. Penfold sets out to rescue him while Crumhorn is set on destroying him. When they arrive, they find out that DM has amnesia and can't remember anything so he can't stop Crumhorn leaving the rest of the agency to stop him. Can Penfold, Professor Squawkencluck and Colonel K stop Crumhorn, will DM get his memory back or will Crumhorn take over the world? Part 2 of 2
The first two episodes of series 2[43] were supposed to have premiered on 24 May 2017 as part of CBBC's "Danger Mouse Day", followed by the rest of the series from 4 September 2017.[44] However, "Danger Mouse Day" was later postponed until 14 June 2017.[45]
Originally planned to consist of 3 series across 102 episodes (50 episodes of Series 1 and two further series each of 26 episodes). It was later decided that the 26 episodes of 11 minutes making up a planned third series[46] would be dropped and to instead extend Series 2 to include 49 episodes with 3 being double length specials. The series would now have a total of 99 episodes. The first 5 new episodes of the series were shown on the BBC iPlayer, with new episode being screened on CBBC from 17 September 2018.
The Princess becomes a teenager, known as Dark Dawn, and she forgets about Mr. Snuggles, who turns all the teddies in the world, including Penfold's teddy bear, Bernard, evil that can help him attack the world, due to Dawn's changes as a teenager.
"The Admirable Penfold"
Robert Cullen
Merrill Hagan Head Writer: Ben Ward
14 June 2017 (2017-06-14)
11 January 2018
Penfold and Baron von Greenback are forced to ally when they get stranded on an island.
When Colonel K goes on holiday, Danger Mouse steps in. However, he can't handle the paperwork, do the missions himself or control the agents. Worse, Colonel K has been kidnapped by Baron von Greenback!
Danger Mouse leads the Danger Babies astray after he tells them a story that he, Penfold, Professor Squawkencluck and Colonel K are all villains in disguise.
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
8 September 2017 (2017-09-08)
20 November 2017
Danger Mouse and Jeopardy's inability to work together after a mission in space goes wrong forces each of them to strike out on their own, with DM coming face to face with an old adversary.
The Baron's love for The Queen of Great Goldlandia threatens to bring Danger Mouse to his knees when the Baron becomes king and DM becomes his personal bodyguard!
Danger Mouse and Penfold get a taste of Thanksgiving when they join Jeopardy Mouse in America. When in America with Jeopardy, they discover that Professor Ham Hands has joined Hydrant. Title reference:Thanksgiving Dinner
The 'ping' of a microwave causes Danger Mouse to blast a hole in the wall of Squawkencluck's laboratory and inadvertently discover (and create) Birch Badboy's origins.
Mark Oswin and James Griffiths Head Writer: Ben Ward
18 September 2017 (2017-09-18)
20 March 2018
During filming for a film adaptation of the events of "Planet of the Toilets", Colonel K and Professor Squawkencluck are zapped and turned into toilets.
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
25 September 2017 (2017-09-25)
11 April 2018
A late night scary movie makes Penfold even extra jittery, forcing Danger Mouse to make his sidekick sit out the latest mission which is to stop the Baron from flooding the world.
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
27 September 2017 (2017-09-27)
12 April 2018
Danger Mouse and Penfold arrive at the UN to scenes of quarrelling diplomats, caused by a sabotaged translation system. They also discover Ian has become a fan of Crumhorn.
Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby Head Writer: Ben Ward
28 September 2017 (2017-09-28)
13 April 2018
Danger Mouse and Squawk discover the Baron's plans to brainwash the world's pets into becoming his personal army of slaves, while Nero ends up in Penfold's care.
Crumhorn is back! Danger Mouse has released him by mistake! He, now, uses a ray that controls people and gets Ivana the Invisible, Megahurtz, Rocket Sloth and Baron von Greenback to help him defeat Crumhorn. But is DM starting to turn villainous in the process? Title reference:Dark Side of the Force
Whilst driving, the lights go out and the Danger Car disappears. When the lights come back on, DM and Penfold discover that they're on "The Jimmy Camel Show", which looks back at the pairs actions from the past two series, but Penfold is suspicious.
Title reference:You Only Live Twice
NOTE: This is the last episode to air on Nickelodeon until Melted. Episodes after this aired on NickToons.
After she is accidentally regressed to a teen, Danger Mouse must summon Squawk's Twystyverse counterpart to talk some sense into her.
Title reference:Twisted Sister
NOTE: This is the first episode to air on Nicktoons until Melted.
"Grand Stressed Auto" "The Return of the Mark III"
Aidan McAteer
Alex Collier Head Writer: Andrew Burrell
18 September 2018 (2018-09-18)
14 January 2019
Danger Mouse inherits the ancient but spritely MK3 car after the beloved MK4 gets jammed-up (literally). But Penfold is suspicious when the MK3 is determined to have DM all to himself.
Danger Mouse is left gadget-less when an unappreciated Squawk leaves the Danger Agency to work for tech genius Elon Muskrat, unaware he is actually Greenback in disguise!
Danger Mouse and Penfold are celebrating another noisy victory, gleefully ringing Big Ben's bell when an over-excited Penfold falls, pushing the clock hand forward and causing the sun to go down prematurely, which a mysterious new villain plots to take advantage of!
Baron Greenback brews a plot to steal every beverage on the planet and mix them all together, turning Earth's drinks into an un-drinkable, disgusting sludge whilst rendering all of DM's allies unable to help him!
Danger Mouse's over-reliance on gadgets prompts Colonel K to send his top agent on a tech-free nature retreat, but unfortunately for DM, Delilah has also been sent there by Greenback due to her own overuse of her tech.
