"A Gun for Dinosaur" (1956 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963), The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978), Rivers of Time (1993), Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories (2002) and Years in the Making: the Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp (2005))
"The Cayuse" (1993 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993))
"Crocamander Quest" (1992 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993))
"Miocene Romance" (1993 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993))
"The Synthetic Barbarian" (1992 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993))
"The Satanic Illusion" (1992 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993))
"The Big Splash" (1992 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993))
"The Mislaid Mastodon" (1993 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993) and Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories (2002))
"The Honeymoon Dragon" (1993 - collected in Rivers of Time (1993) and Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories (2002))
"The Command" (1938 - collected in The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978); rewritten as "The Bear Who Saved the World" (1977, with Catherine Crook de Camp))
"The Gnarly Man" (1939 - collected in The Wheels of If and Other Science Fiction (1948), The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978), Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories (2002) and Years in the Making: the Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp (2005))
"The Hairless Ones Come" (1939)
"Asokore Power" (1940)
"Inverse Variation" (1940)
"Juice" (1940 - collected in Sprague de Camp's New Anthology of Science Fiction (1953))
"The Warrior Race" (1940 - collected in The Wheels of If and Other Science Fiction (1948) and Years in the Making: the Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp (2005))
"The Wheels of If" (1940 - collected in The Wheels of If and Other Science Fiction (1948) and The Virgin & the Wheels (1976))
"Invaders From Nowhere" (1941)
"The Best-Laid Scheme" (1941 - collected in The Wheels of If and Other Science Fiction (1948))
"Throwback" (1949 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"In-Group" (1952 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"Proposal" (1952 - collected in Sprague de Camp's New Anthology of Science Fiction (1953))
"The Blunderer" (1952)
"The Guided Man" (1952 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963) and The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978))
"The Ordeal of Professor Klein" (1952)
"The Saxon Pretender" (1952 - collected in Sprague de Camp's New Anthology of Science Fiction (1953))
"The Soaring Statue" (1952)
"The Space Clause" (1952 - collected in Sprague de Camp's New Anthology of Science Fiction (1953) and Footprints on Sand (1981))
"Cornzan the Mighty" (1955 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"Gratitude" (1955 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"Judgment Day" (1955 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963) and The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978))
"Possession" (1955)
"Impractical Joke" (1956 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"Internal Combustion" (1956 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"New Arcadia" (1956 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"The Egg" (1956 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"Wyvernhold" (1956)
"A Thing of Custom" (1957 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"Let's Have Fun" (1957 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963))
"Aristotle and the Gun" (1958 - collected in A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales (1963), Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories (2002) and Years in the Making: the Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp (2005))
The Complete Compleat Enchanter (1989 omnibus including: "The Roaring Trumpet" and "The Mathematics of Magic" [aka The Incompleat Enchanter], The Castle of Iron, Wall of Serpents, and The Green Magician) (with Fletcher Pratt)
The Enchanter Reborn (1992) (L. Sprague DeCamp and Christopher Stasheff), includes: "Professor Harold and the Trustees," "Sir Harold and the Gnome King," "Sir Harold and the Monkey King," "Knight and the Enemy," and "Arms and the Enchanter"
The Exotic Enchanter (1995) (L. Sprague DeCamp and Christopher Stasheff), includes: "Enchanter Kiev," "Sir Harold and the Hindu King," "Sir Harold of Zodanga," and "Harold Shakespeare"
"Two Yards of Dragon" (1976 - collected in The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978), The Incorporated Knight (1987) and Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories (2002))
"The Coronet" (1976 - collected in The Incorporated Knight (1987))
"Spider Love" (1977 - collected in The Incorporated Knight (1987))
"Eudoric's Unicorn" (1977 - collected in Footprints on Sand (1981) and The Incorporated Knight (1987))
"Nothing in the Rules" (1939 - collected in The Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales (1970), The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978) and Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories (2002))
"Retirement" (1940)
"The Hardwood Pile" (1940 - collected in The Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales (1970) and The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978))
"Mr. Arson" (1941 - collected in The Undesired Princess (1951) and The Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales (1970))
Footprints on Sand: a Literary Sampler (with Catherine Crook de Camp). (Advent Publishers, 1981). Collection of tributes to de Camp by various authors, together with selected stories, essays and poems by both de Camps.