Between 2001 and 2006, Grecsó worked as an editor for the Bárka [hu] literary journal in Békéscsaba. From 2007 to 2009, he was a lead editor of the Nők Lapja women's magazine. In 2009, he became the lead editor of the prose and essay section of Élet és Irodalom. From 2006 to 2009, he served as vice-president of Szépírók Társasága [hu] ("Belletrists' Association").[2][3]
In 2001, he achieved widespread fame with his short story collection Pletykaanyu ("Gossip Mom").[4] This was followed by a number of successful novels: Isten hozott ("Welcome", 2005),[5]Tánciskola ("Dance School", 2008),[6]Mellettem elférsz ("There's Room for You Beside Me", 2011),[7]Megyek utánad ("I Follow You", 2014),[8]Jelmezbál ("Costume Ball", 2016)[9] and Vera (2019).[10]
He is married to Judit Árvai, a press relations associate of the Magvető publishing house.[14] In 2019, they adopted a girl, Hanna.[15] In October 2018, Grecsó was diagnosed with HPV-associated head and neck cancer. He recovered in early 2019.[16]
Angyalkacsinálás (1999; poetry)
Pletykaanyu (2001; short stories)
Isten hozott (2005; novel)
Tánciskola (2008; novel)
Mellettem elférsz (2011; novel)
Megyek utánad (2014; novel)
Jelmezbál: Egy családregény mozaikjai (2016; novel)