"Life Is Show Time" (stylized as "Life is SHOW TIME") is the debut solo single of Golden Bomber vocalist Shō Kiryūin (credited as "Shō Kiryūin from Golden Bomber"). It serves as the opening theme song to the 2012 Kamen Rider SeriesKamen Rider Wizard. In recording the song, Kiryūin stated that he felt closer to being like his idol Gackt, who performed a previous Kamen Rider Series' theme song in 2009.[1] The single had 4 editions released: a standard CD release, a standard DVD release containing the music video, and two additional limited edition DVD releases subtitled "Oni" (鬼, "Demon) and "Ikusa" (戦, "War) which include edited versions of the music video.
"Life Is Show Time" performed well on Japan's various music charts, reaching number 3 on the Oricon's Weekly Chart on the week of its release,[2] a debut at number 1 on the Daily Charts, and an overall 11 on the Monthly Charts for October. On dwango's Ring Tone download charts, it debuted at number 1,[3] with other number 1's on the BillboardJapan Hot 100 and Japan Hot Singles Sales charts.[4] It also reached 20 on the Billboard Japan Hot Top Airplay chart and number 3 on Count Down TV's chart.[citation needed]