Three Friends of Winter with a Pair of Cranes, colour on silk, by Tanomura Chikuden 絹本著色歳寒三友雙鶴図〈田能村竹田筆/〉 kenpon chakushoku saikan sanyū sōkaku zu (Tanomura Chikuden hitsu)
Boating on the Inagawa River, colour on silk, by Tanomura Chikuden 紙本淡彩稲川舟遊図〈田能村竹田筆/己丑(文政十二年)の自賛がある〉 kenpon chakushoku Ina-gawa funaasobi-zu (Tanomura Chikuden hitsu)
designation includes his Flowering Plants (White Plum Blossoms) (花卉図(白梅図)) (1808), Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons (四季花鳥図) (1809), Sparrows andAmaranthus Tricolor (雁来紅群雀図) (1813), Fuji (富士図) (1819), White Cranes (白鶴図) (1822), Geese and Reeds in the Moonlight (月下芦雁図) (1823), Plum Blossoms and Study with accompanying poem (梅花書屋図及題詩) (1824), Incense and Sparse Shadows (暗香疎影図) (1831), and Peach Blossoms and Running Waters (桃花流水図) (1832) (pictured, in order)
^国宝・重要文化財 [Number of National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 July 2019. Retrieved 22 August 2019.
^大分県内の国指定等文化財一覧 [List of National Cultural Properties in Ōita Prefecture]. Ōita Prefecture. 28 May 2019. Retrieved 23 June 2019.
^大分県宇佐神宮で利用された神輿障子絵の顔料調査 [Investigation into the Pigments in the Shōji Paintings of the Mikoshi from Usa Jingū in Ōita Prefecture] (PDF). Beppu University. Retrieved 23 June 2019.