"No More Mr Ice Guy"
Aidan McAteer
Merrill Hagan
1 October 2018 (2018-10-01)
18 March 2019
The Snowman is hired as Danger Mouse's new sidekick, leaving Penfold without a job. Title reference:No More Mr. Nice Guy
There's relief all around when Penfold's pilfering of Squawk's gadgets and clandestine late-night trips to shady warehouses turns out to be in preparation for his taking part in 'bot battles', which is actually a trap set by Megahurtz.
"Rodent Recall"
Aidan McAteer
Mark Oswin and James Griffiths Head Writer: David Quantick
3 October 2018 (2018-10-03)
1 April 2019
Danger Mouse and Penfold are in a training simulation when one of DM's flying kicks damages the holodeck with catastrophic consequences. They wake to find they have been in a three-year dream, that they aren't secret agents and work in IT instead, and the Danger Agency has been a figment of their imaginations! Whilst Penfold and Squawk quickly settle into a life of menial office work, DM struggles to accept life as Dane G. Mouse. Or is this boring new life not what it appears to be? Title reference:Total RecallGuest star:Richard Osman as Professor Strontium Jellyfishowitz
NOTE: This is the last episode to air on Nicktoons.
"A Fear to Remember"
Aidan McAteer
Sarah Morgan Head Writer: David Quantick
31 October 2018 (2018-10-31)
25 October 2019
Danger Mouse faces the Queen of Weevils in a fearful Halloween Special. Title reference:A Night to RememberGuest star:Miranda Richardson as Queen of Weevils
NOTE: This is the first episode to air on Nickelodeon (in production order).
Aidan McAteer
Ciaran Murtagh and Andrew Jones Head Writer: David Quantick and Andrew Burrell
17 December 2018 (2018-12-17)
28 September 2019
Danger Mouse reluctantly takes a role in Pink Dawn's musical re-enactment of "Melted" for a double-length, all-singing, all-dancing special.
NOTE: This is the first episode to air on Nickelodeon (in air date order).
"We Aren't Family"
Aidan McAteer
David Quantick
18 February 2019 (2019-02-18)
28 September 2019
Danger Mouse, Penfold and Squawk go undercover disguised as a family to find out why the world’s villains are heading to one holiday camp, Sydneyland. When Greenback shows up with Delilah, the team are convinced he is up to no good, but can’t find any evidence of wrongdoing. When Penfold enters Squawk and DM in a dance competition they discover the prize is the fabled Helmet of Power, an ultimate invention bent on destruction.
David Quantick and Mark Oswin Head Writer: David Quantick
19 February 2019 (2019-02-19)
28 September 2019
When a sudden urge to fly the Mark IV hits, Penfold leads a confused Danger Mouse to a farm, from which he claims to feel an unexplained magnetic pull. An entranced Penfold is met by a shadowy figure - Granny Penfold! Penfold recounts his childhood years on Granny’s farm, where he was trained in the ancient martial art of Farm Fu; a farming-based martial art. Granny needs Penfold’s help to retrieve the sacred Fung Farm Book of Farm Fu, which has fallen into the hands of her enemies, causing farm animals to turn evil and rise up against their owners.
The Danger Agency realises that a lack of accounting has left them bankrupt. Whilst the bailiffs are in collecting goods from HQ the team decide to hold a telethon, asking people to phone in and donate to order their favourite clips to be played. Their target is a whopping ten million pounds! Can they reach their target in time? And what clip is DM trying to hide?
It is staff appreciation day at Danger HQ and Squawk and Danger Mouse have two very different ideas on where to go: Squawk wants to go to Cos Con and DM wants to go to Awesome World. Penfold has the deciding vote so the pair are busy trying to convince Penfold to pick their choice. With Penfold busy inventing tasks so they can earn his favour, no one has noticed that a jam spillage in the professor’s experiment has brought a sticky surprise to life - a super-sized jam monster which might just ruin all of their plans.
"Sharp As A Pin"
Aidan McAteer
Ciaran Murtagh and Andrew Jones Head Writer: Andrew Burrell
25 February 2019 (2019-02-25)
28 September 2019
An accidental sidekick swap leaves Danger Mouse with Pinfold, Penfold's cousin.
Title reference: As sharp as a pin
"The Last Giraffe Warrior"
Aidan McAteer
Danielle Ward Head Writer: Andrew Burrell
26 February 2019 (2019-02-26)
28 September 2019
Penfold is asked to defend an alien planet from invasion.
When the Danger Agency’s public approval ratings plummet, Colonel K brings in a truly out-of-this-world PR guru to help put things right. Alarmingly for Danger Mouse and Penfold, that guru turns out to be the galaxy’s biggest trickster – Quark! DM is soon won over after seeing Quark demonstrate his Exaggerator Device: an invention that spins even the most mundane event into an outrageously overblown display of awesomeness. With the help of the Exaggerator, DM’s popularity skyrockets to dizzying heights, but fame comes at a price. And when Quark starts making Danger Mouse look villainous, DM will have to convince the world he’s not the criminal everyone thinks he is.
Stuff is going missing all over the world, but the team are distracted, fascinated by Squawk’s new Futuroid camera, which incredibly spits out snaps of future events. DM is aghast when the camera produces a photo of him and Squawk kissing! When Penfold is abducted by an alien tractor-beam, Squawk and Danger Mouse must overcome their mutual disgust to work together. Their search for Penfold leads them to Flarg, the alien who’s been nabbing the world’s missing items. Chained upside down, and with Flarg intent on stealing everything in existence, the situation looks hopeless.