La Niñera is an in Argentine sitcom based on the American television series The Nanny, starring Florencia Peña, Boy Olmi, Roberto Carnaghi and Carola Reyna. The series consisted of two seasons, airing from 2004 to 2005.
Flor Finkel, is an extravagant woman who starts working as a nanny for the Iraolas, a very wealthy family, formed by Juan Manuel Iraola, and his three children, Maggie, Agustín and Mica. In addition, the family has a butler named Fidel and Tete, a business partner of Juan Manuel (who is in love with him). Slowly but surely, Flor will give life to the house, turning it into a lovely home.
The sitcom had a large number of celebrities who participated in the program, such as comedians and singers. The most prominent were Ricardo Montaner, Pablo Galan, Chayanne, Diego Torres, and others.