This manga focuses on Mizuki Konno, a typical high school junior at Yanno Prefectural High School.
A group of high school girls is on their way to an exchange camp when the bus driver passes out and causes the bus to drop from a cliff. The few survivors gather together and try to survive until rescue arrives.
A live-action drama version of the manga aired on TV Tokyo between July 12, 2013, and September 27, 2013.[3][4]
Kurtuluş Lisesi, a Turkish television series adaptation was announced in August 2021.[6] The series had aired on the Turkish digital streaming platform GAIN in January, 2024.[7]
Carlo Santos of Anime News Network (ANN) gave volume 1 a B−.[8] Rebecca Silverman, also of ANN, gave it a B.[9]
By July 17, 2011, volume 5 had sold 30,934 copies in Japan.[10] By December 18, 2011, volume 6 had sold 32,754 copies in Japan.[11] In the week of October 14 to 20, 2012, volume 1 ranked in second place in the list of The New York Times Manga Best Sellers.[12] It has sold 10 million copies in Japan.[13]