The plot is set during the First French Empire in Corsica, which composer and librettist visited together, looking for local colour.
Raphaël, ermite ("hermit") (baritone)
Tébaldo, de la famille de Piétra Néra ("of the Piétra Néra family") (tenor)
Bursica, porcher, serviteur des Fabiani ("pigherder, servant of the Fabiani [family]") (bass)
Nunciata, de la famille des Fabiani ("of the Fabiani family") (soprano)
Margarita, sœur de lait de Vanina ("foster sister of Vanina") (soprano)
Vanina, petite-fille de Nunciata ("granddaughter of Nunciata") (contralto)
Parents, serviteurs des deux familles Piétra Néra et Fabiani
("Parents, servants of the two families: Piétra Néra and Fabiani")
^Ratner, Sabina Teller. Camille Saint-Saëns, 1835-1921: A Thematic Catalogue of His Complete Works. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2002. 0198163207
^Saint-Saëns, Camille. L'ancêtre. vocal score title page. Paris: Durand et Fils, 1906.