The Krida Wacana Christian University (UKRIDA or Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana) is a privateuniversity in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was founded on January 20, 1967, as Universitas Kristen Djaja.[1] UKRIDA was founded in 1967 under the GKI Synod of West Java. UKRIDA has three campuses and two teaching hospitals, with 5 faculties and 14 study programs, of which two study programs are new study programs, namely Applied Bachelor Optometry (the first and only one in Indonesia) & Diploma (D3) Nursing . Not only that, currently UKRIDA is also developing the concentration of Biomedical Engineering in the Electrical Engineering study program. All study programs have been accredited by BAN-PT. Ukrida also equips its students with soft skills programs to be ready to enter the career world.
Founding and early history
On the initiative of several leaders of the West Java Indonesian Christian Church (GKI West Java Region) supported by Prof. Dr. G.A. Siwabessy (Minister of Health at the time) and Mrs. Rev. Rumambi-Kolopita (wife of the minister of information at the time), Djaya Christian University was established as a continuation of the schools under BPK Penabur (TK, SD, SMP, SMU) on January 20, 1967, with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Depdikbud RI No. 202/DPT/I/1970.
Due to the necessity to separate the management of basic, secondary, and general education from higher education, since November 22, 1990, the management of Ukrida was separated from BPK Penabur to the Christian Higher Education Foundation (YPTK) Krida Wacana.
To synchronize with the PTK Krida Wacana Foundation, the name of Djaya Christian University was officially changed on February 8, 1992, to Krida Wacana Christian University in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0106/0/1992, while still using the acronym UKRIDA.
Teaching and learning activities since 1985 until now are at Campus I Tanjung Duren; previously held at Gunung Sahari Campus, Jl. Gunung Sahari 90A, Central Jakarta. UKRIDA continues to develop its campus by establishing Campus II UKRIDA at Jalan Canal Arjuna No. 6. Campus II has been used since August 2002, especially for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UKRIDA. The next development is Campus III at Wilcon Sentra Bisnis Blok A 6A/11, specifically for the Faculty of Economics and Business as well as the UKRIDA Course and Training Institute.
Magister Management (Specialties: Marketing Management, Financial Management, Human Resources Management, School Management, Church Management, Hospital Management) [22]
Regular Program
Regular programs at UKRIDA include Diploma, Bachelor, Professional, and Master programs
Employee Class Program (Blended Learning)
Employee class lecture program (blended learning) weekdays and weekends at UKRIDA is available for the Faculty of Economics and Business
Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL)
The past learning recognition program (RPL) at UKRIDA is available for Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Informatics, Information Systems, Management, Accounting, and Optometry study programs. There are 2 types of UKRIDA RPL programs to choose from:
Type A1: never studied at university (for RPL Type A1)
Type A2: have work experience in the field of work that is in accordance with the study program to be taken
Fast-Track Program
The Fast-Track program at the UKRIDA Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science is a collaborative program with Mingchi University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, where students can obtain Bachelor and master's degrees within 5 years (3 years of Bachelor program at UKRIDA and 2 years of Master program at Mingchi University of Science and Technology). The Ukrida Fast-Track program is available for Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Informatics, and Information Systems study programs
There is also a choice of fast-track programs (S1 + S2) for the UKRIDA Faculty of Economics and Business
- Julita, Procurement Senior Manager Danone Indonesia
- Pui Sudarto, Founder & President Director Pulau Intan
- Hartono, Assistant Professor Singapore Institute of Technology