Before the I was folded (2009) - Installation into which Buch integrated the first ever sculpture made by a group of chimpanzees. With this work the discourse about ape culture and the question of art beyond the human context was critically relaunched within the contemporary art discourse.[6]
The Lover (2012) – Installation and 'life-gesture' / over 100 days at dOCUMENTA (13).[7]
later, Goliath. And then started humming (2013) – Candy paintings, reminiscent of paintings by Kasimir Malevitch and Barnett Newman, appear in different international collections of modern painting until they have been licked away.[8]
untitled (holes) (2014) - a one-off concert in cooperation with Iko Birk [9][10]
Such prophecies we write on banana skins. (triangulation of criminal grace) (2015) – a two-channel HD video projection / soundscape commissioned and produced by 14th Istanbul Biennial. The work suggests an unending major explosion of a landmark art institution on one channel and a complete detonation of Mount Everest on the other channel. In this work Buch expands on a recurring theme in her work, suggesting a necessity for a continued inner dissolution and reconfiguration of images, notions and categories that we tend to create and maintain within human thinking. Buch was the only German artist represented at the 14th Istanbul Biennial.[16]
It’s normal that reality happens. (these games will fall apart) (2016) - Abstract game field made of white marble lines, laid into the lawn of a public park in Merano, challenging the game/play dichotomy and the drawing of lines and borders at large.[17]
EXECUTION SEMANTICS for a necessary criminal (2016) - Solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Bremerhaven.[18]
“One of the things that baffles me about you is that you remain unmurdered.” (2012–2016) [19]