The LG Pop (GD510), known as LG Cookie Pep in India, is an entry-level touchscreenmobile phone made by LG Electronics. It was first announced on September 30, 2009[1] and was released in October 2009. It is considered to be the successor of the LG Cookie.
LG claimed that the Pop was the "world's smallest touchscreen phone".[2] It featured a 3.0 inch display and dimensions of 97.8×49.5×11.2 mm.
As of February 2010 the Pop has sold a million units.[3]
The LG Pop had a solar power option, a small panel which would fit on the back of the phone that would render electricity to the battery. With the solar power option, the phone had a CO2 emissions calculation app—in units of trees or mass of CO2.[4]