Kirino, also known as Nakamura Hanjirō (中村 半次郎), was renowned as one of the Four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu. His sword style was Ko-jigen-ryū, a branch of the high-speed Jigen-ryū . Kirino's activities during the early to mid-1860s largely centered on Kyoto. During the Boshin War, as a senior commander of Satsuma forces, he was a high-ranking officer of the new Imperial Army. It was Kirino who was the representative of the imperial army at the surrender of Wakamatsu Castle, where he received the petition for surrender from Matsudaira Katamori, the lord of Aizu.
Kirino's wife, Hisa (ヒサ), the second daughter of Chōsa Koemon (帖佐 小右衛門), was a skilled martial artist. As seen in several contemporary ukiyo-ewoodblock prints depicting the uprising, she also joined in its march to lead the women auxiliary troops. Unlike her husband, she survived, and lived until 1920.
Cultural references
Kirino appears as a character in the history-themed Getsumei Seiki, by Kenji Morita. Kirino also appears as the Army Commander in the mangaRED: Livin' on The Edge, by Kenichi Muraeda. He is also referenced in a off shoot of Eiichiro Oda's One piece called Great Detective Loomes where he is referenced as a character called Nakamura Hanzoro.
Mossman, Samuel (1880). Japan. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. p. 96.